Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 127 [In Chenjiabao, a bloody massacre]

The conference turned into a performance by two golden elixir masters.

Whatever they say and do, others can only obey without anyone objecting.

Therefore, the matter of annihilating the Chen family was settled.

"But who should we send?" Qingxu looked at Qingling and said, "Junior sister, do you have anyone to choose?"

Qingxu and Qingling are brothers and sisters in the same sect, and they have a very good relationship.

Since Qing Ling proposed it, Qing Ling would naturally make the decision.

Qing Ling thought for a while and said: "The power of the Chen family should not be big in our eyes. The rumored ancestor of the Chen family is just a monk who has reached the Great Perfection stage in the Qi refining period. If he becomes a monk who is too powerful, it will make us look too powerful." Xuanmen has no courage!”

"Okay, let my disciple Ding Lan go!"

"By the way!" Qing Ling looked at Chen Changan and said, "Changsheng, you have now reached the ninth level of Qi refining stage. I remember your master once said that your cultivation depends on chance. This This is an opportunity for the Chen family, are you willing to go?"

What else could Xu Changan say?

He cupped his hands and said, "Disciple is willing to go!"

"Okay!" Qing Ling said: "That's good. Ding Lan will go there with you. Ding Lan will take care of everything. You have two other tasks this time!"

Ding Lan and Xu Changan immediately raised their hands and said, "Master/Uncle Master, please give me your instructions!"

Qing Ling said: "The first thing is to wipe out all the demon remnants of the Chen family. If you encounter the ancestor of the Chen family, just execute the law on the spot!"

"Secondly, I heard that there are many children with spiritual roots in the Chen family. If you bring these children back to the sect, I will send people to teach them the techniques and fill up the outer gate of our Taixuan Sect!"

"Yes!" The two of them held their hands.

A huge flying boat took off from Tiandu Peak, carrying Xu Changan and Ding Lan towards Yiyang County.

The wind roared in the sky.

Xu Changan stood at the front of the flying boat, looking at the mountains and rivers at his feet, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Ding Lan leaned on the side of the boat next to him, looked at Xu Changan intently and asked: "Senior Brother Xu, I remember that when the two of us came to Taixuanmen for the first time, we came in your flying boat and flew away in one breath. More than ten days!”

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "My broken flying boat flies too slowly!"

"The flying boat provided by the sect is better. It is not only big, but also fast. It can reach the Chen family in one day, right?"

"Yes!" Ding Lan nodded, with a trace of melancholy in her eyes: "I still like your flying boat... Junior Brother Xu, you and I are both disciples of the Chen family, what do you want to say? "

Xu Changan asked: "I don't have much impression of the Chen family. I just met an elder who taught skills. But you, you also worshiped an ancestor of the Chen family as your teacher. Tell me, what kind of person is this ancestor of the Chen family?" ?”

Ding Lan took a deep breath and pondered for a long time before saying: "No more talking, it's all in the past. Don't worry, if I meet him this time, I will definitely cut him in half with one sword!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

One day later, the flying boat passed by a small town: Furong Town.

Back then, Xu Changan and Ding Lan even rested in Furong Town!

Not long after passing Furong Town, the flying boat arrived on a spiritual mountain. The bow of the boat turned and landed at the gate of Chenjiabao.

Ding Lan waved her hand and the flying boat was put away by her.

At this moment, the Chen family had long been in chaos. Seeing such a huge ship landing at the door of their home, countless disciples of the Chen family were scurrying around like frightened birds.

"Hide the children!"

"Quickly, notify the ancestor... that a Xuanmen monk is coming!"

"Damn it, it must be a disciple of Xiaolinggu. Are these damn ones here to blackmail us again?"

Of course!

Three or five monks with strong cultivation turned into sword lights and came to the door, landing in front of Ding Lan and Ding Lan.

"Are you...Ding Lan, Junior Sister Ding?"

A middle-aged woman wearing a purple robe looked at Ding Lan and exclaimed.

"That's right!" Ding Lan replied calmly: "Senior Sister Yuan, long time no see!"

Xu Changan also knew Senior Sister Yuan. She was the disciple of the Chen family who bought him from his aunt Liu for one hundred taels of silver in Qingniu Town more than thirty years ago.

I didn't expect that when we meet again, it will be like this.

However, although Xu Changan recognized Senior Sister Yuan, Senior Sister Yuan did not recognize Xu Changan.

Because she had not paid attention to Chen Changan since Xu Changan entered Chenjiabao.

"You... why did you come here this time?" Senior Sister Yuan glanced at Ding Lan's cultivation level, but didn't see it. She suddenly panicked.

Ding Lan calmly drew out the long sword from his waist and said: "I'll give you half a stick of incense to inform your ancestor that Ding Lan, the orthodox disciple of Taixuan Sect of Xuanmen, and Xu Changsheng came to destroy the demon cave Chenjiabao, so that you can Zu Guaiguai came to surrender and hand over all the children!"

"I can spare you from death!"

"Otherwise, my brother and sister will kill each other as soon as half a stick of incense passes by!"

Ding Lan's words were low but extremely sharp, and her eyes were like cold stars passing over Senior Sister Yuan's body.

Senior Sister Yuan was so frightened that she trembled and said, "Yes, please wait a moment!"

After half a stick of incense, Ding Lan and Xu Changan did not wait for the opponent's surrender, but instead waited for the opponent's dozen or so Dzogchen disciples in the Qi Refining Stage to besiege them.


They rushed towards Xu Changan and Ding Lan one by one.


Ding Lan unsheathed his long sword.

With a swish of her sword, she slashed off the bloody claws of two Chen family disciples.

Puff puff……

Ten of them couldn't breathe, and most of the Chenjiabao disciples who besieged the two were killed by Ding Lan.

Xu Changan didn't even have a chance to take action.

"Set up the formation..."

One of the white-haired elders suddenly yelled.

Six more gray-haired elders flashed out from behind him. These people were all faces of the Chen family, and their cultivation had reached the level of Qi Refining Stage.

Some people's cultivation has even reached the eleventh level of Qi refining stage.

Buzz buzz...

The seven people dispersed, and the bloody spiritual power under their feet flickered, and lines suddenly extended on the ground. Finally, the lines of the seven people gathered together, and the blood sea formation was formed.

In the great formation, the blood energy was extremely rich, and streaks of blood flashed through.

Xu Changan closed his eyes, but air shields emerged around his body.

As for Ding Lan, she did not defend, but waved her hand, and the green sword in her hand suddenly became several feet in size.

Although the blood energy is tyrannical, it still has to retreat when it encounters the power of the authentic Xuanmen.

"Senior brother!" Ding Lan said: "Block three breaths for me and watch me break the formation with one strike of my sword!"


Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a mirror.



When the spiritual power was input into the pure Jun mirror, a ray of thunder and lightning blasted out and hit the formation.

This thing is a top-grade spiritual weapon. It originally belonged to the Ji family. Later, it was given to Xu Changan by the Shangzong because of the Ji family's cheating. The Thunder of the Sun contained in it has the powerful function of destroying all evil spirits.

At this moment, after Xu Changan activated the bronze mirror, wherever the lightning struck, the sea of ​​blood rolled and retreated, unable to get within three feet of Ding Lan.

Soon, the time for three breaths was up.

Ding Lan shouted: "Break it for me..."


A green sword light that was several feet long flashed past, and the blood sea formation that was showing off its power just now was destroyed in an instant.


Puff puff……

The seven monks in front of him who were in the Great Perfection Stage of Qi Refining were all killed by Ding Lan.

Red blood flowed everywhere.

Xu Changan looked at the blood on the ground and felt a pity in his heart: It would be great if I collected this blood.

But now that Ding Lan is here, he is too embarrassed to accept it.

"Junior brother, follow me closely!" Ding Lan turned around and said, "We will go straight to the back of the Chen Family Fort. I know where the ancestor of the Chen Family is!"

Xu Changan nodded: "Okay!"




Each and every Chen family disciple has become the dead soul of Ding Lan Swordsman.

Xu Changan didn't have any chance to take action, and the entire Chenjiabao was almost wiped out by Ding Lan.

There is no one-size-fits-all.

"Senior Brother Xu!" Ding Lan rushed to the entrance of the forbidden area of ​​Chenjiabao in one breath: "The mountain behind is a forbidden area. There is the dojo of the ancestors of the Chen family in the mountain. I guess the ancestors of the Chen family are hiding here. Let's go there together!"

"This ancestor of the Chen family is very powerful, senior brother, you must be careful and guard against him!"

Xu Changan said: "It's okay!"

Although he is only at the ninth level now, his attack power is powerful and his defense power is unparalleled.

After all, he has several spiritual weapons on his body!

Besides, Xu Changan also has a trump card.

He also has two blue spiders at the seventh level of foundation building!

If these two things are released, as long as the ancestor of the Chen family has not established a foundation, he will still suffer hatred no matter how awesome he is.

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