Monster Refining System

Chapter 885: Half cold

Xia Fukun and others didn't know everything that happened outside, and even if they knew, they wouldn't have time to take care of them.

In other words, even if Dao knew that day, the gang leader's father might be at the door of the God of War Mountain, but if Xia Fukun really had the Bliss System in his body, then he wouldn't be able to let Xia Fukun go!

Sometimes, there are some benefits that can really be played with their lives.

The temptation of the system to any strong person is infinite.


In front of the Dao that day.

Whether it was Xia Fukun or the tombstone that had ingested Xia Fukun's blood, and even displayed his life and death skills, they were all half-kneeling on the ground, with an incomparably sluggish breath.

In front of them.

Although Dao's situation was not good that day, he was still standing anyway.

And at this moment, in the hands of Dao Dao, there is also a long sword.

That long sword, inserted into the ground, was like a cane to let Dao Dao hold his arm.

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"Hehe, I really underestimated the two of you. I was forced to be like this for the first time by someone of the same level."

Tiandao sneered and looked at the two bodies in front of him who were about to get up.

And at the moment.

Xia Fukun also gritted his teeth.

"Tombstone, did Xue Qian successfully enter the Six Colors of Fortune? If we succeed in entering, we will be able to retreat."

Xia Fukun is not the kind of person who wants to escape whenever he encounters danger and encounters difficulties. But indeed, the strength of this Heavenly Dao is too terrifying. If you give him a period of time, then maybe he can defeat this heavenly Dao. but not now.

"It's hard to say... the six colors of blessed land."

Tombstone smiled bitterly and shook his head. He had never entered the six-color blessed land.

But according to the previous situation.

The guardian monster beasts of the five-color blessed land are already in the realm of the mid-term great perfection of the gods. When it comes to the six colors of blessed land, at least, it is also the realm of the great perfection in the later stage of the gods.

Now Xue Qian, like them, is in a wounded state. The monster beast of the late Dzogchen has at least 35 to 40 million Nebula powers. Xue Qian wants to get it done. To be honest, It's difficult.

"Don't whisper there, give your opponent a certain amount of respect, thank you."

Seeing Xia Fukun and the tombstone talking in a low voice, Tiandao couldn't help frowning and shouting.

"Ha ha……"

Xia Fukun is also fascinated, and so is the way of heaven. At this time, come and tell yourself this to the tombstone? ? ?

"To be honest, I originally came here this time for the battle soul, but there is no way. Who can let your body have the third-ranked bliss system among the top ten systems?"

As soon as Tiandao finished saying this, the tombstone beside him couldn't help but glance at Xia Fukun.

"Do you have a system in your body?"

When Xia Fukun used the Free Extreme Yi skill earlier, the tombstone felt a little strange, because there is no system, how can it be possible to use the great celestial skill? However, because the father of the helper later appeared, the Tombstone and Xue Qian transferred more of their minds to the father of the helper, ignoring this point.

Now, that day Dao mentioned another sentence, and the tombstone reacted instantly.

"Ha ha."

Xia Fukun smiled faintly.

"If I had a system in my body, could I still make him jump like this?"

"I did have the bliss system before. This free bliss system was given to me. But then, my bliss system was snatched away..."

Xia Fukun gave a wry smile, and in his mind, the appearance of Yang Yang who couldn't be the Immortal Venerable resurfaced in his heart.

Brother Lian was snatched away, which was a scar in Xia Fukun's heart. Xia Fukun's desire to become stronger, and so desperately after entering Fulinmen, was to take back the Bliss System from Yang Yang as soon as possible.

he knows.

He is getting stronger, so Yang Yang must be getting stronger too.


One more point, it is very important.

He is becoming stronger, and Yang Yang is just recovering his strength.

Xia Fukun must enter the realm of the **** emperor one step ahead of Yang Yang, otherwise, he has no way to **** the demon refining system back in three years.


If three years have passed, the self-sealing time of the demon refining system is over, and then Yang Yang will become the new master of the demon refining system. At that time, even if he had snatched the demon refining system back, he might not be able to use it temporarily.

And if you can't get it back, it's estimated that the free power in Xia Fukun's body will also be taken back by that Yang Yang Xianzun.

"Then you are really miserable, the system can be snatched away."

When the tombstone heard Xia Fukun's words, he couldn't help but vomit.

Xia Fukun: "Haha!"

So, is it the time to talk about this now? !

Ok? !

"Have I said that you respect your opponents and don't whisper?"

Tian Dao is a little angry, and he doesn't like to repeat some words, but this Xia Fukun and the tombstone are already fish on the knife board, and they are still so disobedient. Didn't they make him angry?

"Never mind."

"Since you don't know how to promote, then I don't need to think about it for you. It is estimated that after I kill you, the Bliss system can be obtained by me, right?"

"There is also the secret of the tomb house. I am also very interested. I don't know. After I kill you, can the mark of life and death belong to me?"

Tiandao licked his lips. With the palm of his hand, he immediately pulled up the sword body that was inserted into the ground, and the sound of an ancient sword humming echoed in the God of War Mountain.


The corner of Tian Dao's mouth raised, and he was about to swing out the long sword in his hand. I saw a figure coming towards him like a cannonball.


Tian Dao was stunned for a moment, and then moved a step to the side.


The figure slammed into the wall of a big mountain behind Tiandao unbiasedly, and the whole person fell into it.

"Did you miss it?"

Tiandao was taken aback for a moment.

It was also at this time that he discovered that that figure was actually Xia Fukun and their companions, that is, Xue Qian, the second son of Fulinmen.

"what's the situation?"

After seeing that the person caught in the mountain wall was Xue Qian, Tian Dao squinted his eyes.

Then Xue Qian fainted, it must be impossible for him to launch himself as a cannonball!

and so……

In other words.

Dao was shot by someone else that day?

Thinking of this, Tian Dao's heart sank, and he quickly looked behind Xia Fukun and the other two.

It was also this look, in Tiandao's heart, half cold...

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