Mrs. Mu frowned and said seriously: "Fellow Daoist Li, don't just smile with me as soon as we meet."

The woman in the skirt smiled tenderly, and then said: "Back then, in that stone room, we sisters secretly launched a sneak attack on you in order to obtain the three-color spiritual flag. We had no intention of harming you. Please understand. "

Mrs. Mu said: "Yes, the original intention of the two of us was to **** the Sanqi Spirit Flag."


Li Feiyu was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked: "I have a question in my mind, why do you two need the Color Spirit Flag? Is there any ulterior secret in it?"

Mrs. Mu was stunned and said word by word: "It is true. It is said that the three-color spiritual flag has a long history and a long history. It was made by a famous casting master in ancient times and used 7749 kinds of special materials. , not only can be used as an array eye, but also the nemesis of magic weapons, which can effectively restrain Rakshasa incarnations and other demonic characters. However, now that Rakshasa incarnation has come out, there is no need to add magic power to the previous demon-suppressing array. , From now on, if I have the Sanqi Spirit Flag in my hand, I can effectively prevent the Rakshasa from harming the human world and killing innocent people indiscriminately."

Li Feiyu nodded, a ray of light shot out from his eyes. He did not expect that the two immortal girls actually had the noble character of exterminating demons, defending the law, and helping the world.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cast a beam of approval towards the two immortal girls.

However, he risked his life to **** the three-color spiritual flag from the Kunwu Stone Chamber. If he gave that thing away based on just a few words from Mrs. Mu, then Mrs. Mu would be too relaxed. .

 Therefore, he had to make her pay a price or use a treasure of the same level before he would hand over the three-color spiritual flag to her.

Seeing that Li Feiyu was slightly hesitant and seemed unwilling to hand over the three-color spiritual flag, the woman in Luoqun couldn't help but become a little anxious. She lightly stamped her feet and said softly: "Fellow Daoist Li, if you are willing to hand over the three-color spiritual flag, Then I will commit myself to you and follow you forever."

Li Feiyu chuckled, waved his hand to the woman in the skirt, and said calmly: "Girl, you don't have to pledge your body to me. I am now pregnant with a lot of treasures and am being hunted by the good and the evil. If you follow me in the future, I'm afraid it will fade away soon, so in a sense, if you pledge yourself to me, you will unintentionally become a burden to me, and the gain will outweigh the loss. "

 At this point, he suddenly frowned, his eyes gleamed, and he remembered an important thing in his mind.

At the beginning, before he entered the dense forest, he had met Bai Yaoyi and learned from her that the monks of both good and evil paths had learned about the news that he had swallowed the treasures in the stone chamber, and then launched a hunt for him.

However, I still remember that in that stone room, except for him, the two immortal girls, and the terrifying Shi Kui, no other monks appeared.

 In other words, it is very likely that the two immortal girls leaked the news.

Thinking of this, his face suddenly turned cold. He glanced at the two immortal girls from left to right, then patted the storage bag at his waist. Cold light flashed, and several flying swords flew out immediately, hovering above his head.

"Mrs. Mu, Miss Luo Qun, just now I had planned to use the method of equal exchange to hand over the three-color spiritual flag to you. However, suddenly an idea flashed in my mind, and I remembered something very unpleasant. "Mrs. Mu rolled her eyes, lifted a strand of hair from her ear, and said angrily: "Friend Li, what is it? It's okay for you to say it?"

The woman in the skirt curled her lips, half-smiling, glared at Li Feiyu fiercely, and said: "Oh, Fellow Daoist Li, except for the last encounter in the stone chamber, you and I have never met each other before, and the Huaxian Sect I don’t seem to have any grudges with you, and I haven’t done anything to make you unhappy. What do you mean by that?”

Li Feiyu's face was ugly, his forehead was covered with black lines, and he said solemnly: "Okay, let me ask you, who leaked the news that I swallowed the treasure? How did Zhengmo Zhengdao determine my specific location?"

Hearing this, the expressions of Mrs. Mu and the woman in the skirt changed slightly, their delicate bodies trembled slightly, and they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

 That’s right, back then in the stone room, due to the fighting between the two women and Li Feiyu, their vitality was severely damaged and their magic power was almost exhausted.

At that time, by coincidence, the old demon Gan, the young Confucian scholar, the woman in green, as well as Lin Yinping, the black-robed Taoist and other monks rushed in like a swarm of swarms.

Faced with the coercion of many monks, the two women had no choice but to betray Li Feiyu in order to protect their lives, and told him everything about the treasure he had taken.

Later, by chance, the two women met the three-headed strange bird, the guardian spirit beast of Kunwu Mountain, on the way, and got the exact address of Li Feiyu from its mouth.

So, the two women rolled their eyes and hatched a plan. They planned to use the power of good and evil to deal with Li Feiyu. When both sides fought to the death, they would gain the advantage of others.

By then, if Li Feiyu loses his fighting ability, the three-color spiritual flag will be at his fingertips.

After pondering for a moment, Mrs. Mu became slightly nervous, with a burst of cold sweat on her back. She stared at Li Feiyu and said unhurriedly: "Friend Li, to be honest, I and Junior Sister Ling really didn't betray you on purpose. At that time, we The two of them were in an extremely dangerous situation. They were threatened by the old demon, the young Confucian scholar, the woman in green, Lin Yinping, Hua Tianqi and others. If they refused to tell the whereabouts of the treasures in the stone chamber, they would immediately let them go. Our bodies were shattered and our souls were scattered.”

The woman in the skirt sighed, looked up at the gray mist in front of her, twirled a few strands of black hair in front of her forehead, and said with a wry smile: "As for why your whereabouts were suddenly leaked, it was a person from Kunwu Mountain. A three-headed spiritual bird told us that at that time, we were eager to seize the three-color spiritual flag, eliminate demons, defend the law, support justice, and complete the order given by a certain senior. We deliberately informed the old demon and the young man of your whereabouts. Confucian scholars, the woman in green, Lin Yinping, Hua Tianqi and other monks from the good and evil paths."

 Hearing the conversation between the two women, Li Feiyu finally came to a realization.

 No wonder the place he thought was very secret was discovered by Gan Laomo, the woman in green and others. It turned out that someone was leaking information from it.

As a result, he can no longer hand over the three-color spiritual flag easily. (End of chapter)

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