Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 104 [Magical blood, a genius comes to visit]

"Junior Brother Xu, I have ten portions of materials for [Foundation Building Pill] and ten portions of materials for [Gathering Spirit Pill], please help me refine them!"

Huang Zhicheng looked at Xu Changan with a smile and took out two jade boxes.

At this moment, with the smile on his face, Xu Changan felt that this guy was just a farmer.

But if you really think of him as a farmer, it would be too hasty.

"Junior Brother Huang, let's talk about it after we return to the sect!" Xu Changan did not refine pills for Huang Zhicheng, but responded to him indifferently.

Xu Changan did not have a good impression of this guy who had followed Cheng Bufan everywhere and opposed him before.

He did not intend to settle accounts with Huang Zhicheng, but it was absolutely impossible for him to help Huang Zhicheng refine pills.

"Okay!" Huang Zhicheng smiled embarrassedly and put away the jade box.

"Junior Brother Xu!" Zhen Qingyan, dressed in black, said, "You have 400 points now, and there is one last game left. I can congratulate you in advance. It seems that this [Dragon Blood Bodhi] belongs to you!"

Xu Changan smiled, but he was not modest. Instead, he said, "If there are no accidents, it should be easy to get!"

At this time, there is no need to be modest.

Excessive modesty makes one appear unreal.

The result is clear. He scored 400 points, and the second place Ji Feishuang scored only 350 points. The difference between the two is 50 points.

In other words, in the last game, even if Xu Changan gets fifth place, he can still get first place.

For Xu Changan, who has a strong spiritual consciousness, getting first place in the last Dou Shen competition may still be uncertain, but if I get a top five, isn't it easy?

"Let's go!" Li Chijian said, "My junior brother has to retreat for a while, let's go back first!"

After returning to the dojo, Xu Changan checked his formation three times over and over again. After confirming that there was no problem with the formation, he waved his hand and took out the alchemy furnace.

Today, because a few drops of blood brought Xu Changan a surprise, the first thing he did when he returned to the dojo was to verify whether his blood had a positive effect on alchemy.

Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a portion of medicinal materials for refining [Gathering Spirit Pill].

Gathering Spirit Pill, he had refined it many times before.

Every time the pill was made, the quality was a mixture of some top-grade and some middle-grade, and there had never been a top-grade one.

Then, let's try it.


Xu Changan turned on the fire-gathering furnace and began to refine the pill.

There was no blood, a natural treasure, in the refining materials of the Gathering Spirit Pill, but now, Xu Changan added a few drops of his own blood.

Of course, it was not the kind of golden heart essence blood, but just the ordinary blood flowing in his veins.

However, even this ordinary blood has an incredible effect on alchemy. Xu Changan was delighted to find that his blood seemed to have a harmonizing effect on different types of juices.

In other words, after adding his blood, the alchemy can be better integrated and the properties of various herbs can be better harmonized, allowing them to blend together more perfectly.

As for the quality of the final pill, it is still hard to say.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, concentrated his mind, and began to make pills.

Time passed by little by little.

Finally, two hours later, with a clear sound from the alchemy furnace, twelve emerald green spirit-gathering pills flew out of the alchemy furnace, and were grabbed by Xu Changan and thrown into the porcelain bottle. Xu Changan's consciousness also flew out of his mind and stared at the changes in the porcelain bottle.

Buzz buzz buzz...

As the pill pattern faded, the quality of this furnace of spirit-gathering pills was also revealed.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Xu Changan took a breath and said to himself: "There are actually eight top-grade and four high-grade?"

"Oh my God... my blood is really useful!"


Taixuan Xianzong, Ji family's residence.

In a grand hall, Ji Shigu, the head of the Ji family, woke up faintly.

"Grandpa... you're awake!"

Ji Feishuang, who was watching over him, was delighted and quickly helped Grandpa up.

"Hmm..." Ji Shigu said with a grim face.

Ji Feishuang said: "Are you okay? I think your consciousness seems to have been attacked!"

"No problem!" Ji Shigu shook his head and said: "After resting for half a year, my consciousness will be restored!"

Ji Feishuang breathed a sigh of relief, but she immediately asked: "Grandpa, what's going on? Why did your consciousness suddenly attack? Did something go wrong when practicing our Ji family's skills?"

"No!" Ji Shigu waved his hand, a hint of sharpness flashed in his eyes, and said: "Hmph... In the end, it was all caused by that kid surnamed Xu!"

"At that time, I wanted to interfere with his alchemy with my consciousness, but I never expected , this cunning guy actually set up a barrier outside his body that can rebound spiritual consciousness. I didn't know why, and I suffered a great loss. Fortunately, I didn't use my full strength when I attacked him, otherwise, my soul would have collapsed today. "

"Damn it... Damn it!"

"By the way!" Ji Shigu suddenly remembered the competition and asked, "How was the competition? Did that kid make the list?"

Ji Feishuang shook her head: "I helped you leave when you fainted, and I don't know what's going on at the scene now. But don't worry, my brother will go there and he will bring back the news soon. "

"Hmm..." Ji Shigu nodded.

After dozens of breaths, Ji Changgeng, who had gone out to get information, came back.

"Not good... sister... Not good!" Ji Changgeng rushed into the house and was shocked when he saw his grandfather: "Grandpa, are you awake?"

"Hmm!" Ji Shigu said: "Changgeng, tell me, what's going on, is that kid on the list?"

"On the list!" Ji Changgeng said: "Grandpa, something bad has happened, that Xu Changan has refined eight top-grade pills and has become the champion. Now the total score has accumulated 400 points, the first place!"

"What?" Ji Feishuang and Ji Shigu shouted in unison.

Ji Shigu said again: "Impossible... Absolutely impossible!"

"How can the blood of a mere spirit beast in the Qi Refining Stage be used to refine a top-grade pill?"

"Absolutely impossible, this kid is cheating!"

"No!" Ji Changgeng shook his head and said: "Grandpa, the alchemy elder Zhu Zimu said the same thing at the time, so he gave Xu Changan another set of materials and asked him to refine the pill again on the spot!"

Ji Shigu asked anxiously: "What was the result?"

Ji Changgeng said: "The result is exactly the same, Xu Changan refined eight top-grade pills and four medium-grade pills!"

After this, both Ji Shigu and Ji Feishuang were silent.

The silent atmosphere lasted for about half an incense stick of time. Ji Shigu smiled bitterly and said, "This boy... is really a problem!"

"What should we do?" Ji Changgeng was anxious: "Grandpa, this dragon blood bodhi originally belonged to our Ji family, but now the cooked duck is about to fly away. How can this be? Why didn't the ancestor give the thing directly to me, and why did he want to win the championship? It's really unnecessary!"

Ji Shigu said: "You can't say that. The ancestor also has his own difficulties!"

"This dragon blood bodhi, in fact, belongs to the Immortal Sect, I just got it through the hands of the ancestor. So many people are watching, I definitely can't give it to you directly!"

"It's unprecedented to be able to set this competition for you!"

"Then change the rules!" Ji Changgeng said: "Change the reward. Instead of giving the Dragon Blood Bodhi, give other treasures!"

"Asshole!" Ji Shigu said: "What do you think of the face of the ancestor? The ancestor is the supreme elder of the sect, with a transcendent status. His every move affects the entire sect. How can he change his mind every day?"

Ji Shigu frowned and scolded his grandson.

But after scolding, he couldn't bear to reach out and touch Ji Changgeng's head, and said softly: "It's not that there is no other way, Feishuang...why don't you go visit that Xu Changan and ask him to withdraw from the God Fighting Competition!"

"Or, let him admit defeat in the competition, and the first place in the overall list will be yours!"

"Of course, you have to give him some benefits!"

Ji Shigu patted his storage bag and took out a bronze mirror: "This thing is called [Chunjun Mirror]. After being activated, it can shoot out a yang thunder, which is specially used to break all kinds of evil spirits. It is a top-grade spiritual weapon!"

"Take it with you. With this thing, I believe that Xu Changan is willing to give up!"

"Yes!" Ji Feishuang took the mirror, stepped out of the hall, and his body turned into a rainbow light. In a few breaths, he landed at the door of the Taixuan Sect's residence.

The Ji family's genius came to the door in person!

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