Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 121 [Blood-colored Thunder, Golden Elixir Master]

Spirit beast pill is a special kind of pill, which can be fed to spirit beasts after it is refined.

The effect of spirit beast pill on spirit beasts is the same as the effect of auxiliary cultivation pills on cultivators, both of which are used to supplement cultivation.

After refining the pill, Xu Changan sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

He was doing two things at the same time, practicing the Nine Nether Blood Sutra while practicing the Emperor's Controlling Nerve.

The invisible flying knife of divine consciousness flew out of his mind and fiercely chopped at the green tree stump not far away.

Since the death of Minghe Zhenren, the disciples on Wanghe Peak seemed to be holding back their energy, and they practiced in seclusion one by one, and suddenly the whole Wanghe Peak became much colder.

At dusk that day, the sea of ​​clouds inexplicably churned, which shocked the disciples of Wanghe Peak.

Li Chijian was in seclusion, so all the affairs on the peak were temporarily handled by Zhaixingzi. He brought his disciples to the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, and frowned at the churning sea of ​​clouds.

Zhaixing Zhenren has lived on Wanghe Peak for more than a hundred years, but he has never seen such violent fluctuations in the sea of ​​clouds.

Just as he was considering whether to tell the senior brother on Tiandu Peak about the situation here, something strange happened. A lightning suddenly fell from Guanyun Peak on the west side across the sea of ​​clouds.

The lightning was fiery red, hanging a hundred feet above the void of Guanyun Peak. After a moment, nine tiny sky thunders split from the lightning, like nine winding lightning snakes, falling from the sky.

"Oh my God, what is this?"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

"This is the tribulation thunder, nine tribulation thunders!"

The disciples discussed one after another.

Zhaixing Zhenren's eyelids twitched violently for no reason.

He was not as ignorant as the disciples. Although he had never seen such a situation, he had seen it in books. Zhaixing Zhenren knew that this was the golden elixir thunder when someone was about to break through the foundation-building stage and move towards the golden elixir master.

"That's not right!" Zhaixing Zhenren narrowed his eyes again, staring at the tribulation thunder carefully, muttering to himself: "There are nine Jindan tribulation thunders, and they should all be silver thunders. Why are there only four silver thunders among the nine heavenly thunders at Guanyun Peak, and the other five are blood-red blood thunders?"

"Does this person who has broken through carry such a great karma?"

The momentum of the thundercloud is getting stronger and stronger. Now not only Wanghe Peak, but also the surrounding Miaolian Peak, Bihai Peak and other peaks have seen the movement one after another.

A series of gorgeous escape lights swept across the rolling sea of ​​clouds and went to Guanyun Peak.

"I want to go and see it too!" Zhaixing Zhenren took a deep breath, waved his hand to sacrifice the flying sword, and then stepped on the flying sword and turned into a ray of escape light and went to Guanyun Peak.

However, just when he was ten miles away from Guanyun Peak, Zhaixing saw a huge light film wrapped around the entire Guanyun Peak and rising up, blocking all the escape lights without exception.

Zhen Qingyan, the most beautiful cultivator from the fourteen peaks of Taixuan Sect, flew into the sky in a breath of black clothes. She looked at the escaping lights in front, behind, left and right and shouted, "The head of Guanyun Peak has ordered that today the seniors of this peak will experience the [Golden Core Thunder Tribulation]. No one is allowed to approach Guanyun Peak within ten miles. If anyone trespasses, they will be attacked with the sect's formation and killed without mercy!"

Her voice was slender, and now after being blessed by spiritual power, it seemed to have a sense of grandeur.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Zhaixingzi took a deep breath and said to himself, "Someone really broke through the Golden Core..."

Swish, swish...

At this time, two more escaping lights flew over and landed on the left and right of Zhaixing Zhenren.

One man and one woman, the woman was Zhaixing Zhenren's junior sister Mingyue Zhenren, and the man was his junior brother Kongxuan Zhenren.

"Senior brother..." The two looked at the thundercloud not far ahead with some nervousness!

Mingyue asked, "Is this a breakthrough to the Golden Core Master?"

"Yes!" Zhaixing Zhenren nodded.

"Hmph..." Junior brother Kong Xuan snorted coldly, gritting his teeth and said: "All this should have been our senior brother's chance. I wonder who killed the senior brother. It turns out that there is a guy with a high level of cultivation hiding on Guanyun Peak!"

"Junior brother, be careful with your words!" Zhaixing suddenly looked serious and said: "Don't talk nonsense without real evidence!"

"Hmph..." Kong Xuan did not respond, but just snorted coldly.

"Boom boom boom..."

The first wave of Jindan Tribulation Thunder on the thundercloud finally fell completely.

However, soon, it only stayed for more than ten breaths, and the second wave of Tribulation Thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

Like the first wave, there were nine thunders, four of which were silver thunders and five were blood-colored thunders.

True Man Mingyue's eyes shrank and said: "This person who should be punished has a lot of karma!"

The Jindan Tribulation Thunder is the first Tribulation Thunder in the cultivation world.

From now on, every time a cultivator breaks through a major realm such as [Nascent Soul] [Transformation], he will also attract corresponding thunderbolts. The number of thunderbolts is not fixed, the minimum is three waves, and the maximum is nine waves.

Each wave has nine lightning bolts.

Theoretically, the lightning bolts should be silver, but some cultivators who are stained with great karma and great cause and effect will have blood-colored thunderbolts descend.

The more blood-colored thunderbolts there are, the heavier the cause and effect, and the more karma.

Even if such a person can survive the thunderbolts, it will be difficult for him to break through a major realm in the future because of too much cause and effect karma.

A huge light film covered the entire Guanyun Peak!

Colorful and with talismans flashing on it, even if a Jindan cultivator wants to break this formation, it will take an incense stick of time.

As for the cultivators who have reached the great perfection of the foundation-building period, forget it.

Tianxuan and Qingxu also stood in the void, on the other side of the light film.

Tianxuan frowned and said, "Is it him?"

Qingxu said, "It should be, otherwise it would be too strange to break through at this time, but... he really can't hold his temper!"

Tianxuan's serious face showed a trace of worry: "Junior brother, if this beast breaks through to the Jindan, how should we deal with it?"

Qingxu did not respond.

Tianxuan said, "If he dares to go against the grain, I will definitely notify the upper sect to capture him!"


As he spoke, the third wave of thunder in the void suddenly fell.

This one, and then nine.

Four silver thunders, five blood thunders.

After this last wave of thunder fell, the huge thundercloud in the void also collapsed and dissipated.

"It's over!" Qingxu said lightly: "It's the 39th Tribulation Thunder!"

The stronger the cultivator's talent is, the more powerful the Tribulation Thunder that falls.

The lowest is the 39th Tribulation Thunder, and the highest is the 99th Tribulation Thunder.

This time, the cultivator who broke through on Guanyun Peak was only the most ordinary 39th Tribulation Thunder, which shows that the talent and luck of the person who broke through are also very ordinary.

However, even if it is the most ordinary and rubbish Tribulation Thunder, this kind of Jindan Master is still an insurmountable mountain for low-level disciples.

The dream that countless people are eager for.

It is recorded in the Cultivation Hundred Treasures Book: When the Jindan is broken, the life span is 500 years.

That is to say, after a cultivator in the foundation-building period breaks through to the Jindan realm, his life span will immediately increase to a terrifying 500 years.

After about half an incense stick of time, the light film of the large array on Guanyun Peak slowly fell down, and a cold but powerful voice came from Guanyun Peak: "Everyone... I'm really sorry for what happened just now, please come in now..."

Swish, swish, swish...

Dozens of escape lights immediately flew out from the sea of ​​clouds and landed on Guanyun Peak.

The main hall of Guanyun Peak is called [Youfeng Pavilion].

The door of Youfeng Pavilion was open, and the masters and elders of the peaks of Taixuan Sect swarmed in.

In the hall, Fairy Qingling sat high on the lotus platform, and clouds continued to burst out around her, with light and shadows flickering behind her, and a haze above her head.

"Everyone!" Looking at the foundation-building disciples in the hall, Fairy Qingling smiled slightly and said lightly: "Thanks to the blessing of Taixuan Sect, I am fortunate to enter the ranks of Jindan Dashi. Thank you all for your fellow disciples today!"

She raised her jade hand slightly and picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Qingxu and Tianxuan immediately showed extremely surprised expressions on their faces.

Originally, they thought that the one who broke through should be the old devil hiding in the dark, but no one expected that the one who broke through was Fairy Qingling?


Qingxu frowned fiercely: Junior sister has been worshipped in Taixuan Sect since she was a child. Since she started practicing, she has almost never left the mountain gate of Taixuan Sect. Moreover, she is usually kind and friendly. Why did she attract such karma that five of the nine heavenly thunders were stained with blood?


It's really too strange.

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