Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 106 [The rules have changed again, four actors]

Although the God Fighting Competition is the last one, the rules of the God Fighting Competition have been announced long ago.

The God Fighting Competition is divided into three rounds.

The first round is to hit the bell!

As the name suggests, it is to hit the distant bell with your own spiritual consciousness. The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the farther the distance that can hit the bell.

Then the score will be higher.

The second round is to blow out the candles.

In a space without any interference from the spiritual consciousness, a burning candle is placed every ten feet. The contestants use their spiritual consciousness to turn into a breeze to blow out the candles.

The more candles that can be blown out at one time, the stronger the spiritual consciousness.

The score is based on the number of candles blown out.

The third round is to hold the beans.

A copper pot is hung three feet above the head of each cultivator. There are pea-sized copper beans in the copper pot, and one of them falls every once in a while.

And the contestants must hold the copper beans with their spiritual consciousness.

The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the more copper beans can be held.

Similarly, the score is based on the number.

Finally, the scores of the three games of striking the bell, holding the beans and blowing the candles were combined to rank the first to tenth place.

The reason why Xu Changan was so confident and felt that he would definitely enter the top five was because it was difficult to cheat in this competition.

Take blowing the candles and striking the bells for example. If you have a strong spiritual sense, you can blow out more. If you have a strong spiritual sense, you can strike the big bell. There is nothing wrong with this. It depends on real strength.

Even if the Ji family wants to punish me, it is very difficult to operate.

"Wait!" Cheng Bufan waved his hand and said, "The competition will start tomorrow. I wish you all good results!"

There were only three people from the Taixuanmen branch who participated in the Doushen Competition, namely Xu Changan, Ding Lan and Zhen Qingyan.

After Xu Changan sat down, naturally, the two women also sat beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

Ding Lan asked: "Brother, have you tried to blow out how many candles you can blow out in one breath?"

"Uh!" Xu Changan touched his forehead and said: "This... I really haven't tried it!"

He has been honing his spiritual consciousness and practicing the nerve knife for the past month.

He has never simulated blowing out candles and ringing bells.

"I can blow out thirty-three candles!" Ding Lan said: "Sometimes, if I perform well, I can blow out thirty-four candles!"

"That's not bad!" Zhen Qingyan next to him said: "You are only at the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage. You have such a strong spiritual consciousness, which is far beyond your peers!"

Xu Changan asked: "What about Sister Zhen, how many can you blow out?"

Zhen Qingyan smiled, and suddenly all the flowers lost their color. She did not directly answer Xu Changan's words, but opened her embroidered mouth slightly, and a fragrant wind blew towards Xu Changan.

After blowing, she also threw a coquettish eye at Xu Changan and said: "Junior brother Xu, it's about this big, what do you think?"

Xu Changan blushed and said: "You blow with your mouth..."

Zhen Qingyan covered her mouth and chuckled: "Junior brother, how many do you think I can blow out?"

Xu Changan responded a little embarrassedly: "Senior sister blows very well!"

Zhen Qingyan asked: "What do you mean very well?"

Xu Changan: "Very well means that you are very good at blowing..."

Just at this time, a disciple wearing a moon-white silk robe with golden cloud patterns embroidered on the collar walked onto the stage, and then said: "Dear disciples, I have an important thing to inform you!"

"At the request of the sect, in order to reflect fairness and justice, the rules of this Dou Shen Competition have been slightly modified!"

"I'm here to inform you, please keep it in mind!"

"What?" The participating disciples were suddenly in an uproar.

"Changed again?"

"Why change the rules?"

"Why did you only notify us when the competition was almost over?"

"What does this mean?"

Everyone was talking about it.

Almost all the disciples of Taixuan Sect turned their heads and looked at Xu Changan.

It was obvious that everyone felt that the change in the rules was definitely to deal with Xu Changan.

"Silence..." The disciple on the stage waved his hand and said, "The change in the rules is to reflect a higher level of fairness and justice. No discussion is allowed!"

"The rules are announced below!"

"The first level, ringing the bell, is changed to a group of five people. You must..."

The disciple introduced it in a torrent of words.

After hearing the end, Xu Changan's face turned black.


Targeting again.

Originally, they just took turns to ring the bell, but now they have to form a group of five.

If five people ring the bell together and fail to ring the big bell a hundred feet away, the group will be eliminated.

The same is true for the second level. Five people blow out the candles together. They must blow out all the candles in a row of a hundred feet, otherwise they will be eliminated collectively.

These two stages are considered elimination rounds, and the scores are not calculated.

Only when you reach the third stage of the bean-holding stage can you enter the finals in the true sense, and the scores will be calculated individually.

Let's put it this way, the first two of the three games have been changed.

Why change to a team competition?

You can figure it out with your toes, it's just to squeeze me, Xu Changan, to arrange four actors for me, and deliberately drag me down during the competition so that I can be eliminated directly.

Ji family, Ji family, it really has a deep foundation, and can even manipulate such a big competition?

A light curtain lit up on the stage, and the light curtain showed densely packed names, and the groups were divided.

In Xu Changan's five-member group, he had never heard of the other four people.

"Sister Zhen, we are actually in the same group?" Ding Lan looked at Zhen Qingyan happily and said, "Hahaha, I'm holding your thigh this time!"

Zhen Qingyan nodded, then looked at Xu Changan: "Junior Brother Xu, what about you?"

Xu Changan shook his head: "I guess it was arranged, let's take it one step at a time!"

The next morning, the competition officially began.

"Please enter the formation and ring the bell in the first group, and the second group will prepare!"

Coincidentally, Zhen Qingyan and Ding Lan were in the first group.

And Xu Changan was arranged in the twentieth group.

As the host shouted, Zhen Qingyan and Ding Lan walked to the square. In their group of five people, except Ding Lan, the other four were all in the great perfection of the Qi Refining Stage.

The five people entered the formation, and the picture was also transmitted to the display screen outside.


As Zhen Qingyan said this, the five people released their spiritual consciousness almost at the same time, and cooperated to become an invisible dragon, hitting a large bell hanging a hundred feet away.

How far is a hundred feet?

Very far!

For ordinary cultivators, it is difficult to release their spiritual consciousness beyond a hundred feet, let alone hitting the big bell a hundred feet away.

In previous years, those who could hit the big bell eighty feet away could easily enter the top ten of the Doushen Competition. As for those who could hit the big bell a hundred feet away with their own spiritual consciousness, it cannot be said to be unique, but only a drop in the ocean.

It can be described as a handful.

However, the spiritual power of cultivators in the cultivation world can keep warm together.

After combining the strength of everyone, this weak power can be transformed into a powerful storm. As long as it is not too bad, it will definitely hit the big bell a hundred feet away.


A melodious bell sounded.

The first group successfully hit the bell.

"Group 2, enter the formation, group 3, get ready!"




A series of melodious bell sounds were struck out.

Xu Changan roughly estimated that about two-thirds of the groups could strike successfully.

Only one-third could not strike successfully.

Ji Feishuang and her group were the eighth to appear, and naturally struck the bell without any suspense.

"Group 29, please come on stage!"

As the host said, Xu Changan walked slowly to the stage.

There were four other disciples walking with him.

Coincidentally, these four disciples were all wearing green Taoist robes with golden cloud patterns embroidered on the collars of the Taoist robes.

Xu Changan recognized that this was the uniform of the Ji family.

In other words, the four people who were grouped with Xu Changan were all disciples of the Ji family.

The four looked at each other, and then looked at Xu Changan, each of them revealing a hint of playfulness in their eyes.

Ring the bell?

No, no, no, no... We are not here to ring the bell. If we fail to ring the bell this time, it will be a great achievement for us!

"Junior Brother Xu, please!"

Four people with ulterior motives walked into the formation with Xu Changan.

In the formation, there are five cushions.

The five people sat cross-legged on the cushions, and a huge bronze bell was hung a hundred feet in front of the cushions.

"Junior Brother Xu!" One of the Ji family disciples said indifferently: "After I shout start, we will release our spiritual consciousness in turn and merge together to ring the big bell in front of us, how about it?"

Xu Changan said: "Okay!"

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