Monster Refining System

Chapter 886: Something almost


It was also after Tiandao turned his gaze over.

A roar came.

Immediately after--

Heaven is discovery.

The sky around this, as a whole, became gloomy.

An extremely large figure almost obscured the entire sky.


It was approaching him at a terrifying speed.


Xia Fukun was shocked when he saw this huge monster beast. The tombstone beside him couldn't help but swallowed.


Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

At such a time of excitement, did this tombstone give himself a whole food name? Why not call it wonton or dumplings?

"It's chaos, drink without warm chaos, bang Wuh chaos."

Xia Fukun: "???"

The won stew he was talking about is not to drink the warm won won, but the stew?

However, Xia Fukun also knew that this was not the time to play these word games here.


He had also heard of the word chaos before.

According to the description of the face of chaos on the earth:

Chaos, evil beast, that is, Hudun. It looks like a dog, it looks like a scorpion without claws, it has eyes without seeing, two ears without hearing, abdomen without five internal organs, walking without feet. Chaos is both chaotic and chaotic, so later generations call people who are irrelevant to right and wrong "Chaos", "Historical Records. The Five Emperors Benji" says: "The former Emperor Hong had talented scholars who concealed their own thief, so they were so evil. chaos."

It's just that it is a conjecture of chaos by human beings on earth. And no one has really seen Chaos.


In front of Xia Fukun.

A huge monster in the sky.

It is in the shape of four legs and has huge long hairs all over the body. The whole body, reaching ten thousand feet. And on its back, there are two wings inserted.

Its head is in the shape of a hollow bone, and inside the skull-like head, there is still a strange flame flickering.


When the Chaos Monster Beast reached the sky above Xia Fukun and the tombstone, it stopped. Inside the mouth, there were continuous roars.

"The Realm of God Emperor..."

Originally, both Xia Fukun and the tombstone thought that the monsters in this six-color blessed land might reach the realm of the late divine perfection. But what I never thought was...

The guardian monster beast in the six-color blessed land, shocked, has reached the realm of the **** emperor!


Not yet in the early days of God Emperor...

The breath emanating from his body, showing...

The middle stage of the **** emperor...

I don’t know how much stronger than the ancient dragon in the Divine Emperor Realm in the ancient dragon space!

And that ancient dragon, after all, there are many. And this chaos, maybe, even in this third domain, there is only this one end.

The monsters of the **** emperor's realm...

Just seeing it made the tombstone and Xia Fukun's scalp numb.

"How to do?"

The tombstone was also suddenly out of ideas.

They couldn't deal with the ancient dragon in the realm of the **** emperor before, let alone the chaos of the realm of **** emperor that was more powerful than that of the ancient dragon.

"There is a saying in our hometown..."

Xia Fukun swallowed with a "grunt".

Now, it's not about thinking about the unnatural things that day. After all, the Chaos Monster Beast in the Divine Emperor Realm was far more dangerous than that day.

After he swallowed a mouthful of water. Squeezed a smile at the tombstone:

"When you encounter a beast you can't beat, you can try to pretend to be dead, maybe... it can let you go."


He didn't expect Xia Fukun to have such an operation?

But to be honest, he thinks what Xia Fukun said makes sense!

So I couldn't help but, before Xia Fukun could react, the tombstone screamed: "Oh! I'm dead!"

When the voice fell, the tombstone fell directly on the ground, motionless.

Xia Fukun: "???"

Is this tombstone a dramatist?

Where did such exaggerated lines come from?

Xia Fukun covered her face, then patted her chest. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and then his whole body tilted his neck and fell down.

No matter it was the tombstone or Xia Fukun, the breath of the two of them was not released. It feels like these two guys are really dead.

Not far away, Tian Dao looked at Xia Fukun and Tombstone with a dazed expression. Are these two guys making fun of themselves?

Can it be useful to pretend to be dead when encountering a monster in the realm of the **** emperor?

Tian Dao was just about to taunt the two of Xia Fukun and Tombstone.

I saw--

The chaos of the **** emperor's realm actually skipped the two of them and came towards him.


"Why come to me? Aren't there still two big people there?"

Facing the tombstone and Xia Fukun, Tiandao felt contempt for all sentient beings.

But in the face of the chaos of the mid-stage of the **** emperor. To be reasonable, he persuaded.

Because everyone is not on the same level!

If this is replaced by a monster in the realm of gods, he can teach the other person to be a person in minutes.


The realm of the emperor. Ha ha ha...

"Nonsense, of course, the strongest is solved first. Those two people are not enough."

The chaos has reached the realm of the **** emperor, and it is naturally impossible to speak human words. Hearing Dao's complaint that day, he sneered. Immediately afterwards, her body suddenly became smaller.

From the original ten thousand feet, it has shrunk to less than a few meters now.

But the more so, the more dangerous the breath becomes.

The reduced volume does not mean that the energy has become weaker.

Ct change ◇ Y new fastest k up fA:.


The breath emanating from the chaotic beast is still... the breath of the mid-stage **** emperor...

Still, it was the horror and powerful energy that was difficult to defend even if it was the way of heaven.

"You should be the strongest human being in this War God Mountain? But to be honest, you are still a little bit short of it."

The Chaos Fierce Beast looked at the Heavenly Dao in front of him, and the flame in his mouth showed a mocking and despising shape...

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