Mortal Cultivation: Portable Space

Chapter 1445: Battle of Qianlong City (Twenty)

After doing all this, Zhou Shentong stood in the center of the Bagua diagram, looking down at Long Yingfeng with a sneer.

"Your strength is indeed extraordinary. If you have a replica of the magic treasure, even compared with the old thief Gan Yang, I am afraid it is not much worse. I didn't expect that there is such a person like you in the Beidou domain."

Looking at the sword energy flashing with cold light in the sky, Long Yingfeng's face showed a solemn expression. He knew that it was impossible to avoid this attack, so he could only choose to bear it.

As soon as the voice fell, a large amount of demonic energy suddenly surged out of his body, turning into a gray cloud, and then the light of the horn on his head flashed, and a yellow light beam shot out instantly, sinking into the cloud.

The next moment, a loud dragon roar was heard, and the dark cloud suddenly surged and deformed. In just a moment, it turned into a thousand-foot-long dragon. It shook its head and tail, opened its mouth, and dense yellow earth spikes shot out. Each one was about ten feet in size and looked extremely tough. It went straight to the sword qi.

Soon, dense explosions sounded in the sky. As far as the eye could see, clouds of smoke appeared in the air. As soon as the sword qi and earth spikes came into contact, they exploded one after another.

However, it was obvious that the sword qi shot out from the Bagua map was countless, several times more than the earth spikes sprayed by the dragon.

As soon as the fight started, the dragon was at a disadvantage. Many sword qi broke through the siege and hit it, causing it to fall straight down. On its huge body, clouds of gray smoke were also stirred up, and it wailed continuously.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Long Yingfeng was in a passive position and his strength was obviously inferior to that of the other party.

At this moment, Gong Yugan below was overjoyed and even forgot to recover from his injuries. He just watched his senior brother show his power.

At the same time, all the battle groups within a hundred miles were also attracted by this scene. After all, the noise was too loud.

However, at this moment, all the cultivators in Beidou Domain were extremely excited. Some of them couldn't help laughing. Even when they were fighting against the enemy, they no longer thought about running away, but fought with all their strength. Their confidence was doubled.

It's no wonder that everyone was so happy. Before, they thought that Party B would be completely wiped out, but no one expected that two miracles would happen in just a moment.

Let's not talk about why Zhou Shentong suddenly became a late-stage cultivator. Let's say that Wu Fan, who was supposed to be in the early stage, has now become a mid-stage cultivator.

What's even more unbelievable is that this Qingfengmen ancestor who has repeatedly created miracles actually has the strength to resist a great cultivator, and even has a slight advantage.

These incredible scenes really made the cultivators in Beidou Domain dazzled, as if they were dreaming.

As a result, Party B, which was originally lacking a great cultivator, has now miraculously equaled the other side.

This scene immediately restored everyone's confidence. In their opinion, a miracle might happen today, and it is not impossible to save the Beidou Domain.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Beidou Domain army below were also excited and flushed, and cheers came out. Now there is finally hope. Hundreds of thousands of people, led by their respective leaders and elders, are maintaining their formation and attacking more fiercely, far less lost than before.

However, the happiest people at this moment are none other than Gan Yang and Fen Lie. Wu Fan and Zhou Shentong's two battle groups have been under their watch, and even the conversation between the two sides has been heard clearly by the two.

To be honest, Wu Fan's great display of power before had already shocked the two of them. Unexpectedly, another great cultivator appeared on Party B in the end, and it was an existence that was no less than them.

This kind of result, they dared not dream of before, but now it appeared in front of them.

For a moment, the two were so excited that they couldn't express it in words. They laughed loudly and praised Wu Fan and the others.

You know, if Wu Fan and the others hadn't appeared, Beidou Domain would have been in danger of being wiped out, even all the Yuanying stage cultivators. After all, until now, no one has escaped. Even the old man Lu, who had already escaped, was unlucky and was entangled by someone again.

It can be said that Wu Fan and Zhou Shentong are the greatest contributors to Beidou Domain. They can be recorded in the history books and passed down through the ages. When people in the future discuss this war between the two domains, they will definitely mention their names.

At this moment, Taishigong, the Beast Spirit King, Xia Yuzhu, and others also admired Wu Fan very much, and turned their heads to look at him from time to time.

However, for the cheers on the Beidou Domain side, the people on the Zhuilong Domain side sighed and looked disappointed. Everyone understood that this long-planned plan had failed today.

Although they will definitely win this battle, it is obviously impossible to annihilate the other side. This battle may have to go on endlessly.

Especially Ming Qianzong and Wu Mayi, their faces were so gloomy that water could drip out, and even veins on their foreheads bulged. From time to time, they cursed loudly. The disappointment was obvious to anyone.

At the same time, Wu Fan in the distance also laughed out loud and stopped paying attention to Gong Yugan.

He really didn't expect that such a person would appear when his friend's life and death were at stake.

It seems that what Gong Yugan said to him before was not entirely right. Although Zhou Shentong was lazy, his cultivation was not behind at all. He even practiced the art of formation so exquisitely. It must be said that talent is something that people can't envy.

"Hehe, I'm sorry to disappoint you. My friend is still alive. As for you, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on for much longer."

After Wu Fan smashed several arms of the Dharma Image with a stick, he did not continue to attack, but looked at Xing Gusheng with a sneer.

In just a short while, the opponent's face became even paler, and it was obvious that he could not resist.

"Boy, don't be complacent. Don't forget that except for the four battle groups of us, the other battle groups are all yours who are struggling to hold on. With a huge difference in numbers, I want to see how long you can hold on."

Xing Gusheng was also furious at this time. He also didn't expect that this would be the result now. After hearing this, he couldn't help but get angry and said coldly.

"Really! Hehe, what if I wait until I get rid of you and go to help? Who do you think will not hold on in the end?"

Wu Fan raised his eyebrows and smiled strangely.

In fact, he had just carefully observed the battlefield. From the beginning of the war to now, the army of Party B has consumed at least tens of thousands of people.

After all, there are too many enemies and countless monsters. If it weren't for the strong military orders of Party B, the disciples kept their formation while fighting and retreating, and the defensive light curtain covered them, the death toll would probably double now.

As for Party B's Yuanying-stage cultivators, at least seven or eight have died, and the remaining ones are struggling to hold on. Some are even facing two opponents now.

Looking at the entire battlefield, except for the few killed by Wu Fan, no enemy Yuanying-stage cultivators have died so far.

Fortunately, not much time has passed since the start of the war, and the remaining Yuanying-stage cultivators of Party B should be able to hold on for a while.

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