Moonlight Demon

Chapter 104: Vol. 2 - Chapter 69


They waited for hours, even after Ash turned to Kaori and got to work on her, but her form never faded. Currently, Ash was on her knees while Kaori sat on the bed, her strange tongue sliding between Kaori's lower lips. 

"Oh, gosh, sh- agh,"  Kaori moaned as Ash grinned and continued. 

This went on for so long, Kaori pretty much passed out by the time she came. Ash didn't do the same thing to her that she'd done to Keiko though, instead, Ash simply stood by after Kaori orgasmed.

The black wings, the violet skin, the enlarged horns, and that wide grin on her face all remained throughout that time. Eventually, Kaori felt tired enough to sleep and the group decided that maybe it would fade with some more time, so, Kaori and Keiko went to sleep while Ash waited for her form to go away. 

It would be morning time when Kaori awoke again. Her eyes slowly opened as she felt something between her legs. It felt good, but strange, clashing with the headache she had, likely from a hangover. Hm? What's going on?  She thought as she yawned, trying to sit up. 

When she saw Ash, still in this weird demon form, licking her with a calm expression on her face, Kaori was startled. 

The blonde had no pants on, and Ash was currently eating her out, just as she had before she went to sleep.

"Ash..." She said. 

"Oh, you're awake," Ash smiled. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself." 

"W-What are you doing?" Kaori asked. Of course, now that the alcohol had gone away and she was realizing Ash hadn't changed back, her confidence was far shakier.

"Having breakfast," Ash replied casually. Now that it was daytime, the glow in her eyes wasn't as prominent, but it was still slightly noticeable. As Kaori's body started to register what was happening, the feeling of Ash's tongue lapping away at her lower lips became much more intense. 

Uh... Maybe this could help her change back to normal?  Kaori thought and so, she let herself fall back to the bed and allowed Ash to continue down there. Keiko slept peacefully next to Kaori as she started taking shorter, quicker breaths in response to Ash's efforts. 

"Mm. Such a sweet meal..." Ash muttered as Kaori put a pillow over her own face to hide her embarrassment. 

As Ash persisted, Kaori found herself having an orgasm just a few minutes later. 

Ash stopped. Kaori put some effort into sitting back up after she'd calmed down. Ash was still the same. The half-demon yawned, staring down at her own demonic hands as Kaori searched for her pants. 

"Um... Any difference?" Kaori asked. 

"Hm?" Ash turned to look at her with calm, unconcerned eyes. "No. It's fine though. I don't feel any different... Haha." 

She chuckled a little, stretching. As she did, Kaori's eyes took in her image. Now that it was daytime, she could see her just a little bit better. Her body was still as toned as it had been before, but she was just generally  bigger in almost every way. Her arms, her legs, her breasts, her shoulders, her waist, her hips, her thighs. The half-demon stood up and while she had already been tall before, now she stood two, maybe even three heads taller than Kaori did. While she had been well-endowed before, now, she was possibly the largest in that regard out of everyone Kaori knew. 

Her ears sharpened out, her lips became a little thinner and wider. All of these changes produced what Kaori had only seen once before, at the Battle of Pearl. She looked like a simple Lust Demon. 

"Like what you see?" Ash asked. 


"You're staring so much... I was wondering." 

"O-Oh, no, I was just..." 

Again, Ash looked down at herself. Kaori took a deep breath through her nose and that was when she noticed the scent. Ash had a certain smell now, like fresh chocolate, that was almost pulling Kaori towards her. 

That was no exaggeration. Kaori actively had to hold herself back from trying to get closer to bask in it. 

"Has any message appeared or anything?" Kaori asked, trying to focus on the matter at hand. 

"Hm? Oh, I guess one did. Didn't notice," Ash muttered. "Demon Form, Lust." 

"Is that it?" 

"Mhm," Ash replied. Then, she casually walked up to the bed and put a knee down on it. Kaori instinctively crawled back when she noticed that scent get stronger. 

"Uh... What are you doing?" 

"What do you mean?" Ash smirked. "We have time, don't we? We can sacrifice an hour or two... Pick up where we left off..." Ash's tone got lower with every syllable. 

However, Kaori practically leaped away from her. 

"Maybe we should check with someone else, see if anyone can tell us what's happening to you?" 

Ash rolled her eyes. 

"Fine, be boring," Ash said, starting to walk towards the door. 

"Wait!" Kaori said and Ash stopped. 

"Oh? You changed your mind?" 

"No, but you're naked." 

Ash blinked. 


"W-What do you mean 'so'??? We need to put something on you!" 

Ash narrowed her eyes at her for a moment. Then, she smiled and nodded. 

"Okay, go ahead." 

And so, Kaori started to look for something to clothe the woman in. However, they ran into a very quick issue. Nothing here fit her. Her armor, her casual clothing, Kaori was confident that if Ash tried to put any of it on, she'd tear it all. 

Hm... Maybe... Kaori thought as she looked at the sheet that she and Keiko had been using. We can probably find another one,  she thought as she snatched it off the bed, leaving Keiko exposed.  Sorry. 

Then, she walked over to her Savior's Weapon, turned it into a sword, cut a small hole in the sheet, and walked over to Ash. She only realized now that Ash had been watching her with an amused expression the entire time. 

"Done?" Ash asked. 

"Well, let's see. Uh, lower your head for me." 

"As you wish," Ash said and bent over slightly. 

It took some effort but Kaori managed to slip the sheet over her head and pull it down. The end result was that now, Ash looked like a strange monk of some sort, with her head exposed but the rest of her body covered by the sheet that just barely didn't touch the floor. 

"Well... that should work for-" 

Suddenly, she was pulled. Ash's lips found hers, the half-demon's arm snaked behind her and held her tightly. 

It was over as soon as it started though, as Ash let her go, leaving Kaori looking back at her, dazed. 

"Your lips taste so sweet," Ash said. Kaori could say the same. 

Shaking her head as she blushed, Kaori turned away. 

"... We need to find some answers and fast." 

Then, Keiko stirred on the bed. It was then that Kaori turned to look at her, and she gasped. 

In the daytime, she could see that Keiko's side of the bed was entirely stained with violet. 

"O-Oh... Right... Ash had..." 

Kaori shook her head. Focus. Just focus on this, uh... Thing that's happening.


It was breakfast time, as in, actual breakfast, not what Ash had in mind, a few hours later. The group was sitting in the bathhouse's kitchen, eating some eggs that Metsumi had prepared. Satsuhiro was at the right end of the table, his eyes closed as he ate from his dish. Metsumi was next to him, sneaking looks to the left. Opah was next to her and she hadn't even touched her plate, instead, she was staring at the person sitting at the left end. 

Keiko was hunched over, practically shrinking under the weight of someone's eyes. Kaori was opposite her, and finally, Ash was at the far left chair, smiling coyly as she ate her breakfast, all the while staring holes into the side of Keiko's head. 

"So... Explain it again for me?" Satsuhiro said. 

"W-We were hanging out," Keiko replied, "and, uhm... suddenly, she just sort of turned into this..." 

"And now, she can't turn back?" Satsuhiro asked. 

"Yeah," Kaori nodded. Ash, who was the subject of the conversation, didn't appear too interested. "Is there, uh, anyone we can ask for help or something?" 

"Hm..." Satsuhiro put his cutlery down. Crossing his arms, he thought about it. "Uhm... Maybe, well, you two can talk to the gods, can't you?" 

"Not on-demand, but, if we go to a site of power then yeah," Kaori responded. 

"We'll have to take a trip again to the one nearby. This doesn't really seem like something anyone but Magia can explain to us." 

"But... Ash," Metsumi leaned forwards, "are you feeling alright? You're not in any pain or anything, are you?" 

At that moment, it felt like Ash returned to her normal self for a brief flash. Her seductive smile faded and she looked away.

"... I'm okay," Ash plainly stated. "I'm fine." 

"Okay, but if anything feels off, let us know, okay?" 


Satsuhiro threw a few more cautious glances Ash's way, and then said:

"Maybe if we handle this, we can even get some more training in. We only have an estimated three to four days left before the siege starts." 



All in all, the half-demon had never felt better. 

As she walked through the cold streets of Sapphire, every step she took felt so much more assured. Whereas before, she'd simply ignore the scornful gazes of those around her, now, she went out of her way to smile and wave at every person whose eyes fell on her. On top of all that, her Demon Form buff was active, giving her +5 to all of her physical stats. 

"Actually..." Ash mumbled, stopping. 

"Hm?" Satsuhiro stopped as well. 

Then, Ash looked back at her wings and tried flapping them. She succeeded. 

"I should give these a test, shouldn't I?" Ash asked. 

"Hm... Sure, but you don't know the way to the Site of Power, right?" Satsuhiro asked. 

"Well, yeah, but... I'm not saying I should go there on my own, I'm just saying I can fly for a bit. Get used to it." 

Satsuhiro nodded. 

"In that case, go ahead." 

"Awesome," Ash replied. 

Then, with multiple people looking at her, she breathed in. Flapping her wings once, then twice, she got used to the feeling until finally, she lifted herself off the ground. 

Holy shit,  she thought.  Holy shit! 

Citizens all around them gawked and gave startled noises as Ash floated higher. She started laughing, feeling nothing but ecstasy go through her veins as she tried moving up, down, and to the sides. 

This feels so natural...  She thought.  It's like I've always had this form. 

Then, she looked down at her group and saw the three of them looking up at her, with some worry but largely as amazed as she was. 

Ash's eyes locked with Kaori, and the half-demon lowered back to the ground. Once here, she walked up to Kaori. 

The blonde took a step back. 

"W-Wait," Kaori said as Ash got closer. 

"Hm?" Ash smirked. 


"What? I'm not gonna do anything." 

"Hold on, I don't- AH!" 

And then, Ash grabbed her by the waist and flew up into the air. Instantly, Kaori tried her hardest to grab onto Ash, but the half-demon was holding her tightly enough already. She flew above the buildings in the city and looked down at Kaori's face. 

"Kaori," Ash said. 

"P-Put me down!" 

"Look," Ash said. 


"Trust me," Ash laughed, "just open your eyes." 

She could feel Kaori taking deep breaths due to how close they were. After a moment of silence, Kaori's eyes slowly opened. 

When she saw what Ash was looking at, her fear slowly melted, becoming astonishment. 

The land was cold and harsh from below, but up here, it was beautiful. A sheet of white covered everything nearby, save for the portal south of the city. Ahead, the land eventually changed, turning green and brown as the snow faded. Behind them, north of the city was nothing but ice and a deep blue body of water. 

"See?" Ash asked. "Worth it, right?" 

Kaori's arm relaxed a little and the blonde looked up at Ash, but there was still concern on her face. Ash was slightly annoyed at that. 

"... I guess, but... You're sure you're okay?" Kaori asked. "I-I mean, I don't know, you feel different." 

... We're up here, dozens of meters high above the streets, and she wants to ask me how I'm doing? Ash nearly scowled at her. 

"I'm fine." 

Heading back down, Ash lightly placed Kaori back where she was. A few guards had their hands on their weapons as Ash did so. 

"I'll follow from up there," Ash told the group. "I want to get used to flying. It might turn out to be useful." 


It took a couple of hours, but eventually, they were back at the Site where the girls had gone before. Where they'd received their last buff from the deities watching over them. Ash approached from the sky, lowering her altitude until she sank her bare feet into the snow, just ahead of the group. 

"Okay, I'm going in," Ash said. 

"We'll wait out here, then," Satsuhiro replied. 

Nodding, Ash walked forwards, towards the desolate ruin that was her destination. Strangely enough, the pull she felt towards the place was stronger this time, like a call from a loved one, yearning for her to walk closer. And, as she walked inside, it only took until she sat down on an old, dust-covered bench for her to pass out. 

Quickly, she was taken to a room of swirling colors. She was familiar with it enough, so, she didn't think much of it. 

What was notable though, was how it made her feel. There was a raw desire in her chest that burned hotter with every second that passed. 

What is...?  She thought as the colors began to mesh together. Soon, they swirled until they formed the figure of Magia. And, as Ash's eyes fell on her goddess, she nearly started salivating. 

"Ah," Magia said. "My champion... I see you've reached your full potential." 

Ash took a few steps closer, and every question she'd wanted to ask had turned to dust in her thoughts. She ran up and wrapped her arms around Magia, feeling like she wanted nothing more than to be closer to her. 

The goddess chuckled and Ash tried to calm down. 

What's going on?  She thought. 

"Simple," Magia replied. "This is the full expression of your demon self," Magia answered. "Honestly, it took far longer than I thought it would, but I didn't say anything as I wanted you to find out on your own. Ash," she took the girl's cheeks with her hands, "you're half Lust Demon. You do understand that by now, right?" 

Ash nodded. 

"Because of that, you're born with a certain condition. That condition being your strange relationship with sex. The short of it is this," Magia explained. "Sex, to you, is an expression of your demonic side. However, the way in which you express it is what dictates the effect." 

"What does that... I can't even think straight right now," Ash interrupted herself. 

"Yes, because at this level, Ash, you're feeling  my  lust." 


"Exactly what I just said. At this moment, the lust you feel is the same I feel. Remember? I said I made you by giving you a piece of myself. Well, this is the result. Of course, for you, it's harder to control because I've had millennia to learn restraint. You've only just picked this up yesterday, right?" 

Magia laughed. Then, casually, she turned Ash around and slipped a hand down to Ash's pussy. Here, Ash just watched as the goddess started to toy with her. 

"More about how this works for you," Magia continued, "it's simple. If you get yourself off, alone, meaning by masturbating, your Lust rating will go down. If you get yourself off however by having sex with someone else, your Lust rating will go up all the way to 4, turning you into the beautiful creature you currently are." 

"What?" Ash asked, panting as Magia continued. "But, I had sex with Kaori before and this didn't happen..."

"Because you didn't get off inside of her like you did with your other friend," Magia explained. "Remember? You filled that other girl up quite nicely," she chuckled. "That is what 'having sex' means for you. The mechanic is centered around your orgasms. If you just start and stop, the way you did with the blonde, then nothing happens. Your Lust will be entirely unaffected."

"You mean... I can't actually have sex with anyone without becoming this?" 

"Hm? Ash, you seem... Resentful? I think you're misunderstanding," Magia raised a brow at her. "The point is the opposite," Magia said. "The point is to encourage  you to have sex with people. Ash, make no mistake, this is your strongest form," she told the half-demon, "a Demon Form that doesn't go away when a fight ends. A Demon Form that doesn't require you to be hurt in order to activate it. You can remain in this form all week, all month, all year, if you so wish. Understand? That +5 to your physical attributes becomes permanent. This is meant to make you want to have sex, not to dissuade you from it." 

"But... When I'm like this, I mean, I can't think straight." 

"So?" Magia asked, genuinely confused. "What's not to like about feeling lust towards your fellow human beings?" 

"Because," Ash said, through gritted teeth, unable to take her eyes off of the goddess's hand, "I don't always want to fuck. I mean, I shouldn't always want to fuck either."

"Ugh, fine," Magia stopped. "I had hoped you'd be a little more grateful, but even if you share a part of me, you are not literally me, sadly. Fine. Listen," she turned Ash around. "If you want to go back to your regular form, all you need to do is simple." 


"Just masturbate once and you'll be your old self again," Magia shrugged. "Or, you can alternatively have someone else get you off, but... Well," she smirked, "if you get that far I don't think you'll want to leave it at just a casual session if you know what I mean. Additionally, I should let you know, getting yourself off alone, while in this form, is  far harder than it usually is, but yes. That's all you need to do. Got it?" 

"... That's it?" Ash asked as Magia walked away. 

"Yes, if you don't want to involve anyone else, go find a corner in some tavern and enjoy yourself. I'm bored now. Good luck, have a nice day." 

And with those words, Magia snapped her fingers and the room dissipated. 

Ash woke up, still in this form, with nothing but ruined seats around her. 

So... All I need to do is...

She quickly looked down at herself. 

Her hand hovered between her legs. 

I should just... 

However, then, she took it away. Standing up, stretching her wings, she took a deep breath. 

No. I should get used to this form.  Ash told herself.  She's right. It's too useful not to use. 

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