Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 117 [Minghe Riding a Crane, Inheritance at the End of Life]


Sangmu put away the stove and the cauldron, took out a black magic whip and made a defensive posture, saying: "Now that we have obtained the Chaoyuan Pill, it is meaningless to entangle with this monster. It is best to leave as soon as possible and find a place to retreat and break through!"

"When you become a Jindan Dashi, what can a mere monster do?"

"Let's leave first!"

It must be said that Sangmu's suggestion is pertinent.

However, Minghe turned his eyes and showed a complicated expression on his face: "No... My Taixuan Sect and the Demon Dao have a deep hatred. It was because of the Demon Dao that I parted ways with my best senior brother."

"I once swore in front of my master that I would kill the demons I see in this life!"

"Alas!" Taoist Sangmu said: "Okay, you kill your demons and I don't care, but I have to leave first!"

"Good luck!"

While defending against the black airflow, Taoist Sangmu divided the pill into two parts.

One porcelain bottle for each person.

After the Chaoyuan Pill was divided, Sangmu leaped up and flew into the void with the sword light.

After a few breaths, he disappeared.

"Woo woo woo woo woo..." In the bamboo forest, the bamboo flute became even colder and more sobbing!

The demonic energy that covered the sky and the sun condensed again from all around, Minghe kept waving the whisk in his hand, but the demonic energy around him was getting more and more helpless.


At some point, something suddenly fell from the sky and landed beside Minghe.

Minghe Zhenren looked down.

This was a withered corpse, and it seemed that all the blood in the body had been sucked clean.

Although the person was dead, Minghe still recognized his identity from the corpse: Taoist Sangmu.

"Fellow Taoist Sangmu!" Minghe felt a pain in his heart.

Sangmu wanted to stay away from right and wrong, but he didn't leave after all, and was killed instantly.

This shows that the opponent's strength is extremely strong.

Minghe is a bit reckless, but he is not stupid.

The opponent's strength is far superior to his. It is impossible to escape now, and he cannot win if he stays.

What to do?

Ask for help!

Fortunately, this place is only a thousand miles away from the sect. If a signal for help can be sent, the people from the sect will definitely arrive at the first time.

Ming He waved his hand and took out a black stone from the storage bag.


The spiritual energy in his body poured into the stone as if he was not afraid of death!

This stone is called [Mosquito Stone], which can stimulate brilliant lightning. If the lightning is struck into the void, the sect thousands of miles away will definitely feel the fighting atmosphere here.

Needless to say, someone will come by then.



A silver-white lightning suddenly burst out from the stone, tearing through the endless demonic energy from bottom to top, like a ten-thousand-foot-long lightning snake rushing into the void.

However, this lightning only flashed twice in less than three breaths, and was surrounded by endless demonic energy.

In theory, lightning is a magical object that can dispel all evil spirits.

But the opponent's cultivation is so powerful that forcibly using a short weapon to attack a long weapon can be effective.

"Get out of here, you who hide your head and show your tail!" Minghe saw that there was no hope of asking for help, and his fighting spirit soared layer by layer.

Woo woo woo woo...

The bamboo flute sounded again.

A huge black demonic energy oppressed the bamboo forest of ten thousand acres and slowly approached Minghe.

Above the black demonic energy, a figure dressed in black sat halfway. He wore a black headscarf and held a flute horizontally with his arms, blowing it. The only two exposed arms were as white as jade, and the skin was as delicate as snow.

The endless fighting spirit in Minghe had just soared, but after seeing this person, it suddenly collapsed. He smiled bitterly with a bit of loss of soul, and said: "Brother... is it you? You... are you still alive?"

Although he did not see the face of this person, Minghe knew the identity of the person just by his figure.

The bamboo forest was silent, like the undulating waves of the sea.

The figure sitting on the black demonic energy did not speak or move.

But at this moment, he stopped playing the bamboo flute in his hand.

Ming He took a deep breath and said, "Brother, the incident that happened more than 70 years ago was an accident. It's not your fault, nor ours. As for Chong'er, it's his own fault!"

"But why did you come here today?"

"For Chao Yuan Dan, or for revenge for Chong'er?"

Perhaps the word [Chong'er] completely stimulated the visitor, and he played the bamboo flute again!

"Woo woo woo woo..."

This time, the bamboo flute was urgent and angry.

In an instant, the black air formed a huge army and rushed towards Ming He.

In the void, countless black air formed a huge black claw like a falcon's claw, grabbing Ming He's head.

Puff puff puff...

Ming He Zhenren's several defenses were directly torn apart under this claw.

The claws were about to fall on the head of Minghe Zhenren.


A white light flashed in the distance, and a magic weapon flew over and blocked the head of Minghe Zhenren.

The magic weapon also revealed its shape, which was a scroll made of metal.

A voice came from far away: "Brother, stop... Don't hurt Minghe..."

Qingxu landed on the ground in the void!

"Brother, stop, don't hurt Brother Minghe!"


The man in black who was half sitting on the magic cloud didn't seem to lose any face because of Qingxu's appearance. His attack by the magic cloud was blocked, but a black and skinny arm suddenly came down from the void.

The speed of these black claws was unparalleled. Before Qingxu and Minghe could react, the black claws had already penetrated the chest of Master Minghe.


A stream of blood spurted out from the whooping crane's mouth.

The black claws retracted, and a bright red heart that was still beating was caught in his hand.

"Senior brother..." Taoist Qingxu said sadly.

The black claw exerted force suddenly, and Master Minghe's heart suddenly broke.

"Damn it..." Qingxu jumped up, holding the Qingguang Divine Sword and passing over the monster's head.



The monster blasted out a magic fist, sending Qingxu flying hundreds of feet away.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The flute sounded again.

By the time Master Qingxu returned to Minghe, the monster had swept away the [Chaoyuan Dan] and retreated completely.

"Senior brother...senior brother..."

Qingxu pulled the crane and shouted.

After all, Minghe is an immortal in the foundation-building stage. Although he has lost his heart, there is still some spiritual power left in his body, and he will not be exhausted for a while.

He opened his eyes, smiled and said: "Senior nephew Qingxu... Old Thirteen failed to save me..."

There was a wry smile on Qingxue's face: "Senior brother, what time has it been? Why are you kidding me?"

"Hehehe..." Minghe sat up and said: "I owe them karma. This life will be taken away by him. It's just that the inheritance of my Wanghe Peak lineage has not been handed over yet!"

Qingxu said: "Senior brother, just tell me, I will arrange it!"

"Well!" Minghe took off the sapphire finger from the index finger of his left hand, "This thing is the token of the peak master of Wanghe Peak. Please take it back, junior brother, and give it to my eldest disciple Li Chijian and let him take over Wanghe Peak." Feng, from now on, he will be the peak master of Wanghe Peak!”

"Hey!" Qingxu took the finger.

Minghe picked up another jade slip: "This is the complete [Peach Blossom Sword Technique]. That girl Nian Zhen has a good talent. Give this to her. This technique will allow her to complete the foundation building!" "

Qingxu took the second thing.

Minghe took out another green jade slip: "Qingxu, this is my top-secret inheritance of Wanghe Peak [Kurong Sutra]. It contains the Qi Refining Chapter, the Foundation Building Chapter, the Golden Pill Chapter and the Nascent Soul Chapter. Take it." After you go, help me pass it on to Old Thirteen!”

"This inheritance must never be cut off!"

In the past, when Minghe taught the Dharma, in order to ensure that the Dharma was not lost, it was passed down piece by piece.

For example, in the Kurong Sutra, he only taught Xu Changan's "Qi Refining Chapter" at the beginning.

Now that everyone is leaving, this complete inheritance will naturally be given to Xu Changan.

Qingxu took the blue jade slip, and Minghe said with some reluctance: "Junior brother, you can't look at it either!"

Qingxu said: "Don't worry, I won't watch. You also know that in my whole life, I have only been interested in Yi Shu, and I don't bother to practice anything else!"

After saying that, he asked again: "Senior Brother Minghe, are you looking for a disciple to inherit your own inheritance?"

Master Minghe smiled miserably and said: "That's all, if my three-legged cat skills are passed down, I'm afraid it will make people laugh and mislead others. Don't pass it on, don't pass it on, stop it, stop it..."

"Wherever you come from, you go wherever you go, ashes return to ashes, dust returns to dust, it's ridiculous that you will be half-mad for a lifetime, the immortal path will have no name after all!"

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