Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 129 [Meeting the genius again, Ji family Feishuang]

After thinking about it for a long time, Xu Changan did not come to any conclusion.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, no matter what, he had to use these blood beads and the blood in the blood pool.

Since he was going to use them, he had to jump into the pit even if it was dug by others.

Let's take it one step at a time.

What else can I do?

I will kill people and draw blood for cultivation?

The sun rises!

Xu Changan has also walked more than half of the way. He will reach the mountain gate of Taixuanmen in about half a day.


At this moment, a red escape light suddenly passed in front of Xu Changan's flying boat.

The speed of the escape light was extremely fast, and it disappeared in almost three breaths.

Xu Changan did not care too much, and thought it was some powerful person who was in a hurry to travel, but at this moment, the escape light turned back from the front for some reason and landed on the bow of Xu Changan's boat very rudely.

"My fellow Taoist, I want to ask, how to go to Taixuanmen..."

A female voice came.

Xu Changan raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The female cultivator opposite him stopped talking halfway.

"Okay...Xu Changan, it's you?" Ji Feishuang's face was suddenly covered with a layer of frost: "I originally wanted to inquire about the location of Taixuanmen and go to settle accounts with you, but I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"Go to hell!"

Ji Feishuang didn't give Xu Changan any chance to speak. She waved her hand and summoned the green flying sword, just like the sword her grandfather Ji Shigu used to cut the flying boat many years ago. This sword also cut on the flying boat.


The powerful sword intent cut the flying boat directly in half.

The huge hull lost control and crashed into a mountain below. Xu Changan exerted force on his feet, and after a few mid-air flips, he landed on a high mountain next to him.

Ji Feishuang also fell down and said, "Good boy, you can dodge my sword. I haven't seen your cultivation improve in all these years!"

"You have reached the ninth level of Qi Refining?"

Xu Changan did not rush to attack.

His divine sense burst out and swept over Ji Feishuang's body.

When she first participated in the sect competition, Ji Feishuang was only a cultivator of the seventh level of Qi Refining. Unexpectedly, she has broken through now.

Not only did she break through, but she also became a foundation-building cultivator.

The second level of the foundation-building stage.

If Xu Changan's divine sense was not strong, he would not be able to see through her cultivation.

"Even if you break through to the seventh level of Qi Refining, what does it matter?" Ji Feishuang looked at Xu Changan with a cold face, as if he was looking at a dead person: "Xu Changan, in front of me, let alone the seventh level, even the twelfth level of the Great Perfection is just a slightly sturdier ant!"

Facing a cultivator of the second level of the foundation-building stage, Xu Changan naturally did not dare to be careless.

However, he was not too worried.

What about the second level of the foundation-building stage?

I still have two foundation-building level seven Cang Zhus in my pocket!

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xu Changan took a few steps back and kept a certain distance from Ji Feishuang, then said: "Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Ji Feishuang said: "Xu Changan, 20 years ago you won the first place in the sect and left with the [Dragon Blood Bodhi]. After that, my grandfather also disappeared with you. Tell me, did you kill my grandfather?"

When Ji Feishuang spoke, there was a murderous aura in his tone.

Xu Changan sneered and said: "Then may I ask Miss Ji, why did your grandfather follow me?"

"How do you know your grandfather followed me?"


Although there was no one around, Ji Feishuang couldn't help blushing when Xu Changan asked her so playfully.

Why did you follow Xu Changan in the first place? Wasn't it because you wanted to kill people for the [Dragon Blood Bodhi]?

Over the years, the Ji family has sent people to Taixuanmen to negotiate on this matter many times, but there was no result.

Taixuan Sect and Ji Family are both branches of Taixuan Immortal Sect, so even if Ji Family is powerful, it is impossible for them to do anything to Taixuan Sect!

Ji Feishuang secretly hated, she knew that this matter must be related to Xu Changan.

Now that she has broken through to the foundation building stage, she finally has some capital to come to Taixuan Sect.

Originally, she planned to go to Xu Changan in person to duel, and then legitimately kill Xu Changan in the duel.

But she didn't expect that she would meet Xu Changan before she arrived at Taixuan Sect.

"Xu Changan!" Ji Feishuang took a deep breath and said, "I think what you are saying is nonsense. The law of the jungle is common in the world of cultivation."

"Family background, sect, power, these are all a kind of strength!"

"I will tell you clearly today. My grandfather followed you out that day to rob your [Dragon Blood Bodhi], but he died within a day. Don't say that my grandfather's death has nothing to do with you!"


Ji Feishuang's long sword was unsheathed again: "Xu Changan, whether you admit it or not today, I will kill you and avenge my grandfather!"

"But I am still willing to give you a chance!"

"Tell me what happened, I can give you a quick death. Otherwise, I will make you wish you were dead!"


Xu Changan was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and slashed Ji Feishuang's sea of ​​consciousness with a nerve knife in the air.

Xu Changan used all his strength in this knife.


Without any sign, Ji Feishuang screamed and his face turned pale.

However, she was a cultivator of the second level of the foundation building period after all, and I was also a cultivator who cultivated divine consciousness, so although Xu Changan's sword was very powerful, it did not cause her any substantial damage.

"Damn it!" Ji Feishuang was so angry that she trembled all over: "How dare you sneak attack me?"

"However, you are just a disciple of the ninth level of the Qi Refining Period, but you actually have such a powerful divine consciousness. You should have advanced divine cultivation techniques!"


The long sword in Ji Feishuang's hand flew into the void, and suddenly turned into a size of three feet. It carried unparalleled spiritual power and chopped towards Xu Changan fiercely with the momentum of splitting Mount Hua.


At the same time, Ji Feishuang stretched out her hands, and a pair of golden bells on her white wrists shook gently.

Every time it shook, a wave of invisible divine consciousness attacks came to disturb Xu Changan's sea of ​​consciousness.

This was almost Ji Feishuang's sure-kill blow.

The long sword above her head was a killing move, and the bell disturbed people's minds, making it impossible for the enemy under the flying sword to dodge quickly.

Xu Changan was no exception. He was shaken by the bell and wanted to lift his feet to avoid the sword attack, but it was too late.

"How insidious!"

Xu Changan took a deep breath!

Since he couldn't avoid it, he didn't hide.

The long sword carrying the majestic sword spirit quickly fell on Xu Changan.

Ji Feishuang's pale face showed a smug smile: "Xu Changan... you go to hell!"

"Grandpa, your granddaughter has avenged you!"

As a result, with a bang, the active defense on the [Purple Gold Crown] on Xu Changan's head was directly activated, turning into a tough defensive light film, which rose up in the wind.

The flying sword and the light film collided with each other, and the huge spiritual power fluctuations suddenly turned into a tangible ripple, sweeping in all directions.

However, Xu Changan, who was in the center of the vortex, remained motionless.

The defensive light film activated on the purple gold crown on his head was only dimmed, but did not break.

"What kind of treasure is this?" Ji Feishuang looked at the headband on Xu Changan's head, and his eyes lit up slightly: "Good stuff... But I want to see how many of my attacks you can withstand!"



The second flying sword was activated by Ji Feishuang and condensed in the void again.

At the same time, Ji Feishuang repeated his old trick and rang the golden bell on his wrist.

Xu Changan sneered: "I've been fooled once, do you think this thing is still useful to me?"

Buzz buzz buzz...

A light film appeared on Xu Changan's body.

God-suppressing talisman!

God-suppressing talisman can block divine attacks.

He took a step forward, but his body moved horizontally for dozens of feet.

Ji Feishuang's flying sword attack missed, but this sword directly chopped on the ground!

This nameless mountaintop was cut into a long gully by the long sword.

Smoke and dust rose up, and the grass and trees turned into dust.

The majestic spiritual power leaked out, and even the surrounding rocks were chopped into pieces.

In the dust, Xu Changan's dark green figure suddenly passed by Ji Feishuang.

"Ji Feishuang...did you enjoy the two attacks just now?"

"Now, it's my turn!"


A large flag suddenly appeared in Xu Changan's hand, and a golden dragon was imprinted on it.

Top-grade spiritual weapon: Guishui Golden Dragon Flag!

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