Monster Refining System

Chapter 1428: Crazy Master

To be honest, with Xia Tian's skill, in the realm of the gods, it is almost difficult to find an opponent, even if there is no system in his body.

However, when encountering the ancestral realm, especially the ancestral realm powerhouse like the one in front of him, who has a central system in his body, Xia Xia is no opponent at all.

and so--

Soon, under the attack of the opponent, Xia Tian limply fell to the ground, covered in blood, a tragic group.

And looking at the summer in front of him, the sloppy old man also squinted his eyes, and immediately sneered.

"Haha, I didn't expect that my third brother is really a thief, but he is really willing to talk about it. I see that in your body, there are at least ten kinds of bloodline power. Such a talent is actually sent to the first place. Seven universes."

At this time in summer, the whole person's condition was not very good. He was twitching on the ground, and blood was constantly flowing out of his body. He squinted at the sloppy old man.

"So, you found me from the beginning?"

"Oh, that's not the case."

The sloppy old man smiled.

"In the tavern, I just felt that the breath on you was a little familiar, but I didn't think of it for a while. It was also when you used your fists during the selection process. I only noticed it. Your breath, including your exercises. , All come from my third brother."

"Summer, my third brother is in good health? When he left this seventh universe, he was seriously injured."

The sloppy old man looked at Xiaxia and said with a sneer.

"Hehe, at this point, don't bother you, senior. Teacher, his health is very good, at least, he will live longer than you."

Hearing Xia's words, the sloppy old man nodded.

"Okay, very good."

"It's okay, since the group of masters didn't dare to come, then forget it. Although I still have half a breath, this central system cannot fall into the hands of his people, ha ha, besides—"

The sloppy old man licked his lips and looked at the summer in front of him.

"I heard what you called him just now, are you his disciple? Haha, if I remember correctly, my third brother, but never accepts disciples, so in this way, you should be his direct disciple. Hey, I don’t know, if something happens to you, my third brother will run away."

"I thought so much, before I left, I would take another look at that third brother."

The corners of the sloppy old man's mouth formed a sneer, and immediately, he waved his hand.

Suddenly, several strong Japis hidden in the dark appeared.

"Take him down, put him in the jail, and enjoy the treatment of thirty-two hurdles. In addition, let the news be released. I will ask this kid after January."

Hearing the words of the sloppy old man, those strong men in Jiapi were all taken aback.

Because in their opinion, although this summer is strong, it does not pose any threat to the sloppy old man, and it is hard to talk about the identity of the latter, treating a junior in this way. Hearing of it by outsiders may distort their impression of Jiapi.

"Master, this kid is not in the realm of the gods. If you really offend Master, you will be killed. Why do you want to release the news..."

"Hehe, if you can figure it out, you are the master of this Jiapi, why, I still have half a breath now, is it driving you not to move?"

The sloppy old man's voice fell, and suddenly, an incomparably powerful force burst out of him!

When they felt this power, those strong men in Jiapi were also surprised, and quickly knelt down to the sloppy old man.

"The subordinates have been talking too much about the instructor's forgiveness."

"Go ahead, remember, the news should be more comprehensive, even if it is a remote universe, you must also know it."

The few Jiapi strong men were stunned when they heard the words of the former, but they smiled bitterly and went on with the summer.

After a few people left, the sloppy old man also coughed, but this cough was just a mouthful of blood being coughed up. It seems that what the outside world is spreading is true. This Jiapi's head teacher is really dying, and only half of his breath is left hanging.

It's also this time.

A figure floated into the palace of this sloppy old man.

"Brother, why did you get angry again when you felt your breath just now? And what happened to the kid just now? How do you feel that the breath on his body is so familiar."

The sloppy old man sneered when he heard the words of the person floating over.

"Familiar with?"

"It would be strange if you are not familiar with it. What? How many years have passed since, have you even forgotten the breath of your third brother?"

"Brother, do you mean, this person is the heir of the third brother?"

At the moment, the person who floated on his body also narrowed his eyes, and in those eyes, there was a hint of killing intent.

"Hehe, that's not the case, but it is the genius who was specially sent by the master. This summer, there are more than ten kinds of blood power in the body. Speaking of which, our third brother is really willing, hehe, such a person, as The chess piece was sent to Universe Seven. I really thought I was so dim-eyed that I couldn't see it. Humph!

The sloppy old man snorted coldly, and there was a **** smell in his throat, but because of the presence of this cock, he couldn't cough up the blood, so he could only hold back abruptly.

"Ten kinds of blood?"

The second child frowned, and immediately glanced at the sloppy old man.

"Big brother, this kid, it won't be that..."

"Don't worry, it's not the chosen one, I've tried it before."

"It's not good."

The second child breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have heard that Lord Quan value the Son of the Chosen very seriously. If we know that we have eliminated a Son of the Chosen in the cradle, I am afraid that we will come to the door. At that time, although our Japi’s forces will be strong, if all Lord Wang wants to kill us, all he needs is a little finger."

"Hehe, do I need your advice when I do something?"

The sloppy old man glanced at the cock.

"Don't dare..."

The second child gave a wry smile and left with a fist.

When the sloppy old man saw this, he also squinted his eyes.

"The second child, the second child, you stare at me, and you stare very tightly. It seems that the reason why you have been reluctant to test and sprint the **** is because you want to hold the two central systems and try again. It's a pity that although my eldest brother died soon, but we are brothers, we cannot be born in the same year and month, we have to die in the same year and month...

This sloppy old man licked his lips, and there was a flash of madness in his eyes...

And the madness of this sloppy old man was already known to the fathers of the previous gang.

Otherwise, it is impossible to escape from the seventh universe.

Some people are good at disguising themselves. However, over time, even the best disguise cannot contain the darkness...

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