Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 1057: Zhu Ming in ecstasy

But having said that, Wu Fan never thought that there was such a magical technique in the world. It was not until he studied it carefully that he was extremely surprised and confirmed the matter.

But after this incident, he was amazed by the wisdom of the ancients. He could not imagine what kind of genius could create such a heaven-defying technique. However, he thought that the person who created this technique must be like his second senior brother, who has an insatiable appetite for food. To resist the temptation, I have racked my brains to create a "food", but I have to say that there are really many wonders in the world.

In fact, in addition to the exercise book given to Ju Ming, Wu Fan also prepared various exercises for other people in Danding Peak, and he decided that everyone must change the major exercises. After all, there are a large number of excellent exercises for For Wu Fan, the Qingfeng Sect's skills were really low-end, and he would naturally not let his master, uncles, brothers and sisters continue to practice ordinary skills.

As for some offensive spells, defensive spells, flying escape spells and other techniques, it depends on these people's choices, but Wu Fan will definitely make everyone's strength increase a lot in a short period of time.

At the same time, when everyone heard Wu Fan's words, they all looked shocked and their hearts beat wildly.

Although the other people were not as obsessed with food as Ju Ming was, they were still greedy for this technique deep in their hearts at this moment, and their eyes were staring at the jade slip with gleaming eyes.

After all, even the two or three best techniques of Qingfeng Sect are simply incomparable to this terrifying technique.

But soon, several people looked back and couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh.

For them, this skill book was given to Ju Ming by his junior brother, so they would naturally not fight for it. Of course, even if Wu Fan asked them to choose now, they would choose the golden elixir without hesitation. After all, the skill book Even if the method is good, it is useless if it cannot advance to the golden elixir stage.

However, at this moment, Zhu Ming shouted in surprise:

"No need to choose, I want the skills and spiritual flesh."

At this moment, Ju Ming looked ecstatic, holding the jade slip tightly with both hands, as if he couldn't put it down.

His thoughts are different from others. For him, this technique is much more valuable than any precious thing in the world. After all, he could practice and enjoy delicious food at the same time, but his lifelong wish was that he never expected to have this opportunity now.

For a moment, Ju Ming was so excited that he was beyond words, as if he was having a sweet dream. No one could understand the excitement in his heart.

As for how to advance to the golden elixir stage in the future, he actually has a small idea. After all, Wu Fan just said that everyone in Danding Peak can get two golden elixirs. He doesn't believe that everyone can use so many elixirs. , if someone only uses one pill and is promoted to the golden elixir stage, then he will immediately go to beg for the remaining pill.

Although Ju Ming is said to be greedy, he is not stupid, so how could he not make plans for the future.

"Haha, okay, then Second Senior Brother, just put everything away."

Wu Fan was not surprised at all and burst into laughter. Seeing the excitement of his second senior brother, he couldn't help but feel happy.

In fact, to be honest, asking the second senior brother to choose between elixirs and exercises was just Wu Fan's joke. How could he not give him a golden elixir?

At this time, several other people also shook their heads and smiled bitterly. Naturally, they already had the answer.

As soon as Wu Fan finished speaking, Ju Ming almost did not hesitate and immediately ran towards the pieces of meat, and amidst laughter, he quickly collected all the flesh and soul.

However, everyone quit after seeing this, and asked Ju Ming to pick out some good pieces of spiritual meat to roast for everyone to try. After all, everyone had never tasted the taste of sea animal meat. At this moment, everyone was greedy and their mouths were watering.

Although Ju Ming was extremely reluctant to give up the strong request from everyone, he still took out a few pieces of spiritual meat and roasted it. Because he knew that if he didn't do this, everyone would roast him.

So everyone sat around the table again, drinking and eating meat, laughing and laughing.

But it has to be said that this time everyone was even more excited than before. Facing these rare spiritual wines and meats, a few people were afraid of eating less than others. They almost had very little time to talk, and they all feasted on it.

Especially the sea beast spiritual meat is even more delicious than the previous snow deer, and the taste can be said to be unique. Not to mention other people, even the three women Yaqin, Ruxue and Jueshuang were so excited that their mouths were full of food.

Everyone agreed that even if Ju Ming simply processed the spiritual meat, it would taste far better than the monster meat. And Ju Ming also admitted that many seasonings are added to the monster meat, purely to cover up the fishy smell of the meat.

But this sea animal meat is different. For some reason, the meat actually has a sweet and refreshing aroma. Especially after eating it, when the majestic spiritual energy fills the meridians of the body, it makes everyone have endless aftertaste and subconscious operation. Learn the exercises to digest the spiritual energy.

As a result, everyone was surprised to find that just one meal was as good as the half-month-long meditation they had been doing.

Of course, everyone understands that this will happen. After all, these souls and flesh are not ordinary things. The high level is really amazing, and everyone can greatly improve their cultivation. Half of the credit must be given. Thanks to those jars of spiritual wine.

It can be said that everyone was extremely happy with this banquet. It was not until early the next morning that a few people ended the banquet with unsatisfied feelings.

However, everyone did not return to their caves, but went straight to the summit hall.

Although everyone was a little tipsy, once the internal skills were activated, the alcohol was forced out of the body and they regained sobriety.

As for the fact that everyone had to rush to the peak hall, it was because Master Li Ning called them, so they had to get up and rush over.


At the same time…

In the peak hall, three people were sitting on the upper chairs at this moment.

The one on the right was a burly old man with red hair and red beard, and this person was Yan Fen.

And on the left was a handsome middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and star eyes. This person was none other than Xu Yao.

As for the old man sitting in the middle at the end, it was Li Ning as expected.

At this moment, the three of them were talking and laughing, and I don’t know what they were talking about.

“So that’s the case. I thought the two junior brothers came here for some reason, but don’t worry, the elders of other peaks will soon calm down and dare not mention this matter. You can leave those puppets alone.”

Li Ning smiled and shook his head, and then said to the two of them indifferently, with a look of confidence.


Yan Fen and Xu Yao looked at each other after hearing this, and they were really confused.

"Brother, you may not know that there is a lot of resentment in Qingfeng Sect now. Those elders have been talking about us behind our backs. Even when they saw us, they looked cold. If not, you are the supreme elder now, I am afraid those people would have spoken rudely to us a long time ago."

Yan Fen shook his head and smiled bitterly, with a helpless look on his face.

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