Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 128 [Human Pearl Blood Pool, at your fingertips]

Standing on the back mountain of the Chen family's forbidden area and looking to the west, you can see a rolling green jade-like mountain, dozens of miles wide and long.

Xu Changan is very familiar with this mountain forest. He was trapped in it for several years.

This is where the Chen family keeps spirit beasts in captivity.

"What are you looking at?" Ding Lan tugged on Xu Changan's sleeve and said, "Stop looking, go to the Chen family ancestor's dojo first to prevent him from running out!"


The two jumped from the top of the mountain.

There is another flat land halfway up the mountain behind the forbidden area, and many houses are built on it.

This is where the ancestors of the Chen family practice.

"What a great place!" After Xu Changan landed, he looked at the surrounding scenery and said, "Not only is the scenery here beautiful, but the richness of the aura is almost comparable to the inner gate of our Taixuan Sect, but it is much smaller!"

"The ancestor of Chenjiabao really knows how to choose a place!"

"Yes!" Ding Lan said: "If a spirit gathering array is set up here, it can become a real cave heaven paradise. I estimate that there should be a small spiritual vein coming in and out deep under the mountain!"

The two of them wandered around the ancestor of the Chen family's dojo for a long time, but they didn't find anyone.

"Junior Sister Ding, you didn't remember it wrong!" Xu Changan said: "Where is the person?"

Ding Lan said: "I won't remember it wrong. Come with me, there is another place!"

The two crossed the dojo, turned around somewhere, and came to a huge mountain crack.

More intense spiritual energy came from the cracks.

Xu Changan followed Ding Lan as he walked among the cracks in the mountain, feeling like he was under the Doujia Mountain.

After walking for half a stick of incense, we finally arrived at an underground place as dark as ink.

After activating the fireball to illuminate the darkness, Xu Changan discovered that this was a rather spacious secret room, and the secret rooms were connected to secret rooms.

The secret room that first appeared in front of Xu Changan contained dozens of huge boxes.


Ding Lan was not polite and slashed open the box with his sword. Suddenly, the shining yellow and white thing inside appeared in front of him.

Xu Changan said: "It's some worldly gold and silver!"

Cultivators rarely use these things, and in the eyes of monks, gold and silver are nothing.

A piece of low-grade spiritual stone can be exchanged for tens of thousands of taels of silver.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Ding Lan simply opened all the boxes. In addition to gold and silver, there were also some jewelry and the like.

Neither of these interested them.

"Let's go!" Ding Lan said: "There is a secret room inside, senior brother, be careful, be careful of the Chen family ancestor's sneak attack."


The two opened the stone chamber inside again.

In this way, he opened all the seven or eight connected stone chambers in one breath, but he did not see the figure of the ancestor of the Chen family.

However, in the last and largest stone chamber, I saw a scene that made Xu Changan's scalp numb.

The corpses of countless children were piled on top of each other.

In the middle of the stone chamber, there is another huge blood pool. The blood pool is full of red blood. Because there is strong spiritual power flowing in the blood, they will not solidify, but will keep rolling. , like roasted blood.

"Uh..." Ding Lan almost vomited when he saw this situation, and said: "The ancestor of the Chen family is indeed doing many evil things!"

"After so many years of not seeing each other, his methods have become even more horrific!"

"Junior brother, I can't stay here any longer. Just watch and deal with it!" Ding Lan waved his hand: "Dispose of these bones, and then clean up this pool of blood!"

After saying that, Ding Lan left the room.

Of course Xu Changan wanted it.

Although it was a bit nauseating, I had to say that the pool of blood in front of him was exactly what Xu Changan needed at the moment, because he smelled it and found that the blood contained surging spiritual power. It should all be in the late stage of Qi refining. The blood of disciples.



The blood pool was not small, one foot wide, one foot long, and one foot deep. The blood in it was obtained by squeezing out the blood of many people. Xu Changan collected it all without asking so much.


A fireball was thrown.

The piles of corpses started to burn, and within half a stick of incense, Xu Changan burned them into a pile of ashes.

Xu Changan walked out of the room.

Ding Lan said: "Brother, what do you think this is?"

Xu Changan followed Ding Lan to another secret room and found that there were also many boxes inside.

However, the boxes here contain not gold and silver treasures, but spiritual stones.

All the spiritual stones added up amount to tens of thousands.

Of course, this little spiritual stone is nothing in Xu Changan's eyes.

In addition to these spirit stone boxes, there are also some huge porcelain bottles. When you open them, you will see that they are full of blood beads.

Blood beads are divided into low-grade, medium-grade and high-grade.

Xu Changan's consciousness glanced around and found that these blood beads were all human beads, that is to say, they were all made from human blood.

"Senior Brother Xu!" Ding Lan said: "How to deal with these blood beads?"

Xu Changan said: "I don't know either, how about we turn it over to the sect?"

Ding Lan shook his head: "Tai Xuan Sect is the authentic Xuan Sect. It is useless to hand them over. Just deal with them all. You can throw them off the cliff or burn them!"

Xu Changan wanted it, so naturally he would not refuse, but collected all the human beads with a wave of his hand.

The top-grade human beads are made from the blood of monks in the late stage of Qi refining stage, which can be used to break through the cultivation level.

As for the low-grade and medium-grade human beads, it is better to feed them directly to the golden-backed spider to save waste.

After collecting the human beads, the two of them took a look inside and out of the place and found a lot of cultivation resources. At this point, the entire Chen family had been turned upside down by Xu Changan and Ding Lan.

Ding Lan said: "It seems that the ancestor of Chenjiabao has escaped. What should we do now?"

Xu Changan frowned slightly and said: "The tasks our uncle has given us are to destroy the ancestors of the Chen family and to rescue those children. Now that the ancestors of the Chen family have escaped, we should bring those children back to the sect!"

Ding Lan shook his head and said, "Brother, I have a suggestion!"

"you say!"

"Brother, I think this place is rich in spiritual energy and can fully support the operation of a small sect. Why not set this place as a sub-rudder under our Taixuan Sect."

"Otherwise, after we leave, the ancestor of the Chen family will come back and continue to do evil and harm, wouldn't our work be in vain?"

"If we can send Taixuan Sect disciples to stay here permanently, we can kill two birds with one stone!"

"So senior brother!" Ding Lan said: "Please go to the sect yourself and tell the master or uncle Qingxu what my little sister is thinking. If the two ancestors agree, they will send a disciple to come. From now on This Chenjiabao is our gate station outside Taixuanmen, which is also a good thing!”

"At the very least, we can develop many outer disciples here!"

Xu Changan felt that what Ding Lan said made sense, so he nodded and said: "That's okay, then I will return to the sect and inform you of the situation here one by one!"

Ding Lan said: "There's no rush, let's go check on the children first and take inventory so you can report to the sect!"

The two found the imprisoned children in Chenjiabao.

The children are divided into three waves. The first wave is at the outer gate, and those who have condensed less than three drops of blood essence.

The second wave and the third wave are both in the inner sect, and are disciples in the middle and late stages of Qi refining period respectively.

Xu Changan counted the number and compiled everyone into a book, then said goodbye to Ding Lan, and drove the flying boat to Taixuanmen alone.

Standing on the bow of the spaceship, Xu Changan's brows did not show much joy, but rather some worry.

He always felt like something was wrong.

The annihilation of Chenjiapu seemed to be no problem and everything went smoothly.


This is going too well, right?

He, Xu Changan, didn't take any action at all, and the entire Chen Family Fort was directly wiped out?

The ancestor of the Chen family has disappeared.

It seems that the biggest purpose of this trip to Chenjiabao is not to destroy Chenjiabao, but to let him get the human pearl and the blood pool.

That’s right!

Those are the two things.

Thinking about it carefully, it even makes people’s scalp numb.

He, Xu Changan, has reached the peak of the ninth level and cannot break through, so he must use the Human Pearl!

At this time, the sect was about to annihilate Chenjiabao, and when they were annihilating Chenjiabao, the human beads and blood pool came to their doorstep.


It can't be called a coincidence, it can only be said to be too coincidental, as if it was a coincidence that someone deliberately arranged.

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