Standing in front of the crack on Mount Everest, Xu Ming waved goodbye to the human soldiers guarding the place.

Then, he transformed into Ultraman Tiga in the light and entered the rift in time and space.

Although Xu Ming awakened his original form, the copying ability of the heart still exists. The original form uses the power of other Ultraman to extract light energy from the heart and add it to the original power.

Through this dark red crack, Xu Ming felt a trance.

Then it appeared in the starry sky of the universe.

In front of Xu Ming is the earth.

Without hesitation, Xu Ming turned into a stream of light and landed on the earth.

Generally speaking, the plot of Ultraman is related to the earth, so if Xu Ming wants to know which world he has come to, he has to go to the earth to find the answer.

However, as soon as Xu Ming entered the earth's atmosphere, he was violently hit in the chest by a UFO.

Then Xu Ming's center of gravity became unstable, and he and the group of UFOs fell towards the surface of the earth.

Under the pitch-black night, it rubbed against the air and produced a fiery red light, which hit the surface of the earth.

Slowly getting up from the ground, Xu Ming shook his head and shook the dirt on his head to the ground. All the dirt on his body also fell off with the help of his two palms.

The place where it fell was a mountain forest with no human habitation.

And the UFO that hit Xu Ming also got up from the ground.

It turned out to be two people... no, two Ultraman?

"it hurts!"

One of the red Ultraman pointed at the blue Ultraman beside him and said.

But the blue Ultraman began to move his muscles. Before the two could make any next move, they both discovered Xu Ming who had fallen together.

After Xu Ming saw the appearance of these two Ultraman clearly, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

It was Ultraman Rosso and Ultraman Blue.

"Long time no see, Rosso, Bru." With a wave of his hand, Xu Ming said hello to Rosso and Bru, "I'm Xu Ming, remember me."

For Xu Ming, the separation from Rossobulu was only a short year or two, but for the Rob brothers, hundreds of thousands of years had passed.

The three brothers and sisters' friend Fulla was brought back to the real world precisely so that they would not lose this friend due to time.

Now seeing Brother Rob again, Xu Ming did not bring Fula back.

"No... We are on Earth now. Does that mean the plot of Lugoset is over?"

Xu Ming suddenly reacted and looked at Brother Rob.

Xu Ming had reminded Rosso, Blue and Gricho that they must pay special attention and look for helpers if they receive this mission from Warrior Top.

I don’t know if they took it to heart.

If the plot had changed, there should be no more Rob Brothers on earth.

"Who...are you?" At this moment, Luo Suo looked at Xu Ming in confusion and asked him, "Are you also a giant transformed from a human?"

"Brother, there are other giants besides us!"

Blue also came to Rosso, pointed at Xu Ming and said in surprise.


After hearing what the other party said, Xu Ming already understood.

It seems that he still failed to change the fate of Rosso and Blue with a few simple words... However, Grigio should be on Earth now, right?

If the Rob brothers in front of us are not the original Rob brothers, then they are the two brothers Minato Koumi and Minato Yuumi in the original plot.

These two young people on the earth inherited the whirling flash of Brother Rob and received the light of Brother Rob.

There are some rumors that Minato Huohai and Minato Yonghai are the reincarnations of brothers Rob, but Xu Ming doesn't know much about this.

"I am also a human being." Xu Ming nodded and said to Brother Rob, "Do you... know the name of the giant you transformed into?"

"As for the name, we know it." The two brothers replied, "When we first became giants, there was a voice in our heads."

"That voice told me that I became Ultraman Rosso."

Minato said.

"I became Ultraman Blue."

Minato Yukai also replied.

This surprised Xu Ming slightly.

Needless to say, the two voices must be those of Rosso and Blue, but according to the original plot, the two brothers have been separated by Lugoset, that is, they are dead...

If there is a sound, does it mean that Rosso and Blue are not dead?

"Um...I wonder what kind of Ultraman the giant you turned into is?"

Cou Huohai asked Xu Ming with doubts.

"Oh, I am now Ultraman Tiga."

Xu Ming explained.

"Tiga...I understand."

Nodding, Minato Huohai looked at his brother.

I saw Minato Yonghai controlling Blue's body, condensing a beam of energy, and then turning it into a blue light and shooting towards a mountain.

With a bang, the top of this mountain was blown up on the spot.

This surprised Minato Yonghai.

At this moment, the timers on the chests of the two brothers began to flash.

In the end, they both turned into particles and dissipated, returning to their human form.

Seeing this, Xu Ming also released his transformation state and landed on the ground.

Arriving in front of Minato Huohai and Minato Yonghai who were extremely tired, Xu Ming sat on the floor with them.

"Let me introduce myself again, my name is Xu Ming."

Xu Ming took out two bottles of water from the storage cup and gave them to the two brothers. Xu Ming said.

The two brothers were not polite. After taking the water from Xu Ming, they thanked him and started drinking.

After drinking the water, the two brothers also introduced themselves to Xu Ming.

"My name is Minato Houmi, and this is my younger brother, Minato Yuumi."


The two Minato brothers were quite polite. Xu Ming nodded after looking at them.

Then he asked: "Do you... have a sister?"


Minato Huohai and Minato Yonghai looked at Xu Ming defensively and did not answer.

Xu Ming was embarrassed for a moment and explained: "I'm just asking casually, don't be so hostile..."

To be honest, Xu Ming knew the result without the two brothers answering.

These two guys must have a sister, and this sister is very likely to be Minato Asahi, the incarnation of the Truth Crystal, just like in the original plot.

"Okay, we do have a sister, but why do you ask?"

Minato Huohai took out a breath and asked Xu Ming.

"It's nothing, I just think it's nice to have a sister."

There was no explanation, and Xu Ming had no intention of telling the two about the Truth Crystal.

After all, the Truth Crystal modified everyone's memories, and even modified the data on this earth, making everyone think that Minato Houmi and Minato Yuumi have a biological sister named Minato Chaoyang!

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