Moonlight Demon

Chapter 103: Vol. 2 - Chapter 68

Note: Again, I included a warning in the last chapter but I'll write one here. *Very* explicit chapter, incoming. If you want to skip it, make sure you read the end though.


Kaori drew so close to Keiko that she could feel her warm breath on her neck. In the dark of the room, she could just faintly see the blonde's eyes roaming her body. Her heart was thudding in her ears. Her skin was getting progressively hotter while Kaori placed her hand on Keiko's left thigh.

"W-Wait..." Keiko's voice sounded strained even to her own ears. 


"U-Um, are you sure we should be...? I mean, I only just arrived and I'm still not really settled in and everyone is outside and they can probably tell what we're doing and..." 

Kaori's teeth hovered over the side of the Zayama's neck before she closed the gap and lightly bit down on her. Keiko flinched.

"Agh..." Keiko breathed a little heavier as Kaori then dragged her tongue all the way up to her jaw. 

Behind her, the door opened and Keiko saw Ash walking in, her eyebrows raised as she saw what was happening in front of her. 

"Well, shit," Ash muttered. "Am I invited?" 

Chuckling, a drunken Kaori turned towards her and gestured for Ash to come closer. The half-demon did so, putting a hand on her hip as Kaori then drew closer and half-hugged Keiko. 

"I think," she said, with a much more sensual voice than Keiko had ever heard her speak with, "we should give our trainer the warm welcome she deserves." 

"... How?" Ash asked. 

"I'll show you~" Kaori said, "come over here." 

Keiko only felt even smaller as suddenly, there were two strong, gorgeous women in front of her. As their eyes laid into her, she looked away, feeling embarrassed under the pressure of their combined gazes. 

However, Kaori pulled her back, and once again, the two's lips were locked together. This kiss lasted far longer than the last one though, and thanks to that Keiko felt herself melting into the Savior in front of her. Kaori's lips moved against hers at a far faster pace than Keiko had expected them to, tasting like the ale she'd been drinking earlier. She struggled to keep up with every tug, every little bite and pull that Kaori performed. Am I doing this right? She wondered, opening her eyes for a moment. 

Besides them, she could see Ash focusing intently on what was happening, while Kaori on the other hand had her eyes closed, her hand squeezing slightly harshly on Keiko's thigh, as she fully committed herself to the little dance going on. 

When they finally separated, Keiko put a little bit of distance between them, trying to catch her breath. 

"Ash," Kaori said. "Come here." 

The half-demon wordlessly got closer. Keiko almost felt like the subject of an experiment the two were conducting. Kaori was about to say something, but she stopped herself and instead, whispered it into Ash's ear. 

"Okay..." Ash nodded. 


Then, Kaori's half-lidded eyes fell on Keiko again and she grinned. 

"Just relax," Kaori said. "We'll take care of you." 

"That's... sort of hard to do with both of you looking at me like this..." 

"Like what?" Kaori asked innocently. 

"I don't know. Like you're going to eat me." 

At that, Kaori chuckled.

"That is part of the plan, so..." 


Giggling, Kaori went to the side of her head, and then, Keiko felt her tongue slide up the edge of her right ear. Oh my...  Her focus had been so set on Kaori though, that she didn't notice Ash was sitting next to her until she felt another tongue on her other ear. 

Kaori's hand landed on her chest. Keiko wondered if she could feel her heart pounding against it. Kaori lightly bit her earlobe and Keiko gave a whimpering noise. Ash was as focused on her task as she would be on training, treating this almost like it was a mechanical, practiced act. Kaori's hand slid down, from her chest to her abdomen, then to her inner thighs. 

"Let's get these off," Kaori whispered to Keiko before she knelt in front of her, between her legs, and used her hand to take her pants off. 

"I, uhm, are-"

Before Keiko could ask whatever she had in her mind, Ash pulled her into a kiss that shut her up. Maybe it was because of how quickly one came after the other, but Keiko felt a stark contrast. Whereas Kaori's lips felt well-trained and soft, Ash felt like she was going off of pure desire. It was nearly overwhelming. 

Between the lips on hers, and Kaori's mouth now hovering over Keiko's core, she was starting to lose her grip on what was happening. Then, as she felt Kaori's tongue touch her labia, Keiko's back arched and she moaned into Ash's mouth.

The half-demon pulled away for a moment, her violet eyes locking with Keiko's as Kaori traced a line up and down Keiko's pussy. She was breathing heavily now, while Ash just watched her with some amazement in her eyes.  I must look so inappropriate... Keiko thought, feeling herself blushing intensely as Ash then pulled her closer, peppering little pecks on Keiko's cheeks. 

The tongue between her legs was then replaced by a pair of thin fingers. Keiko looked down and saw Kaori playing with her as Keiko's back arched a second time. This was a side of Kaori that Keiko couldn't remember seeing, at least not this intensely. She looked like a wolf with her eyes set on defenseless prey as she leaned closer and put her mouth on Keiko again so that now her hand and her tongue were working in unison. 

Keiko tried her hardest to keep her sounds muffled. She imagined that if she was too loud, the others outside would surely hear her and that was a conversation she had no interest in having. Still, it was hard to do that when Kaori was beginning to pick up speed, her tongue moving up and down as her index and middle finger worked in circles. A lewd scent was starting to fill the air. 

From the corner of her eyes, Keiko saw Ash slip a hand into her own pants as she saw this unfold. If it weren't for Ash's right hand, which had now moved to Keiko's back, the Zayama felt like she would have fallen onto the bed by now. Her body felt like it was turning into a puddle. Whoever taught Kaori to do this had taught her well because the longer she went the more Keiko started to feel something building up inside of her. 

Kaori stopped using her tongue though and instead, her two fingers came dangerously close to slipping inside of Keiko. 

"Stick your tongue out," Kaori ordered and Keiko shyly did so. Then, Kaori's own touched it and Keiko tasted herself on its tip. "Ash," Kaori said, gesturing for the half-demon again. "Here, Keiko, lay down." 


"Ash, get on top of her." 

"Hm?" Ash raised a brow, confused. 

"Trust me," Kaori told her. 

They ended up in a strange position that saw Ash upside down, above Keiko, her knees at the sides of Keiko's head. 

"Now what?" Ash asked as Keiko nearly closed her eyes. The sight above her was far too alluring. 

"What do you think?" Kaori cheekily asked. 

Well, in all honesty, I don't- OH MAGIA!

Keiko's thoughts were derailed when she felt Ash's tongue on her. 

"Keiko, return the favor, would you?" Kaori asked and now, the Zayama understood. Reaching out with her own tongue, she lightly raised her head just enough to meet Ash's lower lips and found that what she was tasting was like nothing she'd ever experienced. The closest thing she could think of was the taste of a coin as she ran her tongue on it.  Am I doing this right?  She wondered. 

"Psst, Ash," Kaori said, "see this thing right here? Suck on it a little." 

"Hm?" Keiko asked, stopping. "What do you- AH!" 

It was at this moment that a small part of Keiko's mind decided that surely, there were people who were professionals in whatever art they were partaking in and that Kaori had learned from them. Because as Ash started to integrate a little biting and pulling into her licks, Keiko could no longer focus on her own task, closing her eyes to enjoy the sensation. 

Instead, her moans escaped her lips, no matter how hard she tried to pull them back in. 

Ash must have taken that as motivation because she started going even faster. Wrapping her arms around Ash's body, Keiko tried to keep herself grounded as she opened her eyes, but now, she saw something. Some sort of tail had begun sprouting out from Ash's lower back. 

"What the...?" Keiko mumbled though she was still too distracted to stop and ask about it. 

The tail was still at first, a long purple-black thing that had a heart-shaped tip at the end. She could ignore this, but she heard a sort of cracking and saw a pair of black wings appear. 

"Uh... Ash..." Kaori said, sounding like she sobered up a little. 

Since she was so close, below her, Keiko could see that Ash's body in its entirety was changing. It grew thicker, her curves became more noticeable, her muscles more pronounced. 

Ash stopped and sat up straight, her butt pressing on Keiko's chest. From above, she looked back and down, locking eyes with Keiko. 

Her pupils were shaped like hearts, the same as the tip of her tail. Not just that, but her eyes were glowing, a violet haze covering the room. 

"Who told you to stop?" Ash asked, with a slightly altered voice. The only way Keiko could think to describe it was  distorted.  She crawled back a little, then reached back with her hands and pulled Keiko's head up, pressing Keiko's lips against her pussy. 

The taste had changed. Before it was slightly coppery, now, it was like licking vanilla. A taste that Keiko could tell the instant she got it was utterly addicting.

Keiko, undeniably, was a little scared now, but her body didn't seem to care about this development. 

Ash chuckled lowly as Keiko started up again, and then she turned to Kaori. 

"Last time was just a taste," she told the blonde. "Tonight, I want the whole thing."

Their resumed act didn't last long. Eventually, Ash got off of Keiko, and the Zayama was surprised at how she almost instantly missed the taste.

"Before I get to you though..." Ash said to Kaori, before shifting and getting on top of Keiko. "How about you and I get a little closer?" 

Keiko gulped. 

Ash's hands, transformed and resembling the stone-like, animalistic hands of a demon, were placed on the sides of Keiko's face. She got closer and parted her lips. Keiko's eyes were wide and Ash seemed to chuckle at the sight of her. 

"Open your mouth," Ash instructed and Keiko did so.

From Ash's mouth, a strange violet tongue came out. She lowered her head and the half-demon's tongue slipped between Keiko's lips, sliding deeper into her mouth. Keiko expected it to stop then, but it kept going. As her tongue nearly went into her throat, Keiko's eyes bulged out of their sockets. 

Only then did Ash pull out, and Keiko coughed. Behind them, Kaori was touching herself, just spectating.

She didn't have enough time to figure out what was on Ash's mind though, as Keiko felt something prodding between her legs. 

"Huh?" She looked down and found Ash's tail searching. Ash grinned and placed her hands on Keiko's cheeks again. Keiko kept her eyes low as Ash's heart-shaped tip sought an opening and found it. 

Finally, her tail pushed in and Keiko nearly screamed. 

Any sound that came out of her mouth was muffled though when Ash wrapped her lips around it. 

It was a feeling of pain mixed with pleasure.

"Mmm!" Keiko moaned into Ash's mouth, but the half-demon kept her steady, not allowing the sounds to escape. Then her tail slid back and went back in. Pain surged through her again, but this time, there was more pleasure than hurt. On the third and fourth pushes, Keiko was officially lost. 

Her eyes closed as Ash's tail went in and out as it pleased. Her mind went blank. 

"Ohhh~, I can feel it!" Ash moaned into Keiko's ears. She sat up straight briefly, hugging her own body. "This is... Amazing!" 

Then, Ash's hands went to Keiko's chest. With her tongue, she drew circles around Keiko's nipples, earning more whimpers from her. 

All Keiko could do was watch as the white-haired woman played with her chest as she fucked her. She lost track of time and seconds turned into minutes. Sometime later, that sensation that had been building up inside of Keiko, when Kaori was licking her down there, was back and even stronger. 

She took deep breaths as Ash continued to stroke into her with her tail, and then, the feeling flooded her. 


She arched her back, her toes curling as she felt an orgasm come over her. The strongest in her entire life, easily. It came in waves, receding with each one, until finally, she fell back, panting. 

Ash kept going for a few minutes until suddenly, her body was shaking in the same way Keiko's had been. However, something changed. 

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit!" Ash cursed loudly. "I'm... AH!" 

Her wings spread even further. Her horns grew and her tail grew thicker.

"W-What?" Keiko asked as she felt a warm liquid flooding her insides from Ash's tail.

Thanks to the glow from Ash's eyes, she saw the final transformation. 

Ash's skin turned from white to a dark violet, black lines emerging from her chest and spreading throughout her body. 

"Hahahahaha," Ash cackled. "Oh shit." 

"Ash?" Keiko asked. The half-demon looked down at her. 

"Hm?" She looked at her own hands, continuing to laugh, ignoring Keiko. "My... My form... It's not going away." 


"Last time..." Ash said. "Oh." 

"What is it?" Keiko asked, increasingly worried. 

"My Lust," Ash smirked, holding back the laughter. "It didn't go down. It went up. All the way to 4." 

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