Mortal counterattack

Chapter 2 Hunting

Then Zhou Chen shot five arrows in a row, and all of them hit the bullseye accurately. Zhou Chen moved his numb right arm, "Hey, the strength is still a bit small. If you can reach the ninth level warrior, you can equip it by then." Wolf pattern, when the time comes with the power bonus, this bow will not be a problem for me."

At this time, Zhou Chen has reached the entry level of archery. Within twenty meters, Zhou Chen can hit hundreds of times, but that refers to dead objects. If it is a living object, it is a different matter.

Early the next morning, while the villagers were still sleeping, Zhou Chen had already gotten up early. He picked up his bow and arrow and went to the door of Leng Yiyao's room and gently knocked on "Yiyao".

Leng Yiyao was already a light sleeper, so when she heard Zhou Chen's voice, she immediately replied, "What's wrong, Brother Chen?"

"Yiyao, I'm going to go hunting in the mountains today."

"Ah, then I'll make you something to eat. You can go back after you finish eating."

"No need, Yi Yao, take care of yourself while I'm not at home. I'll be back before dark."

"Oh, then be careful and don't force it. It doesn't matter even if you can't catch the prey."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." After saying that, he left, closing the courtyard door for him before leaving.

Although it had snowed for a few days, it was not so heavy that it closed the mountain. Zhou Chen walked slowly towards the mountain with a bow and arrow on his back.

In this world, ordinary people cannot hunt casually. If ordinary people want to be qualified to hunt, they must obtain a hunting permit issued by the government. There are more than 200 households in their village, but they only have six hunting permits.

After walking for about an hour, Zhou Chen has just entered the ideal area for hunting. However, the weather is cold now. Although there is no snow today, there is really no prey to be seen. Not even a bird in the mountain forest can be seen. .

Zhou Chen was not in a hurry and walked slowly through the mountains and forests. The time soon came to noon, and the weather became a lot warmer. However, Zhou Chen didn't see a single prey in the whole morning. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly A sound was heard in the distance.

The sound of animals treading on the snow could be vaguely heard, and Zhou Chen slowly moved toward the direction of the sound.

When I walked in, I discovered that it was a pheasant looking for food in the snow. Obviously, this pheasant was hungry and anxious, otherwise it would not have come out to look for food. However, the ground was already covered with a layer of snow. The chance of finding food is pitiful.

At this time, Zhou Chen was only thirty meters away from the pheasant, but he did not dare to get closer. After all, he finally saw a prey. It would be a pity if he was scared away, not to mention that the pheasant was approaching. Walking towards him.

He was not in a hurry and hid behind a big tree. He took down the bow and arrow behind him and prepared himself. As long as he reached the appropriate distance, Zhou Chen would shoot out the arrow without hesitation.

The bow passed down by the old hunter is also a good bow. The range of ordinary bows is only fifty meters, but the range of this bow can reach more than one hundred meters.

However, he still couldn't hit the target at least 30 meters away, so he could only wait. The pheasant didn't seem to notice Zhou Chen's presence, and finally he entered within 20 meters of Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen did not hesitate and directly drew the bow like a full moon. Pheasant also sensed the danger at this time, but it was already too late. Before he could come, the arrow that hurriedly shot through his body.

Seeing the shot, Zhou Chen was ecstatic and ran over. At this time, the pheasant was already dead. Zhou Chen grabbed the pheasant and put it into the bag on his waist. Then he picked up the arrows on the ground and put them into the quiver. , turned around and walked down the mountain.

Zhou Chen was thinking as he walked, "Strange, why didn't the demon mark appear this time? Could it be that killing beasts does not 100% obtain the demon mark?"

Zhou Chen was thinking as he went down the mountain. On the way, he met an old hunter who was also carrying a bow and arrow. This man was also from their village.

"Hey Xiaochen, you're here to hunt too"?

"Yes, Uncle Li."

The old man known as Uncle Li looked at the cloth bag on Zhou Chen's waist and said, "You're lucky. It looks like you've caught a prey."

Zhou Chen responded, "I was lucky enough to come across a little pheasant that was frozen to death. That Li Shu Yiyao is still waiting for me at home, so I'll leave first." After that, he hurried down the mountain. Zhou Chen returned to the village almost an hour later.

The villagers were hiding in their homes to warm themselves by the fire, and few people were hanging around outside. After entering the village, Zhou Chen quickened his pace and returned home.

At this time, the courtyard door was locked. Zhou Chen knocked on the door for a long time before Leng Yiyao opened the courtyard door.

Seeing Zhou Chen come back, Leng Yiyao quickly pulled him into the room and patted the dust off him.

He still knew Zhou Chen's strength, so he didn't pay attention to the bag on Zhou Chen's waist. He just said, "Brother Chen, rest a while and I'll go cook."

Zhou Chen quickly said, "Yiyao will have extra food today," and then took out the pheasant and handed it to Leng Yiyao.

Leng Yiyao turned to look at the pheasant in Zhou Chen's hand and said with a smile, "Brother Chen, have you caught the prey?"

"Well, it's just good luck."

Leng Yiyao took the pheasant and went to work. After wandering outside for so long, Zhou Chen's hands and feet were indeed unbearable from the cold. He rushed to the market and added some firewood to the stove and started to warm it up.

While Leng Yiyao was cooking, another villager came to his house to borrow food. This time it was a young man. Zhou Chen replied without saying anything and closed the courtyard door.

The meal was ready soon. Knowing that Zhou Chen had not eaten all day, Leng Yiyao directly steamed brown rice for him. Naturally, the pheasant stewed the soup. Leng Yiyao pushed the chicken soup towards Zhou Chen. "Brother Chen, eat quickly."

Zhou Chen smiled and tore off a chicken leg and put it in Leng Yiyao's bowl. "Don't worry about me and eat it quickly." Then he tore off another chicken leg and started eating it. After he finished one chicken leg, he appeared in front of him. There is a prompt "Add 0.01 to strengthening points".

Zhou Chen was confused, what do you mean? Eating meat can also increase strengthening points? Zhou Chen tried to eat a few more bites of chicken, but as expected, he gained another 0.01 strengthening points.

Zhou Chen was so excited that he couldn't help but laugh out loud. Leng Yiyao, who was opposite him, asked with confusion, "Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Chen held Leng Yiyao's head with excited hands and kissed him directly on the forehead. He smiled and said, "I know Yiyao, I know." However, he did not notice Leng Yiyao's expression at this time. His face was already red.

Zhou Chen didn't react until Leng Yiyao stood up and said, "Brother Chen, you're so annoying" and then quickly ran back to his room.

Zhou Chen hurriedly ran to the door and pushed it, and found that Leng Yiyao had locked the door. Zhou Chen explained, "Yiyao, listen to me, I didn't mean it. I was just too happy just now, so you must Don't worry about it."

In the room, Leng Yiyao's face turned red, "Brother Chen, I'm not angry. Please hurry up and eat. I'm tired and I want to rest."

"Yiyao, I really didn't mean it. Just forgive me. I promise I will never do it again."

"Brother Chen, I really don't blame you."

At night, Leng Yiyao lay on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. All she could think about was the scene of Zhou Chen kissing her today. When he thought of this, he blushed and whispered, "Oh, I'm so embarrassed. Brother Chen is so bad."

Early the next morning, before dawn, Leng Yiyao had already gotten up and prepared meals. After Leng Yiyao hid in the room yesterday, Zhou Chen had no intention of eating.

To be honest, Leng Yiyao is really good-looking. It would be a lie to say that Zhou Chen is not moved, but after all, his brother is his savior and entrusted him to him before leaving. What he did was really too much. .

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