Monsters invaded and I was resurrected as a giant of light

Chapter 600 Airancheng without the influence of Uub

After getting to know each other for a while, the brothers from Zilaishu asked Xu Ming various questions.

For example, how did Xu Ming become Ultraman, what was the first monster he fought, and whether there are more Ultraman in the world, etc.

Xu Ming patiently answered the questions for the two novices one by one.

Neither Minato Hokai nor Minato Yukai knew these things, which meant that the voice that told them Ultraman's name in their heads did not continue to say anything.

Otherwise, given their temperament, they would definitely pursue the matter to the end.

"I became Ultraman because people gave me the power of light."

Xu Ming recalled the first time he turned into a of light. That battle was something Xu Ming would never forget.

As for the first monster he fought, it was the Galula whom he fought with Geddy.

"There are many Ultramans in this world. There is a country called the Kingdom of Light, where they are all giants of light."

When Xu Ming finished saying this, the two brothers of the Minato family looked at the starry sky and were about to transform directly into the universe to see where the Kingdom of Light was.

But it failed to become successful.

After all, the two of them only had three minutes of transformation activity on Earth.

The night is getting darker.

The two Minato brothers also said goodbye to Xu Ming and told Xu Ming their home address so that Xu Ming could come and play when he was free.

Xu Ming summoned the battleship in front of the two brothers, and then said goodbye to the two brothers: "I live up here, usually invisible and hovering in the sky. You can come up and play when you have time."

After saying that, Xu Ming was illuminated by the light beam and entered the battleship.

Minato Huohai and Minato Yonghai were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Xu Ming to leave in such a cool way.

Although they were shocked, the two brothers went home honestly. After all, their old father was waiting at home. If they went back late, his father would be anxious.

Early next morning.

Xu Ming sat at the dining table, eating his own breakfast and watching the news on the virtual screen.

After entering the battleship, Xu Ming has made AI intelligently connect to the world's network, and can naturally broadcast news from this world.

On the screen, a man in a white suit was being interviewed.

This man's name is Airan Cheng, he is the boss of Airan Technology Co., Ltd., and he also has another identity.

That is the cosmic being from the universe, and he is also one of the villains in [Ultraman Rob] movies and TV shows.

In Xu Ming's eyes, the villain Ai Rancheng is still very cute.

Because he was once saved by Uub, Aizen regarded Uub as his idol and wanted to become Ultraman Uub.


Suddenly, Xu Ming thought of something.

Because he changed some plots, Ultraman Uub is not active in the Ultra Universe. In other words, Aizen Cheng may not have been saved by Uub.

"Then how did he survive?"

Xu Ming was confused.

According to the original plot, when Aizen was still young, he encountered a monster disaster. Then Kai turned into Ultraman Orb and solved the monster and saved Aizen.

From then on, Aizen Cheng became Uub's fanboy.

It also happened that in the next episode of [Ultraman Rob], Aizen Cheng turned into Dark Uub.

Reporters on the news have been talking about the appearance of monsters and two giants yesterday. In this city called Ayaka City, Aizen Technology is a giant, and what Aizen Cheng said also has great authority.

After introducing what happened yesterday, the reporter handed the microphone to Aizen and asked what he thought.

Aizen Cheng's actions were very funny. He took the microphone in a stiff and performative manner and said:

"I am the spreader of love and kindness, Ai Rancheng!"

"Three giant creatures appeared this time, but I can feel that the two giants have thoughts, and the giant creature is very vicious and cruel. They should not be the same kind."

"So what exactly are they?" the reporter continued to ask.

"That ferocious giant creature, I call it a monster." Aizen Cheng looked at the camera and explained, "And those two giants, I call them - Ultraman!"

"Thank you very much for your answer, Mr. Aizen. Three giant creatures have appeared in Ayaka City. People are currently panicking. We will continue to go to the front line to track and report for everyone..."

Seeing this, Xu Ming turned off the news.

Aizen Cheng, who was at the interview site, had a group of fans come after the interview.

Because Aizen Technology has made a great contribution to Ayaka City, many inventions have provided convenience to people, and now the entire city is closely related to Aizen Technology, so Aizen's popularity is also extremely high.

After this group of fans came over, a female fan was suddenly squeezed out.

At the critical moment, a man rushed out and caught the female fan.

Ai Rancheng was slightly startled when he saw this scene.

Then he hurriedly came to the man and said, "That's great, great! Your behavior implements the spirit I have always pursued! I wonder if you would like to be a guest at Airan Technology?"

"Um..." The man was a little confused and asked Ai Rancheng with doubts, "I wonder what Mr. Ai Ran's spirit is?"

Hearing the man's question, Ai Rancheng immediately stood up straight, and then replied: "That's it - when something happens, you can't sit still and wait for death!"

Time passed quickly, and Xu Ming planned to visit Brother Huohai's house at noon and have a meal.

But just as noon was about to come, a monster broke out of the ground and began to roar and destroy the city.

Xu Ming, who was high in the sky, saw this monster at a glance. It was King Black, known as the bodyguard monster.

Perhaps because of the buff that protects anyone from death, Black King acted alone this time and did not protect anyone.

And its target is the man on the ground wearing a blue coat, Minato Yonghai.

Minato Yonghai and Minato Yonghai had some minor conflicts, so they separated.

The one who came out to look for Minato Yonghai was the two brothers' sister, Minato Chaoyang.

Monsters appeared and people fled in all directions. Minato Yonghai wanted to transform, but found that his sister who was close at hand was within the range of Black King's imminent attack.

"Chaoyang, get out of here!"

Minato Yonghai, who had little transformation experience, chose to remind Chaoyang to leave first.

However, the flames in King Black's mouth had already condensed, and then one shot spurted out and was launched towards the rising sun.

At this moment, a ray of light emerged, and a huge body of silver, purple and red held up a barrier in front of the rising sun.

Chaoyang and Minato Yonghai, who thought they were about to be engulfed in flames, were slightly startled, then looked up.


Opening his mouth, Minato Yonghai said the name of the giant of light in front of him.

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