Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 105 [Reject Tianjiao, the battle of gods begins]

"Ji Feishuang?"

"Ji family... Tiantianjiao?"

The moment he saw Ji Feishuang, Cheng Bufan, the eldest disciple and leader of Taixuan Sect, couldn't speak clearly.

Although Ji Feishuang was only at the seventh level of Qi Refining, she defeated a master at the tenth level of Qi Refining in one breath.

And she was not like Xu Changan, who took shortcuts. She was all real strength.

To be honest, if he added treasures and various talismans, Cheng Bufan would not have absolute confidence that he could win the girl in front of him.

"Hello!" Ji Feishuang's face was as cold as frost. She looked at Cheng Bufan and said unceremoniously: "I'm looking for Xu Changan from your Taixuan Sect!"

"Okay, okay..." Cheng Bufan said: "Junior sister Ji, please wait a moment, I will send someone to call Xu Changan over!"

"Don't call so affectionately!" Ji Feishuang looked at Cheng Bufan with annoyance and said: "You want to be my senior brother, you are not worthy..."

"You..." Cheng Bufan was so angry that his face turned blue.

But he had no way to refute.

"No need to go through so much trouble!" Ji Feishuang said again: "Just take me to Xu Changan's dojo!"

"Junior Brother Huang, take her there!" Cheng Bufan waved his hand. He didn't want to continue to humiliate himself.

Originally, he wanted to ask Ji Feishuang what she wanted to do with Xu Changan, but now Cheng Bufan was too lazy to ask.

Huang Zhicheng brought Ji Feishuang to the door of Xu Changan's dojo.

At the door, there was a huge black-winged eagle with a fire beak waiting.

Huang Zhicheng raised his hand and a message passed through the formation and passed inside.

About three breaths later, the formation at the door of Xu Changan's hall opened with a rumble.

Ji Feishuang thought Xu Changan would come out to greet her in person, but she didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant. He just lazily said "Come in" and then fell silent.

"Damn it!" Ji Feishuang cursed in her heart, but she begged him, so she could only bite the bullet and walk into the hall.

Xu Changan was wearing a dark green robe, and at this moment he was picking a candle, letting the candlelight illuminate the hall as much as possible.

After all, it was already night.

"What do you want from me at this time of night?" Xu Changan did not even turn around, but asked while picking the candle.

This arrogant attitude made Ji Feishuang very angry.

"Clang..." Ji Feishuang did not say any more nonsense, but threw out the [Chunjun Mirror], and then said proudly: "This is a top-grade spiritual weapon. After being activated, it can shoot out a yang thunder, which can break all kinds of evil spirits and monsters, and the attack is unmatched!"

"After you take this thing, don't participate in the last battle of the gods!"

Xu Changan turned around.

Not far in front of him stood a girl in a green robe. The girl was very beautiful, but unfortunately her face was cold and unkind.

In the open space between the two, there was a mirror.

Xu Changan did not speak, turned around and continued to pick the candle.

"What's wrong with you?" Ji Feishuang was shaking with anger, and he drew out his sword and said, "Do you believe I will kill you?"

Xu Changan said, "No!"

"" Ji Feishuang was so angry that he was going crazy.

Xu Changan then turned around slowly and asked, "You came to me just to make me withdraw from the competition?"

"Yes!" Ji Feishuang's eyes narrowed.

Xu Changan asked: "Are you begging me or forcing me?"

Ji Feishuang sneered: "I beg you, are you worthy?"

"Why am I not worthy?" Xu Changan said indifferently: "During the battle of talismans, your Ji family bribed the host to target me; during the battle of pills, you secretly changed my materials, and someone attacked me with spiritual consciousness!"

"Now that you can't beat me, you use a broken mirror to bribe me and make me withdraw from the competition!"

"Shameless, despicable!"

Xu Changan laughed: "A shameless, despicable person, why are you pretending to be noble and proud in front of me?"

"You can't be proud!"

Ji Feishuang broke down directly, she waved her hand to pick up the mirror on the ground, and said: "Xu Changan, right, I will remember you..."

"Just wait for me, I will definitely beat you tomorrow!"

Xu Changan nodded: "It's useless if you beat me tomorrow, even if you beat me, you won't have a higher total score than me!"


Ji Feishuang vomited blood.

She was so angry that she trembled all over, and her already pale face turned even paler: "Xu Changan... you deserve to die..."

"Wait, anyone who offends me, Ji Feishuang, will not survive!"


Ji Feishuang sheathed her sword and turned to leave.

Xu Changan did not take Ji Feishuang's words to heart, but waved his hand to close the formation.

Is the Ji family powerful?

Of course!

Let's put it this way, crushing him, Xu Changan, is as easy as crushing an ant.

But so what?

There is no compromise on the road of cultivation.

Since it is impossible to accept the conditions of the Ji family from the beginning, and since it is destined to confront the Ji family from the beginning, it is better to be tough.

Because for Xu Changan, who has difficulty in cultivation, this [Dragon Blood Bodhi] is an opportunity.

Not fighting?

That is disrespectful to heaven, disrespectful to the road, and disrespectful to oneself!

Xu Changan stepped into the golden talisman space, then swallowed a blood bead and began to practice.

On the other hand, his consciousness condensed into an invisible flying knife, which flew out and chopped at the green tree stump.

He was doing two things at once.

While practicing the Nine Nether Blood Meridian, he also practiced the [Heavenly Emperor’s Control of the Nerve].

One day, two days, three days!

In the blink of an eye, another two hundred and ninety days passed.

Two hundred and ninety days have passed in the golden talisman space, and only twenty-nine days have passed in the outside world.

The last battle of gods was about to begin. Xu Changan did not dare to neglect, put away his skills and the nerve knife, and then the aura on his body turned into the Xuanmen aura, and he stepped out and came to the main hall. outside.

Outside, there is only one day left before the God of War Competition.

According to previous practice, Xu Changan walked to Cheng Bufan's hall.

The other brothers and sisters have already gathered here.

"Junior brother is here!" Following Li Chijian's greeting, everyone's eyes turned to Xu Changan.

Cheng Bufan also looked over, his eyes filled with anger, which seemed to turn into flames at any time.

Xu Changan asked in surprise: "Senior Brother Cheng, what is your arm..."

One of Cheng Bufan's right sleeves was empty and fluttering in the wind. It was obvious that his right arm was missing.

Cheng Bufan was furious and said, "Isn't it because of you?"

Xu Changan spread his hands: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Alas..." Huang Zhicheng next to him sighed and said, "Last time Ji Feishuang came to see you, she ran out angrily. Senior Brother Cheng was killed by her in a sneak attack just because he said one more word. An arm!"


Ah this...

Xu Changan looked innocent and said: "Senior Brother Cheng, this matter really has nothing to do with me. If you want to get angry, you should go to Ji Feishuang. Her killing you has nothing to do with me!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Chijian's mouth, and a look of gloating flashed across his face: "Senior Brother Cheng, I think our old man is right. Besides, that girl is only in the seventh stage of Qi Refining." You’re just a top-level practitioner, and you’re too cowardly. If she cuts off your arm, can’t you also cut off hers?”


This kind of crowding made Cheng Bufan vomit blood.

Cut off Ji Feishuang's arm?

He does have the ability, but... he doesn't have the courage.

"Junior Brother Xu!" Huang Zhicheng said: "I remember that you once picked a [Purple Jade Lingzhi] when you were in the sect's secret realm, and you gave it to Fu Nianzhen after his broken arm was reborn. I wonder if this thing still exists now? What if? If you have one, please take one and give it to Senior Brother Cheng so that he can be reborn after his broken arm!"

"Senior Brother Cheng is the leader of our Taixuan Sect and the face of our Taixuan Sect!"

Everyone also looked at Xu Changan.

But Xu Changan shook his head and said: "Hey... you told me earlier that the Purple Jade Ganoderma was sold by me at the Shangzong Trade Fair some time ago. You see..."


Xu Changan shook the storage bag, and hundreds of thousands of spirit stones were revealed: "130,000 spirit stones were sold!"

"I'm sorry, Senior Brother Cheng, it's not that I don't want to save you, it's just that I don't!"

"Hmph..." Cheng Bufan glared at Xu Changan fiercely, then waved his sleeves and said: "That's all, anyway, I have already reached the Great Perfection level in the Qi Refining Stage. When I break through to the foundation building realm in the future, I will use the help of transformation With this power, severed limbs can be regenerated.”

"It's getting late, you three have to participate in the God of War competition, let's go now!"

Everyone packed up their belongings and arrived at the competition site one day in advance.

The battle arena has been set up.

The God of Fighting Competition is divided into three parts: blowing candles, ringing bells, and holding beans.

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