Monster Refining System

Chapter 884: Three small benches


When Yun Liao saw that Guiluo had lost an arm, he wanted to spit out that group of master fathers. But when I thought of that group of master fathers had been merciful, otherwise, even if they blocked it, it was estimated that the group of master fathers would not spare the Ghost Luo Tianshen. Thinking of this, Yun Liao took a breath and swallowed it back with a sullen face.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

After the father of the gang cut off one of Gui Luo's arm, the arm of Gui Luo floated directly in front of the father of the gang.

The helper's father slapped his mouth.

"Tsing Yi, anyway, this is an arm of a strong man in the realm of gods, you look back for a transparent box, and put it in the most conspicuous place of my Fulinmen as a decoration. On the one hand, let us Fulinmen Disciple of, look at what the arm of a strong man in the realm of gods looks like. On the other hand, you can also show some guys who are unkind to me and provoke me. End."


When the help master's father said something, the Yunliao Palace Master sprayed out a mouthful of old blood.

This gang of master fathers, ha ha, you said that if the arm is cut, it will be cut. As a result, what is so special about it? ? ?

Didn't this slap them in the face of the Grand Shrine on purpose?

But, they didn't dare to say anything. After all, if they angered the master fathers, maybe the master fathers really killed Gui Luo. At that time, their loss to the Great Shrine will be really great.

"it is good……"

Master Tsing Yi took a breath, but he didn't expect that his father's behavior would be so sharp. After a wry smile, he took the arm of Ghost Luo.

At this moment, Gui Luo's aura finally recovered a little, and now he lost an arm, and suddenly fell into the realm of the **** emperor.

Although he scolded his mother in his heart, but looking at his gang leader's father who glanced at him from time to time, all his grievances and complaints could only be hidden in his heart.


The helper father seemed to have thought of something.

"How can I say that the Great Shrine is also a guest. Find a few Fulinmen disciples and give them benches like the Yunliao Palace Master and others. Let them sit and wait."


Master Tsing Yi gave a wry smile, but he dared not say anything. Instructed the Fulinmen high-level not far away to move three small benches.

"Don't you need to find three chairs?"

The one who moved the small bench was a guardian of Fulinmen.

Hearing the words of the protector of this **** emperor realm, he rolled his eyes for the main father.

"What chair do you want? Did they really let them lean back leisurely, didn't they? Give them a small bench, and it will be considered as a face for them. Chairs? They are not worthy!"

The words of the helper's father echoed throughout the sky.

Everyone sucked in cold air. Only the three Yunliao squeezed a smile.

"Hehe, thank you brother, it's okay, small bench, very good."

With that, the three of them waved their hands, and the small bench came under their buttocks.

I also saw that all three of them were seated.

The helper's father smiled:

"However, Yunliao, we said yes. If that Zhanpaku is in the hands of my Fulinmen disciples, then everything is easy to say, if it is really captured by your disciples from the Great Palace. Then, you can just It’s not as simple as sitting on a small bench. If that Zhanpaku is snatched by you, then the people who come to the Great Shrine this time, including the three of you, don’t think about leaving."


Although the helper's father was smiling, the threat was already very straightforward.

Although the Yunliao trio were angry, they did not dare to ask, nor did they dare to speak.

Yunliao originally planned well.

The reason why Gui Luo was only allowed to bring Tiandao and others over was because he calculated that this group of master fathers would not show up like before.

After all, this group of master fathers has not appeared for tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years.

But unfortunately, this group of master fathers appeared, and with such a strong momentum, they wanted to fight their lives in the Grand Shrine.

In fact, Tsing Yi's worries are fine.

Fulinmen was indeed not ready for a thorough battle with the Grand Shrine.

But in other words.

Their Grand Shrine was not ready for a battle with Fulinmen either.

To put it simply, if this Fulinmen didn't have the number one person to help the master's father, then Fulinmen would have been destroyed by the Great Shrine.

But by the way, there is such a figure as the father of the gang master.

No one knows whether the realm of the gods is the highest realm.

Because no one has ever reached a higher level than the realm of the gods.

And if there is.

Then, that person must be the helper father.

It's as if it's also the realm of the gods, that day, the Dao can be an enemy to the crowd.

Therefore, Yun Liao never thought about whether the strength of the helper's father was higher than that of the **** of the day. He just simply felt that the helper's father had no opponent in the realm of the gods.


When the father of the original helper didn't show up, Yun Liao thought, Tian Dao and others must get the heart of the third realm, which is the soul of the battle.

but now……

He just thought about...

I hope that Tiandao and others are not so lucky, and they can get that battle spirit.

If he did get it, to be honest, he would have to go up and give Heavenly Dao a kick, and then let him return the battle spirit to Fulinmen.

the reason is simple……

What he conspired is a conspiracy.

But when this conspiracy surfaced. Especially the person to be targeted, that is, the helper father, it is still special now. Why sent them a small bench.

Do you say how big his Yun Liao heart is? Let Tiandao return to the blessing with the spirit of battle?

of course--

That holy place, after all, is a holy place.

Even if it's a helper father, he won't break into it directly without special circumstances.

So what is going on inside, or rather, what is going on, and the result, no one knows.

Everyone, with their own minds, waited anxiously there...

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