Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 1430: Battle of Qianlong City (V)

Wu Fan's face was gloomy and uncertain. After struggling for a while, he couldn't help but sigh to himself. To be honest, if he had sincerely escaped just now, apart from Xing Gusheng, Long Yingfeng and Madam Qi, there probably wouldn't be many enemies who could stop him. But seeing Mr. Lu's dangerous scene, he still hesitated and stopped.

After all, Mr. Lu had taught him a favor, and he really couldn't do anything without saving him, otherwise he might have inner demons in the future, which would put him at risk of going crazy when he made a breakthrough. He remembered that when he was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, that inner demon was at work. The scenes of the demonic calamity still make him frightened to this day.

Of course, Wu Fan had carefully checked just now and found that the eighth-level demon cultivator and Xing Gusheng were not nearby. Otherwise, even if he knew he was deeply ashamed, he would have fled here without saying a word.

It was precisely because he took the initiative to stop that his path was blocked by two enemy soldiers.

As for the nearby area, there is no one else. There are only three war groups closest to here, and one of them is Mr. Lu's side.

As for the remaining two, Wu Fan was not familiar with the monks from Party B, so he would not meddle in their own business. Whether these two could survive in the end would depend on their luck.

"Boy, what are you looking at? You are still thinking about others when you are about to die. You are really big-hearted. I advise you to think about how to save your own life first!"

At this moment, a thick sneer came from beside him, the sound was like a loud bell, deafening.

When Wu Fan heard the sound, he looked away from Mr. Lu and turned his head to look to one side.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man who was about 10 feet tall, with a sturdy back and waist, like an iron tower. This man looked extremely vicious, with black fur all over his body, eyes as big as copper bells, wide-mouthed fangs, and an inch-inch sword on his palm as big as a cattail leaf fan. The long armor shone with a cold light, and this appearance did not look like a human being.

"You should be the "Earth Demon Bear" in your true form, right? You, a seventh-level demon cultivator, want to take my life?"

Wu Fan looked at the person in front of him carefully and couldn't help but sneered. He could see the other person's details at just one glance. To be honest, he really didn't pay attention to a demon cultivator who was just an early stage demon cultivator.

However, Wu Fan didn't want to talk nonsense. Time was running out now and there was no room for further delay. As soon as he finished speaking, golden light flashed in his hand, and the Sky-breaking Stick appeared.

"Hey! That's not a small tone. I have never been threatened by a small early Yuanying monk since I transformed. Do you think you alone can deal with the two of us?"

However, before Wu Fan could take action, the burly man grinned and laughed loudly again.

"Haha, it's not easy to kill you two. To be honest, you are really brave. You dare to target me. I guess you have no information in the Yaoyun Mountains and have never heard of me. People, I’m afraid they wouldn’t dare to say this to me.”

Wu Fan waved the stick in his hand and joked with a smile. Of course, he was telling the truth. Most people in Fallen Dragon Realm really didn't dare to face him, even if he hadn't broken through the middle stage yet.

"What a shameless statement, you are just an early stage monk...!"

The burly man was furious when he heard this, his eyes widened and he was about to curse. However, before he could finish his words, a sharp and harsh sound came from beside him, like a crow screaming, extremely unpleasant. .

"What nonsense are you talking to him? Take the time to get rid of this person. We have other tasks to do. Be careful that the credit is taken away by others!"

The person who spoke was the other of the two, a thin and slender young man with two wings on his back. This man is also a demon cultivator, and he must be a bird, because his body is covered with black feathers, his mouth is like a beak, and there is a strand of white hair on the top of his head.

The demon looked impatient. After glancing at the burly man, it flapped its wings behind its back and rushed towards Wu Fan at a speed as fast as lightning. There were strong winds and flying sand and rocks along the way.

"Your body is a white-headed gryphon? Haha, I heard that your pair of claws are good materials for refining magic weapons. I accepted it with a smile today! Oh, by the way, don't think about making meritorious deeds. You should stay here Here it is!”

Wu Fan had just rushed towards the burly man. After hearing the words, he glanced at the lean man who was flying quickly. He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and sneered. However, his figure did not stop. Instead, he flicked his arm and pulled out a small golden sword. It shot out, but the next moment, it disappeared like a ghost.

The lean man was startled when he saw this. He had no intention of arguing with Wu Fan. He hurriedly stopped and looked around, not daring to neglect at all, because he could sense that the flying sword was extremely extraordinary, vaguely like It looks even more powerful than the top-grade ancient spiritual weapons.

But after he searched around, there was no trace of the flying sword at all. This time he was really panicked, and hurriedly held up the protective demonic energy, and at the same time blocked his chest with his sharp claws, and stood ready.

But at this moment, he felt a trace of spiritual energy fluctuation coming from his back. Although he didn't see it, he still caught it. Without a trace of hesitation, he turned around and slapped his arm behind him suddenly.

There was a loud "bang", followed closely by a scream.

What he saw was that the lean man's right hand fell from his wrist for some unknown reason, and there was a hole in his chest with blood flowing out.

On the other hand, the Tiangang Spirit-Slaying Sword rushed out from behind the man, but then turned the sword and struck the man's head again.

At this moment, the man was wailing in pain, his face was full of disbelief and fear, and he was stunned for a moment, but for just such a delay, he only felt a sharp pain in his head, and he lost consciousness after that.

Maybe he didn't know why until he died, his strong physique, which he was always proud of, plus the hardest claws on his body, couldn't even block the opponent's attack, and he died just like that.

It's a pity that he went through a long time and suffered all kinds of hardships before he finally survived the thunder tribulation and successfully transformed, but now he died inexplicably.

Of course, his sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed, but his demon pill and demon soul were still there, but he was knocked unconscious by the sword energy. Wu Fan would naturally not give up such a good material, because the demon soul was used to refine the "Beast Spirit Talisman".

But it must be said that the Tiangang Slashing Soul Sword has brought such shocking power since it was re-refined. It really made Wu Fan very satisfied. You know, the claws of the demon cultivator are not worse than the life magic weapon of the Yuanying period cultivator.

From this point of view, the sharpness of the Tiangang Slashing Soul Sword has increased a lot compared to before, and even Wu Fan was a little surprised.

"What, what...!"

The burly man in the distance witnessed his companion being killed, which frightened him so much that he couldn't help but scream. He knew clearly that his companion's strength was not lower than his, but even so, he couldn't withstand the opponent's casual attack.

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