Mortal counterattack

Chapter 1: Introduction to Archery

This year's winter is extremely cold. For ordinary people, they basically stay indoors in winter, reduce activities and reduce physical consumption, so that they can waste less food.

Originally, the people had prepared enough food for the winter. Although they could not say that they had no worries about food and clothing, they would not worry about food. However, a few months ago, the court suddenly levied food and grass from the people. It was said that there was an emergency at the border and the court was about to go to war, and it also levied more than 100 grains. once.

After several collections, the people had very little food left for the winter, and they could not survive the winter at all. The three meals a day were changed to one meal, and it was still a bowl of clear gruel.

At this time, a man was sitting in front of his house, holding his head in his hands and looking quietly at the heavy snow outside the house. As the man thought, a transparent panel appeared in front of him that only he could see.

Host: Zhou Chen

Realm: None



Kung Fu: None

Martial skills: Ordinary archery (not yet started)

Strengthening points: 1

Zhou Chen looked at his attribute panel and thought, "It's been a month since I traveled through time, and I finally got some strengthening points." Then, with a thought, the panel in front of him changed.

Head: not open

Left arm: not open

Right arm: not open

Chest: not open

Left leg: not opened

Right leg: not opened


Wolf pattern (9th grade normal strength on right arm plus 3)

Unlike other time travellers, Zhou Chen has two panels, one is his own attributes panel, and the other is the equipment panel.

The wolf pattern in the inventory was accidentally obtained when he just crossed over. Coincidentally, Zhou Chen did not travel through his soul but his entire body to this world. After Zhou Chen crossed over, he directly landed in the mountain forest. .

While he was still looking confused, a white wolf that was blind in one eye pounced on him and bit him. Fortunately, a hunter passed by at that time and shot an arrow in time, which saved his life.

Zhou Chen looked at the white wolf lying on the ground and instantly became angry. He picked up a stone and threw it at the dying white wolf. This immediately ended the white wolf's pain, and then the white wolf's body floated out. A miniature white wolf.

At this time, his time travel welfare system also arrived, and a prompt appeared in front of him, "Find out whether to obtain the demon pattern, and then a smaller version of the white wolf floated into his body."

Just when Zhou Chen was thinking, a voice interrupted his thoughts: "Brother Chen, the meal is ready, let's eat."

"Okay," Zhou Chen responded and walked into the room. At this time, the food was already on the table. A woman with a good face looked up at Zhou Chen and said with a smile, "Brother Chen, eat quickly."

Zhou Chen has no family in this world. The woman is the sister of the Orion. The Orion took him home after learning that Zhou Chen had no family. The Orion was recruited into the military camp to fight at the border because of his outstanding archery skills. .

Orion knew that he could not come back alive, so he entrusted his only sister to Zhou Chen. And because Orion joined the army, his family did not hand over much food. In addition, the money exchanged by the white wolf, Zhou Chen and the others also No need to worry about food this winter.

Zhou Chen sat across from the woman and put a mouthful of wild vegetables into the woman's bowl. "Yiyao, you eat too." The woman named Leng Yiyao hummed and lowered her head to pick up the porridge in the bowl, no longer looking at the woman opposite. Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen ate the meal unhurriedly, and from time to time he served Leng Yiyao with food. Leng Yiyao was not a big eater and was full after only one bowl, while Zhou Chen ate two bowls. Xiaodie's wild vegetables were also eaten completely.

As soon as the two finished eating, there was a knock on the courtyard door outside. Leng Yiyao was about to go take a look but was stopped by Zhou Chen and said, "I'll go."

"Well, brother Chen, if you come here to borrow food, please don't do it. We don't have much food." Zhou Chen nodded in agreement and walked out.

At this time, the snow outside was a little lighter. Zhou Chen braved the cold wind and came to the door of the courtyard. At this time, the knock on the door was still ringing, "Who is here?"

Zhou Chen opened the courtyard door and saw that the person who came was an old man. Seeing Zhou Chen, the old man said without any nonsense, "Xiao Chen, I haven't eaten for several days. Can you lend me some more food? Don't worry, I will double it next year." Give it back to you”.

Sure enough, they came here to borrow food. Zhou Chen and the others have already borrowed a lot of food during this period, and this winter will not end for a long time. Zhou Chen said with a sad face, "Uncle Chen is dissatisfied with what you said about our family." There is no more food left."

Seeing that the old man was still about to speak, Zhou Chen quickly said, "Uncle Chen, it's getting late. I won't leave you here if I have something else to do. After I finished speaking, the door closed with a bang before the old man could speak."

Old Chen scolded Zhou Chen for being a stingy man and left Zhou Chen's house. Leng Yiyao had already cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks. Seeing Zhou Chen come in without waiting for him to ask, Zhou Chen said, "You guessed that I'm here to borrow food again." of".

"People in the village still have some food in their hands. They just see that my eldest brother is not at home and you are easy to talk to, so they come to borrow food every three days. Brother Chen, no matter who comes to borrow it in the future, don't lend it to him."

"Yes, I understand. By the way, how much food do we have left?"

"It's not much, but if I save a little, I can barely survive this winter."

There is no Internet in this world. People go to bed early after nightfall. Zhou Chen is no exception and lies down early after nightfall.

Zhou Chen opened his attribute panel again while lying on the bed. After a month of understanding, Zhou Chen knew that this was a world of warriors. The stronger the martial arts, the more respected people were. At this time, he had no martial arts skills, only the archery taught by the hunter.

Zhou Chen had been practicing poorly before, and he had planned to give up. Because of his physical condition, he could only barely pull the bow left by the hunter, let alone shoot arrows. However, since he had no martial arts skills to practice, Zhou Chen simply added that little strengthening point to ordinary archery.

As the points were added, a memory appeared in Zhou Chen's mind. The memory showed that Zhou Chen practiced archery day after day, but he could not shoot accurately. However, he finally achieved something one day after his disdainful efforts.

After the memory ended, Zhou Chen looked at his attribute panel again.

Host: Zhou Chen

Realm: None

Strength: 7

Speed: 2

Kung Fu: None

Martial Arts: Ordinary Archery (Entry Level)

Strength Points: 0

"Strength has reached 7 points." In addition to the system panel, Zhou Chen has another ability, which is that he can see other people's attributes as long as he wants to. The strength of a normal person is 6, while the hunter's strength was 8.

Zhou Chen could no longer suppress his excitement. He immediately got out of bed and picked up the bow and arrow hanging on the wall. This bow and arrow was left by the hunter before. Zhou Chen picked up the longbow and slightly charged it, then pulled the bowstring.

Although it was still a bit strenuous, it did not affect archery. Zhou Chen picked up the bow and arrow and quietly came to the yard. Although they were all ordinary people, the land in this mountain village was worthless and had no owner. Although the houses of ordinary villagers were not very good, the yard was not small.

Especially the hunter's yard was even larger, more than 20 meters wide. Zhou Chen put down the wooden target for archery practice, and then stood 20 meters away.

At this time, Zhou Chen's strength and vision were much better. Although it was night, he could still see the target 20 meters away.

Zhou Chen took a deep breath, then suddenly drew the bow and aimed without any hesitation. With a bang, the arrow shot out and hit the center of the target in the distance.

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