Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 1409: Boss Lu’s Favor

After a while...

Gong Yugan, Xia Yuzhu, Lu Lao, and the beast spirit king came together.

As soon as they saw Wu Fan, they seemed very happy, and then they couldn't help asking him questions, mostly asking about his experiences over the years.

In response, Wu Fan made up a lot of nonsense, without telling the truth, and sent them away with clever words.

After returning from the meeting hall, Wu Fan followed the instructions of Gan Yang and suppressed his cultivation to the early stage of the Nascent Soul, so the few people didn't find anything unusual, otherwise they would have been shocked.

In the following time, under the strong suggestion of several people, Wu Fan could only reluctantly take out his collection of good wine and entertain everyone. Of course, spiritual fruits and spiritual meat were also inevitable.

After not seeing each other for fifteen years, several people had a lot to say, mainly about their own experiences and discussing some unknown secrets.

Wu Fan also learned a lot of information from it, and there were even some things that Gan Yang and the others had never said.

Since the last trip, the five people have had a very good relationship. This time, they met without any awkwardness. When they were drinking to their heart's content, they talked about things that the outside world dared not discuss.

Just like this, a day and a night passed while drinking and chatting.

The next morning, Gong Yugan, Xia Yuzhu, and the Beast Spirit King left here, but only Lu Lao stayed.

In the following days, Lu Lao never left here again.

Since the last farewell, Lu Lao said that he would pass on his lifelong learning to Wu Fan, but Wu Fan had an urgent matter at the time and could only decline this matter. In desperation, Lu Lao gave him a manual of experience.

Now that Wu Fan has returned again, Lu Lao will naturally not regret anything and decide to stay here.

Although the two of them cannot be said to have a master-disciple relationship, Lu Lao is almost dead and has no disciples, so he cares about Wu Fan very much.

Maybe he appreciates Wu Fan's character, or maybe he doesn't want his formation method to lose its inheritance. In the days to come, Lu Lao will teach him everything he knows without any reservation.

Wu Fan also listened carefully, not daring to slack off. When they were excited, they would even set up a formation in the hall for observation.

But it must be said that Mr. Lu is worthy of being the first formation master in Beidou Domain. His understanding of the way of formation is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. Often a few words can make Wu Fan suddenly enlightened and excited.

You know, this kind of oral teaching is not something that Wu Fan can compare with by exploring and figuring out slowly on his own. Although it is a bit of a waste of time in the outside world, the result makes him feel it is worth it, because just one month of listening to the lecture is better than his ten years of figuring out in a small space.

With this comparison, Wu Fan is grateful to Mr. Lu from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, Wu Fan is not the kind of person who is greedy for cheap things. During this period of time, he has been entertaining him with good wine and meat every day, and even took out a lot of elixirs in the astonishment of the other party.

Among them are several elixirs that increase the life span, which can make the other party live for decades longer, which can be regarded as a reward for him.

It was just a pity that he was unable to help him break through the spirit transformation. After a hundred years, he still had to pass away.

After receiving the gift, Old Lu was also very pleased. In the following days, he paid more attention to Wu Fan, and even had a strict teacher's appearance and was extremely strict with him.

In this way, three years passed with questions and answers.

At this time, Wu Fan's understanding of the formation method was greatly improved, and it was no longer the same.

To put it bluntly, if he combined his personal learning, he would even dare to call himself the number one in the formation method of Beidou Domain. After all, at this time, Old Lu's ink had dried up and there was nothing to teach.

However, Wu Fan did not want to give up this opportunity. In the following time, he asked some formation methods that he could not solve in the past, all of which he had learned in the Tianlei Sect's main hall.

Although Old Lu did not know, after seeing various formations, he still gave some unique insights based on his experience, which benefited Wu Fan a lot.

Finally, the two of them started to study together. The speed of two formation masters working together was naturally much faster than that of one person. After a while, it can be said that each of them gained something.

It was not until another year later that Old Lu got up and left here.

But before he left, Wu Fan bowed deeply to him, very sincerely. For him, Old Lu was more than a thousand years old and had given him a second life. It was not too much to show him the courtesy of a younger generation. Of course, the relationship between the two was that of both teacher and friend.

In these four years, the two of them almost never left the house, except for setting up formations in the valley to verify what they had learned.

However, during this period, the Beast Spirit King, Xia Yuzhu and Gong Yugan came to visit several times, but after a drink and singing, they all left in a hurry.

Because several people knew what Wu Fan and the others were doing and didn't want to disturb them. Although Gong Yugan and Xia Yuzhu were envious, they didn't force them to stay. After all, this kind of thing is not something that can be done with shamelessness.

In the past four years, Qianlong City has been relatively peaceful, but the two armies have been fighting each other. They fight almost every year or so. Fortunately, they stop at a certain point and there are no casualties among the Nascent Soul cultivators.

But Wu Fan and Lu Lao have never participated in it. They have been studying the formation. Moreover, they are not afraid of others' opinions.

After all, Lu Lao has a different status and it is impossible for him to fight with others. To be frank, even Gan Yang and Fen Lie do not have this right.

As for Wu Fan, it is easy to explain. Anyway, he has the imperial sword in his hand, and others dare not accuse him of anything. If someone dares to be ignorant, Gan Yang and Fen Lie will help him stop it.

Don't forget, it was these two great elders who wanted to hide him and make him the trump card. If he went out to meet the enemy, his true cultivation would be exposed. Not to mention the two great monks on the enemy side, the "Spiritual Mirror" in Madam Qi's hand would also make him have nowhere to hide.

After Lu Lao left, Wu Fan did not enter the small space to practice, but concealed his body and sneaked out of Qianlong City.

However, he did not go to the east where the enemy was, but to the vast mountains outside the west of the city, which belonged to the Party B area.

After flying for hundreds of miles, Wu Fan stopped in a place filled with miasma.

The terrain here is complex, surrounded by towering mountains, towering trees everywhere, and many deep ravines. In addition, the dense miasma that can't be seen at a glance, even an ordinary Jindan period cultivator will get lost in it if he is not careful.

Wu Fan looked at the surrounding environment carefully and nodded with satisfaction.

But just when he was about to do something, a white light flashed, and Ling'er's pretty figure appeared.

"Master, what are you doing here?"

Ling'er turned her little head and looked around, and asked with a puzzled look.

"Set up the formation!"

Wu Fan didn't even look back, smiled mysteriously, stood up and flew to a deep stream in the distance.

"Set up the formation? Why set up the formation? What kind of formation? Master, are you going to verify what you have learned? But why are you here?"

Ling'er was even more confused, and hurriedly asked, but no one responded to her. In desperation, she got up and followed.

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