Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 119 [New Peak Master, Revenge]

Xu Changan went to participate in the sect competition, and later won the first place in the total score, and successfully got the Dragon Blood Bodhi.

This matter was a hot topic in the sect for a period of time.

The heat had just died down, and now Xu Changan returned and was mentioned by Zhaixing again. Almost everyone remembered that Xu Changan still had this natural treasure, so they all cast their eyes on him.

"Xu Changan, tell me quickly, don't be afraid!" Zhaixing stood up, patted his chest and said: "Everything is up to you, my uncle, to decide for you, don't be afraid of him, Li Chijian. If he robbed your Dragon Blood Bodhi, just say it loudly, the whole Wanghe Peak... no... it should be the whole Taixuan Sect, will seek justice for you!"

Many people nodded with Zhaixing Zhenren.

Like Zhaixingzi, they all thought that Li Chijian robbed Xu Changan's Dragon Blood Bodhi.


Because Li Chijian broke through.

How difficult is it to break through from Qi Refining to Foundation Building?

Cheng Bufan didn't break through, Zhen Qingyan didn't break through, and Huang Zhicheng hasn't broken through for decades.

You, an honest farmer like Li Chijian, broke through?

Who would believe it?

Xu Changan took a deep breath, bowed to everyone, and said: "This... I am also surprised that Senior Brother broke through the foundation building stage, but it has nothing to do with me. Senior Brother didn't want my Dragon Blood Bodhi!"

"On the contrary, when someone tried to steal my Bodhi, it was Senior Brother who helped me stop it."

"I even thought Senior Brother was beaten to death!"

What Xu Changan said was true. Before seeing Li Chijian today, he didn't know whether Li Chijian was dead or alive.

Fairy Qingling, the master of Guanyun Peak, asked: "Xu Changan, where is your [Dragon Blood Bodhi]? Take it out for everyone to see. This will also prove your senior brother's innocence!"

Xu Changan said: "It's gone... Report to Uncle Qingling and Uncle Tianxuan, that [Dragon Blood Bodhi] was eaten by the disciple. You see, the disciple is now at the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage. The reason why I didn't return to the sect this year is because I ate the Dragon Blood Bodhi outside and practiced in seclusion!"


"You broke through?"

"You are at the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage?"

"Shua..." Countless eyes were cast on Xu Changan, and many elders even began to scan with their spiritual sense unscrupulously.

That's right, Xu Changan did break through to the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage.

Many people still hoped that Xu Changan's Dragon Blood Bodhi was still there, so that they could exchange it with something, but now they heard that he had eaten it, which made everyone feel like a cow chewing a peony.

You, a rubbish five-element spiritual root, broke through from the fifth level to the sixth level, and you used such precious resources for cultivation?

What a waste!

It's really a waste.

Fairy Qingling frowned beside her, not knowing what to say.

Even the corners of the mouth of the headmaster Tianxuan twitched fiercely.

Of course, no one did not believe Xu Changan's words.


Because Xu Changan's qualifications are very rubbish. It is impossible for the five-element spiritual root to break through from the fifth level to the sixth level without something like Dragon Blood Bodhi and more than decades of hard work.

"Xu Changan!" Tianxuan waved his sleeves and asked, "I have two questions to ask you!"

Xu Changan bowed his hands in a serious manner: "Please ask the head master!"

"Yes!" Tianxuan said: "The first question is, when your flying boat was in danger, someone chased you. Where did the old man in the foundation-building period who chased you go later?"

As for who this person is, everyone knows it well.

Moreover, over the past year, the Ji family has sent people to inquire about the pursuit of Xu Changan and his party several times.

Now Xu Changan has returned safely, but the old man in the foundation-building stage has disappeared.

This can't help but make people feel strange.

Xu Changan said: "The senior brother helped me to stop the old man, and I ran away quickly, and then found a hidden place to hide the breath on my body, and then waited for several days before coming out!"

"As for where the pursuer went in the end, I don't know!"

This answer is perfect, and no one can see any flaws.

"Well!" Tianxuan nodded, and then asked: "My beloved disciple Cheng Bufan disappeared with you, his whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown. Do you know where Cheng Bufan went?"

Xu Changan immediately became dramatic and said: "Ah?"

"Senior Brother Cheng is missing?"

"How is this possible? When the old man in the foundation-building stage broke the flying boat with one blow, I saw that Senior Brother Cheng had already escaped..."

"That strong man in the foundation-building stage didn't chase Senior Brother Cheng, but chased me all the way!"

Xu Changan's words are interesting.

On the one hand, he distanced himself from Cheng Bufan's disappearance.

On the other hand, he also told about Cheng Bufan's escape without caring about the safety of his fellow disciples.

Tianxuan's face darkened, and he shook his sleeves and said, "Forget it, if you don't know, then you don't know!"

"Everyone!" He glanced at everyone and said, "Now the matter is very clear. Xu Changan's Dragon Blood Bodhi was eaten by himself, and he also improved his cultivation. Li Chijian did not seize Xu Changan's achievements!"

"Secondly, Junior Brother Minghe left a will before his death, asking Li Chijian to take over the position of the leader of Wanghe Peak. I agree with this. I wonder if you have any opinions?"

Qingxu said, "I agree too. I respect Senior Brother Minghe's choice!"

"I agree too!" Fairy Qingling stood at the back of the crowd and expressed her attitude.

The other major peak leaders expressed their opinions one after another, basically supporting Li Chijian.


Because they are also afraid that one day when this happens to their turn on the peak, the side branch will usurp the position of the direct peak leader.

At this time, Master Zhaixing had no support, and he suddenly became dejected and stopped talking.

"Okay!" Tianxuan said: "Li Chijian, from now on you are the peak master of Wanghe Peak. You must remember that we, the Taixuan Sect's fourteen peaks, share difficulties and advance together and retreat together." Take responsibility!”

"Yes!" Li Chijian knelt beside his master's body and reached out to take the sapphire finger that symbolized the power of the master of Wanghe Peak.

"Fu Master Nephew!" Qingxu took out another white jade slip and said: "This is the [Peach Blossom Sword Art]. Your master asked me to give it to you. This sword art can be practiced to the point of foundation building if combined with the exercises." Great Perfection!”


Fu Nianzhen wiped away tears and took the jade slip.

"Xu Changan!" Qingxu finally looked at Xu Changan and gave him a green jade slip: "This is the most important inheritance of Wanghe Peak. Your master asked me to give it to you, saying that it will be Wanghe Peak in the future. It’s only you who can make the peak flourish!”

"Remember, remember, don't live up to your master's high expectations!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan took over the inheritance with tears.

Qingxu said: "Listen carefully, your master asked me to tell you before he died that the person who killed him had a lot of cause and effect with him, so that you, the younger generation, don't have to seek revenge from this person. Everything will return to dust, cause and effect. It’s gone!”

"Okay!" Tian Xuan said: "You guys can talk to the master again. In two hours, the sect will come back and bury his body!"

The breeze is long and stretches across the sea of ​​clouds.

Xu Changan sat on a big rock near the sea of ​​clouds. He looked at Fu Ninzhen, who was wearing a pink Taoist robe next to him, and said, "Congratulations, senior sister, you have reached the ninth level!"

"Yeah!" Fu Nianzhen nodded: "Yes, little junior brother, I'm already at the ninth level, but...but...wuwuwuwu...I don't have a master anymore!"

The words are still in my ears, and my voice and smile are as if they were yesterday.

How could such a powerful master be gone without saying a word?

"I think..." Fu Nianzhen gritted his teeth and said, "It must be the head of Tiandu Peak who killed our master. In the past, when the master was here, he always said that Murong Xuan was not a good person. Junior brother, when we become stronger in the future, we will go to Tiandu Peak together and kill this old guy!"

Xu Changan:…………

"No, Senior Sister Fu!" Xu Changan said: "I think the murderer may not be Senior Uncle Tianxuan!"

"It must be him!" Fu Ninzhen said: "Master recently refined [Chaoyuan Pill]. This old guy must have been greedy for Master's pill, so he killed Master!"

"Don't worry, I won't talk nonsense in front of outsiders!" Fu Nianzhen said: "I'm just telling you this. I won't act rashly until I have enough strength!"

"Junior brother, I'm going to retreat. I won't come out until the tenth level of retreat is reached, so I don't know when I can come out!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "I'm also going to retreat!"

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