Chapter 548 Portrait of the Patriarch

 Otherwise, he will suddenly become a clay Bodhisattva without a temper.

After thinking for a moment, Li Feiyu felt that there was no ripples in the ancient well, and there was no ripple in his heart. He raised his chest high, put his hands behind his back, looked at the two Huaxian girls indifferently, and said word by word: "Mrs. Mu, Miss Luoqun, if you want To get the three-color spiritual flag, you must agree to four conditions."

Mrs. Mu and the woman in the skirt looked at each other, and saw a glimmer of surprise in each other's eyes. They said in unison: "Tell me, what are the conditions?"

Li Feiyu smiled slightly, crossed his arms on his chest, and said lightly: "First, during this period of time, form an escape team with me to avoid the pursuit of the young monks, Lin Yinping, Hua Tianqi and other monks. , Secondly, if you meet a Rakshasa clone on the way, you must join forces with me to deal with him. Thirdly, soon, I will go to Yinluo Sect to kill Ge Tianhao, monk Fang and other evil characters, and bring Yinluo Sect to the end. Destruction. As for the fourth condition, it is just an additional condition. You two must serve as my personal maids, serve me well, and make me happy every day. In addition, I particularly emphasize that the fourth condition is for you. A small punishment for betraying me.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Mu and the woman in Luoqun were startled. They turned to look at each other and communicated with each other using the sound transmission technique of Huaxian Sect.

After a while, the two women finally reached a consensus. A faint smile appeared on their pretty faces. They stared at Li Feiyu opposite and said in unison: "Okay, we promise you, but I hope you can keep your promise." , after we complete the four conditions, the three-color spiritual flag will be handed over to us immediately."

Li Feiyu nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, no problem!"

After saying that, the three of them slowly landed on the ground, followed a quiet and quiet path, and slowly approached the small building in front of them.

Unexpectedly, after walking only a few steps, I saw several peacocks flying out from a small building in front of me, flapping their wings quickly, blowing a gust of icy cold wind, like a tornado, mixed with A force that was extremely dark and cold swept towards Li Feiyu and the others in a surging force.

Li Feiyu made a seal with his hands and recited the incantation, and suddenly a wind-fixing bead appeared out of thin air and penetrated through the tornado.

 For a moment, the tornado stopped blowing, and pieces of ice flew everywhere, and finally landed on the ground, making a ping-pong-pong sound.

At the same time, the two immortal girls also had a thought in mind, and each offered an embroidered paper umbrella, suspended above their heads, continuously emitting a bright and dazzling brilliance, and instantly blocked the two tornadoes.

Then, Li Feiyu moved, leaving several afterimages on the spot, appearing silently in front of several peacocks, opening his mouth, and spitting out three blazing Shura holy fires, which contained a sense of silence. The aura of destruction instantly enveloped them.

Not long after, several peacocks fell off their feathers, fell to their knees on the ground, and let out a shrill cry in the sky.

Seeing this, Li Feiyu snorted coldly and shook the storage bag on his waist. The light shone brightly and emitted a powerful absorption force, and he immediately took in several peacocks.

Although these peacocks are mediocre, if their flesh and blood are used to refine an elixir or a bird puppet, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Moreover, when he killed the old demon in the cave before, he also put his natal magic weapon Wu Xin Tong Xin Mo, as well as the blood demon beads, Yin Luo Banner, etc. into the storage bag.

When he is free, he will use the Ten Thousand Weapons Yanluo refining method to refine them one by one, becoming one of his housekeeping magic weapons.

With a quick thought, Li Feiyu and Hua Xian had already stepped into one of the quiet and elegant small buildings.

 Then, Li Feiyu and the two women stood in different positions, observing the environmental layout of the small building. Generally speaking, this small building is a bit crudely built. Apart from a few tables and chairs in the center of the inner hall, there is nothing else.

On the surrounding wooden walls, there are various scrolls hanging, including some exquisitely painted works, of various types.

After the observation, Li Feiyu finally remembered the business, and quickly turned to look at the two Huaxian girls beside him, and said in an extremely serious tone: "Mrs. Mu, Miss Luo Qun, I will continue to retreat for a while. You guys will stay in Xiaozhu for the time being. Inside, wait and see what happens. If you find someone entering this place rashly, please protect me. In addition, when I successfully come out, I will give you some benefits appropriately. "

Hearing this, Mrs. Mu and the woman in the skirt turned around and walked slowly to Li Feiyu, with respectful expressions on their faces. They put their hands under their lower abdomen and said in unison: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Li, we will obey your instructions. "

 After saying that, the two women turned into a blue rainbow and flew out, disappearing.

Seeing this, Li Feiyu showed a satisfied smile and walked straight into one of the rooms, looking for a suitable place for retreat.

 Suddenly, at this moment, a cold jade stone bed caught his attention.

 There was a straw mat spread flat on top of the stone bed, and a futon placed neatly on the mat. There is something similar to a mechanism set up on the chair next to it.

And on the front of the stone bed, there was a portrait scroll hanging, which was probably a portrait of one of Kunwu's ancestors.

Li Feiyu's heart moved, and he slowly walked towards the mechanism beside the bed.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the portrait's light increased greatly, and three green light pillars flew out from it, like three sharp crossbow arrows, as fast as the wind, shooting towards his facade.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he flicked his sleeves and robes, and fired several flying swords away. Like a dense electric snake, he shattered three green light beams in an instant.

Then, he no longer hesitated, took three steps and two steps at a time, rushed to the side of the mechanism, opened his mouth, and spit out a ball of Shura's holy fire, burning brightly, burning the portrait of the Patriarch to ashes.

After everything was done, he finally relaxed and reached out to twist the mechanism.

Suddenly, with a loud roar, the cold jade stone bed miraculously turned over, revealing a dark entrance.

Seeing this, Li Feiyu was overjoyed, his eyes flashed with light, and then turned into a ray of light, as fast as lightning, and got through the entrance.

 Then, without any warning, the cold jade stone bed turned over again and returned to its original position.

At the same time, Li Feiyu was walking through a passage below. Wherever he passed, the surroundings seemed dark and he couldn't see his fingers.

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