Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 120 [Temporary name change, outer gate servant]

Fu Nianzhen is in seclusion!

Xu Changan, however, was not in a hurry to practice in seclusion.

He came to the teleportation array of Wanghe Peak and teleported directly from Wanghe Peak to Miaolian Peak.

He went to the main hall of Miaolian Peak again.

"Disciple Xu Changan, come to pay respect to Uncle Qingxu!" Xu Changan bowed at the door.


The array at the door of Qingxu's dojo hall was all opened, and a passage appeared in front of Xu Changan.

"Come in!" Qingxu's calm voice came from inside.

Xu Changan stepped into the hall and was stunned.

There was not only Uncle Qingxu in the hall, but also another person: Li Chijian.

"Big Brother?" Xu Changan frowned: "Why are you here?"

Qingxu said: "He is the same as you, and he came to ask questions in his heart!"

Xu Changan nodded.

He came to Qingxu to ask who killed his master Minghe Zhenren. He didn't believe that it was Tianxuan from Tiandu Peak.

However, it was reasonable for Li Chijian to come over and ask this question.

"Sit down and talk!" Qingxu waved his hand, and a cushion fell at Xu Changan's feet.

The three sat opposite each other.

Qingxu said: "Li Chijian, you are no longer the same person you were before. You are a foundation-building cultivator, and you are also the peak master of Wanghe Peak. Whether you are a person or a person, you should think carefully."

"I know you want to avenge your master, but your master's death has nothing to do with Tianxuan!"

"I can guarantee it!"

Li Chijian and Fu Nianzhen both thought that it was Tianxuan who did it.

"Besides!" Qingxu said: "Let's take a step back. Even if your uncle took action, what can you do? With your current foundation-building level, how much skill can you have compared to your master?"

Li Chijian lowered his head.

Qingxu said: "Go, practice well, and when you break through to the great perfection of the foundation-building stage, I will tell you who the enemy of Wanghe Peak is without you saying it!"

"Yes!" Li Chijian bowed.

"You go!" Qingxu waved his hand and asked Li Chijian to leave: "Xu Changan, you stay, I have something to tell you!"

After Li Chijian left, Xu Changan and Qingxu were left in the hall.

Qingxu said lightly: "You also want to know who killed your master?"

Xu Changan nodded.

Qingxu said: "The person who killed your master, in fact, you have also seen it, it is the half-human, half-demon monster!"

"It's him?" Xu Changan never thought it would be that guy.

"Who is he?" Xu Changan asked, "Why does Uncle Master call that person "Brother"?"

Qingxu said calmly, "Xu Changan, how about we make a deal?"

Xu Changan asked, "Uncle Master, please tell me!"

Qingxu said, "I will absorb your luck for 21 years, and then tell you who that half-human, half-demon monster is, how about that?"

Xu Changan frowned slightly and said, "Uncle Master Qingxu said that, I don't quite understand what you mean!"

"Hehe..." Qingxu smiled and said, "Changan, come here!"

Soon, a young man walked in from outside.

Xu Changan had seen this man before. His original name was Xu Pingsheng, but later Qingxu changed his name to Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changan bowed: "Greetings, Master, and Brother!"

Qingxu said to Xu Changan: "He is my disciple, and now he has changed his name. His name is the same as yours, [Xu Changan]..."

Xu Changan: ………………

"What does this mean, Uncle Master?"

Qingxu said: "I said, I will absorb your luck for 21 years, and I will call my disciple [Xu Changan], so that I can steal the sky and take over some of your luck!"

He said it clearly, without hiding anything, and he was a hero.

"But don't worry, this will not affect you. The fortune I occupy is equivalent to the share of your master!"

Xu Changan asked: "Is what Uncle Master said true?"

Qingxu said: "I can swear to the heaven!"

"But!" He said again: "This matter still requires your cooperation!"

Xu Changan asked: "How can I cooperate?"

Qingxu said: "In twenty-one years, you are not allowed to use the three characters [Xu Changan] as your name. You must change your name to [Xu Changsheng]..."


"Thirteenth brother... Thirteenth brother..."

The voice of the eighth senior brother Qin Kuo came from outside the hall of Xu Changan.

Xu Changan walked out of the hall.

Qin Kuo stood at the door, and next to Qin Kuo stood two Taixuanmen disciples who were also wearing dark green robes, but the collars of these two disciples were not embroidered with golden cloud patterns. They were just outer disciples.

One man and one woman.

The man was about thirty years old and looked honest, and the woman was in her twenties and quite pretty.

"These two outer disciples are specially found for you, Thirteenth Brother!" Qin Kuo said, "This is Qin Dalu, who happens to be my cousin. His spiritual roots are not very good, and he has four spiritual roots. This is Chu Xiangyun, who is also an outer disciple of my Taixuan Sect. The two of them are now Taoist companions!"

"Okay, thank you, Eighth Senior Brother!"

Xu Changan nodded, and his spiritual consciousness flew out unscrupulously, scanning the two of them.

Qin Dalu's cultivation level is the third level of the Qi Refining Stage, and Chu Xiangyun is even worse, with only the first level of the Qi Refining Stage.

When they are around thirty years old and still stay at this stage, it is certain that they will basically not make any achievements in their cultivation in this life.

Unless a miracle happens, or they have a great opportunity.

"You're welcome!" Qin Kuo turned to the two and said, "It is your lifelong blessing to be able to practice and work under my junior brother. From today on, the open space in front of the hall and the spiritual field behind it will be planted and guarded by the two of you!"

"If my thirteenth brother has any other needs, you must also serve him attentively!"

"Yes, yes, yes..." The two knelt on the ground in fear and trepidation and kowtowed to Xu Changan.

Qin Kuo said, "I forgot to tell you that my thirteenth brother's name is [Xu Changsheng]..."

Xu Changan changed his name. He reached a deal with Taoist Qingxu and his name is now Xu Changsheng.

Of course, Taoist Qingxu swore to heaven that this name change would not affect Xu Changan's own luck, and he agreed.

After Qin Kuo left, Xu Changan looked at the two of them and said calmly: "I have planted a lot of spiritual herbs in this yard. You two should take good care of them. This is the [Catalogue of Herbs], which records the living habits of many spiritual herbs and plants. You can study it!"

"In addition, I have a hundred-acre spiritual field in the sect, on which I can plant some crops and other things. Please take care of it!"

"You and your wife can receive five spiritual stones from me every month, which is ten in a month and 120 in a year!"

Hearing this, the couple was overjoyed and knelt on the ground to thank him profusely.

Xu Changan took out two storage bags: "There are 1,200 spiritual stones in it, which is my payment for you for ten years. In addition, these two storage bags are also for you!"

"I usually live in the main hall, and you two can live in the side hall!"

"But keep an eye on me. No one is allowed to disturb the main hall door!"

This time, Xu Changan planned to close the door for a long time, so he asked his fellow apprentices to find reliable outer disciples to take care of his spiritual garden and dojo.

Coincidentally, Qin Kuo had a brother from the same family outside Taixuan Sect, so he was introduced by him.

"Thank you, sir!"

The two were grateful.

Xu Changan checked the formation and then walked directly into the hall.

He arranged three formations around the hall.

Level 3 defensive formation!

Level 3 forbidden god formation!

Level 3 spirit gathering formation!

Especially the defensive formation, even if the disciples who have reached the great perfection of the foundation building period come here, they may not be able to break it with all their strength.

Now, you can practice with peace of mind.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Xu Changan stepped into the golden talisman space.

In the golden talisman space, spiritual stones piled up like mountains, most of which were obtained from the storage bag of Ji Shigu, the head of the Ji family.

In addition to spiritual stones, there are also piles of medicinal materials, treasures and elixirs.

Two blue spiders and a black-winged eagle.

In addition to these, there are two living dead.

One is Lu Dadong and the other is Cheng Bufan.

The souls of these two people had been wiped out by Xu Changan. Although their bodies were not dead, they were no different from dead people.

Xu Changan took out the best fasting pills and gave one to each of them.

Then he set up a furnace and started to refine pills.

Xu Changan planned to refine some fasting pills and spirit beast pills.

And some blood beads!

Because next, he planned to retreat for a long time.

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