Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 118 [Chang'an returns, brothers quarrel]


A ray of light flashed across the Infinite Mountains.

Xu Changan drove the Cloud Piercing Boat to Taixuan Gate again.

Although he had the faster [Cloud Crane], this thing was Cheng Bufan's treasure after all, so Xu Changan didn't dare to use it blatantly.

"Brother, walk slowly!"

An outer sect disciple followed him and said, "Brother... Brother..."

Xu Changan slowed down.

The outer sect disciple caught up with him and said, "Sorry, I didn't see clearly that you were an inner sect disciple just now. Sorry, sorry, please do as you please!"

The disciples guarding the mountain gate had the responsibility to stop all the flying escape lights. If they were ordinary cultivators, they would be forced to walk down.

Because flying was not allowed within a hundred miles of the Taixuan Gate.

But if it was an inner sect disciple, that would be an exception.

Who dared to control the inner sect disciples?

"Okay!" Xu Changan waved his hand and drove the escape light away, but he slowed down a lot.

When he was still twenty miles away from the mountain gate, he simply put away the flying boat and walked there.

He walked to the depths of a dense forest.

"Woo woo woo woo woo..."

The morning sun was a little dim, and the light in the dense forest was even darker. At this moment, a clear but cold flute sound suddenly rang out.

Xu Changan felt a little weird, and his body slowed down.

In less than three breaths, countless black auras gathered around him!

A monk wearing black clothes and a black turban half-sitting on the magic cloud suddenly appeared in front of Xu Changan.

Xu Changan became more cautious.

But the surrounding demonic energy was condensing, and suddenly turned into a big hand, hitting Xu Changan with a bang.


Above Xu Changan's head, the active defense of the headband [Purple Gold Crown] suddenly opened, welcoming the opponent's attack.

The flute player was a little surprised, but after a while, another wave of demonic energy gathered and turned into a black claw to grab Xu Changan.

The claw was so fast that before Xu Changan could react, the storage bag on his waist was grabbed by the man.

"Who are you?" Xu Changan waved his hand and the Guishui Golden Dragon Flag was sacrificed.

Although the opponent was powerful, he would not give up resistance.


The figure who was half sitting on the demon cloud did not seem to even look at Xu Changan. He waved his hand and wiped off the divine mind restriction on the storage bag.


Xu Changan spat out a mouthful of blood.

After three breaths, the man looked through Xu Changan's storage bag inside and out, and then suddenly said: "Where is the Dragon Blood Bodhi?"

The voice was very strange.

It sounded like a man's voice, but it contained a female voice.

Let's put it this way, it was like a man and a woman speaking at the same time.

The female voice was crisp, the male voice was deep, and the two mixed together, it sounded so uncomfortable.

Xu Changan said: "I've eaten it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the guy opposite, who was neither male nor female, suddenly became furious.

"Aohou..." He roared like a beast, and then the black air turned into a claw, grabbing Xu Changan in the air.


At this time, another golden light flashed from outside, and smashed the black claw of the monster with a bang.

"Brother... why do you have to be so cruel to a disciple?" Taoist Qingxu came with the fairy light, and he was the one who smashed the attack of the man in black.

Qingxu's tall body landed in front of Xu Changan, with his back to Xu Changan and facing the black shadow, saying: "You have already got what you want, and Xu Changan's Dragon Blood Bodhi is gone. Do you want to commit more sins?"

"Xu Changan is carrying karma on his body. You can't bear the karma if you kill him!" Qingxu said righteously, "If you don't believe it, kill me first, and then kill Xu Changan!"

The black monster stared at Qingxu for three breaths, then turned his eyes to Xu Changan, as if he was persuaded by Qingxu Zhenren. His body collapsed and the endless demonic energy disappeared.

Only the sound of the flute that was getting farther and farther away lingered in his ears.

The morning sun above his head shone again, and the sun rising in the east was like a wheel, bright as blood.

"Uncle Qingxu!" Xu Changan, still in shock, bowed to Qingxu and asked, "What happened just now..."

Qingxu frowned and said, "It's useless to say more now. Something big has happened in your Wanghe Peak. You should follow me to Wanghe Peak first!"


Wanghe Peak, Minghe Palace!

The moment Xu Changan walked into the palace gate, he was dumbfounded.

Master is dead?

His body was lying quietly in Minghe Palace.

Countless disciples knelt on the ground with tears in their eyes.

"Master...Master?" Xu Changan's throat moved twice, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

He was fine when he left, how could he die suddenly?

"Master?" Xu Changan walked to the front in a dull manner and whispered, "What's wrong with you?"

"Didn't you tell me that I must not join the upper sect no matter what, and that I must not forget Wanghe Peak? Didn't you tell me that I should always be your disciple?"



After hearing Xu Changan's words, the disciples around him burst into tears.

How much of it was true and how much was just a show, Xu Changan didn't know. Anyway, at this moment, he felt very upset and uncomfortable.

"The head of the sect is here..."

"The head of Chonghui Peak, Master Cailian, is here!"

"Master Qingling of Guanyun Peak has arrived!"

The masters of the other fourteen peaks of Taixuan heard that something happened here and came one by one.

Even those who were in seclusion stopped practicing.

"Stop crying!" Tianxuan waved his sleeves and looked at everyone solemnly, saying: "I know you are all very sad, but we cultivators should not be like this if we mourn without being sad!"

"Junior Brother Minghe is gone. The most important thing now is the inheritance of your Wanghe Peak lineage!"

"Junior Brother Qingxu, you were there when Minghe died. Can you tell me what happened?"

Tianxuan looked at Qingxu.

Everyone's eyes also turned to Qingxu.

Qingxu said, "A few days ago, Senior Brother Minghe wanted to refine Chaoyuan Dan and asked me to predict the good and bad luck. I calculated that it was a big bad omen."

"However, Senior Brother Minghe did not listen to my dissuasion and refined Chaoyuan Dan with Taoist Sangmu!"

"Later, they were attacked by the monsters of the Demon Sect, and Chaoyuan Dan was taken away. Taoist Sangmu and Senior Brother Minghe also died at the hands of the monsters!"

Tianxuan waved his hand: "Let's talk about the beasts and monsters later, and talk about the inheritance of Wanghe Peak!"

"Hmm!" Qingxu took out a green ring and said, "Before Junior Brother Minghe died, he asked his disciple Li Chijian to take over Wanghe Peak and become the new peak master of Wanghe Peak!"


"Li Chijian?"

"Big Brother?"

"This kid?"


For a moment, all the disciples seemed to have forgotten their grief. They looked at Li Chijian one by one. Some were surprised, some were envious, some were jealous, and some were jealous.

There were all kinds of expressions and thoughts.

Li Chijian himself was also stunned.

Happiness came too suddenly.

He had just broken through to the foundation-building stage, and now he suddenly wanted to be the head of the sect again?

"No!" At this moment, Zhaixing Zhenren stood up from the ground and said, "Brother Qingxu, absolutely not. Everyone knows Li Chijian. If you say he is a good person, no one of us objects!"

"But the matter of being the peak master is of great importance. I am afraid that Li Chijian does not have this ability, but will bring disaster to our Wanghe Peak!"

"Of course, as a senior uncle, it is indeed a bit inappropriate for me to say this at this time, but don't worry, I am not trying to compete for the position of the peak master!" Zhaixing Zhenren stroked his beard and said, "In my opinion, my junior sister Mingyue Zhenren not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has a meticulous mind and is impartial and trustworthy! "

"I think she can only make us convinced if she becomes the peak master!"

"Master uncle, what you said is wrong!" Ning Xiangxuan, the sixth disciple of Minghe Zhenren, stood up and said: "The new peak master is appointed by the last peak master. My senior brother Li Chijian is the chief disciple of my master, and he has also broken through to the foundation-building stage, and there is also the master's will!"

"It's natural for him to be the peak master!"


"Junior brother Ning is right!"

The disciples of Minghe naturally support Li Chijian one by one.

Zhaixing Zhenren said sarcastically: "Li Chijian, hehe... How did he break through to the foundation-building stage? Don't you have any idea? Xu Changan just came back!"

"Xu Changan, let me ask you, where is your dragon blood bodhi?"


All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to Xu Changan again.

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