Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 133 [The past, the soul-catching golden bell]

"Let me tell you a story first!"

Qingxu lifted up the front of his robe and sat on the futon.

Xu Changan followed him and sat on another futon in front of Qingxu.

"Back then, about ninety or a hundred years ago, my junior sister Fairy Qingling married Chen Yuchang, the new peak master of Guanyun Peak!"

"This Chen Yuchang is not only the peak master of Guanyun Peak, the senior brother of Guanyun Peak, but also an influential figure in the entire Taixuan Sect. He is extremely talented, has unparalleled fighting power, and is generous!"

"So Senior Brother Chen is highly respected by all the disciples of Taixuanmen and is promoted as the senior brother of Taixuanmen!"

"Back then, his status in Taixuan Sect was much higher than that of Cheng Bufan and others!"

"Furthermore, Senior Brother Chen is as handsome as jade. He is a first-class handsome man. Even I, Taoist Qingxu, am impressed by Senior Brother Chen's grace and demeanor and am willing to worship him as my senior brother!"

"After my little sister married Chen Yuchang, the two of them also spent a wonderful time at Guanyun Peak!"

"This time is about twenty years!"

"Twenty years later, their child Chen Chong is even more amazing. This child has almost inherited the most outstanding character of his parents. Not only is he extremely talented, but he also has an outstanding appearance. His cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds. In less than twenty years old, he has practiced At the twelfth level of Qi Refining, it is unprecedented in the entire Taixuan Sect!"

Xu Changan nodded.

At the age of twenty, I reached the twelfth level of Dzogchen. This is really amazing.

Fu Nianzhen and Ding Lan are probably not as good.

"It's a pity..." Qingxu's face became a little darker: "Maybe God deliberately tempered Chong'er, or maybe he used up all his good luck in the past twenty years. In any case, he couldn't help it. Break through the foundation!"

"Eating the Foundation Establishment Pill is of no use!"

"I have tried all kinds of treasures, but to no avail!"

"He has gone through four or five years of ups and downs without making any progress in his cultivation. You must know that this is a normal thing for you, Xu Changan, but for a genius, this is A torture!"

"From that time on, Chong'er's character collapsed. I don't know where he got a book of demonic skills called [Nine Nether Blood Classic] and started practicing. Later, when the incident was revealed, the entire sect was shocked!"


this moment!

Xu Changan's brain almost exploded.

Jiuyou Blood Meridian?

Chen Chong?


Ancestor of the Chen family!


Xu Changan took a deep breath, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The ancestors of the Chen family practice the [Nine Nether Blood Classic], and they all have the surname Chen.

Oh my gosh, they're not the same people!

What is the relationship between the ancestor of the Chen family and Chen Chong and Chen Yuchang named Chen?

And I?

This time Fairy Qingling deliberately asked me to rob Chenjiabao. Is this a plan?

For a moment, Xu Changan's mind was confused.

"Senior Nephew Xu...Senior Nephew Xu...what's wrong with you?" Qingxu noticed something was wrong and hurriedly spoke.

Xu Changan shook his head and said: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect that Uncle Qingling's fate would be so difficult!"

"Yeah..." Qingxu sighed and said, "The most pitiful one here is my junior sister Qing Ling!"

"Later!" Qingxu said: "Your master Minghe took the lead in handling the matter of Chen Chong's practice of demonic skills. In order to save his son, Chen Yuchang knelt in front of your master regardless of his identity and begged your master to show mercy!"

"Senior Brother Minghe may have really wanted to give Chen Chong a chance, so he spared his life, but it also shattered Chong'er's Dantian, making him unable to practice from now on!"

"The relationship between Chen Yuchang and your master started at this time!"

"Later, I heard about Chong'er's untimely death and the news that senior brother Chen Yuchang died in depression, and then your uncle Qingling took over Guanyun Peak. But I didn't expect that so many years have passed, and this Chen Yuchang didn't He died, but he also transformed into a demon and attacked your master!"

"Your master and him can be regarded as cause and effect."

After the story was told, Xu Changan finally understood who killed his master.

What followed was a long silence.

After more than a dozen breaths, Xu Changan suddenly asked: "Since Chen Yuchang killed my master and took away my master's [Chaoyuan Pill], can I ask my uncle if Qingling Patriarch can break through the Golden Pill?" Period, does it have anything to do with this?”

Qingxu glanced at Xu Changan meaningfully, then shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"I've already told you what you need to say, but if you want revenge, you'd better weigh your own weight!"

Xu Changan nodded.


He wouldn't dare think about it now!

Not to mention Chen Yuchang, who was half human and half ghost, and extremely powerful, Xu Changan couldn't cope with Uncle Qingling's golden elixir master.


What a joke.

Let’s talk about it later when I become stronger.

"Go!" Qingxu waved his hand and began to chase away the guests.

Xu Changan bowed his hands and left.

Back to his own dojo!

The incident that the Nascent Soul cultivator came to the sect and left instantly has already spread a lot in Taixuan Sect. However, the only people who know the true situation are Xu Changan and three others, and these three people are still dead. one.

"Junior brother is back?" Senior brother Li Chijian saw Xu Changan and asked with concern: "Is things going well at Chenjiabao?"

Xu Changan nodded: "All goes well, senior brother, I will stay in seclusion for two days and then talk about Chenjiabao in two days!"

He returned to his dojo and took out Ji Feishuang's storage bag with a wave of his hand.

There are many treasures in the storage bag. In addition to spiritual stones and various medicinal materials, there are also several treasures.

The first treasure is the cyan seal.

Xu Changan picked up the seal and took a look at it, and then his consciousness suddenly opened and swept into the seal, and he detected the 13 restrictions in it.

"It actually has 13 restrictions. Is it a top-grade spiritual weapon?" Xu Changan muttered to himself in shock: "No wonder it can easily block the full blow of my Guishui Golden Dragon Flag!"

nice one!

When facing the enemy in the future, there will be another defensive weapon.

The seal is named: Zhenhai Seal.

In addition to the Zhenhai Seal, there is also a flying sword, which is a top-quality magical weapon.

The power of this thing was very good, but the grade was very average. Xu Changan didn't take a fancy to it and threw it aside casually.

The last thing that fell into his eyes were the two strings of golden bells.

There are two bells, divided into two strings, originally hanging on Ji Feishuang's left and right hands.

Xu Changan blasted his spiritual consciousness into it unscrupulously.

"This..." He was extremely shocked: "19 restrictions... hisss... my God, there are actually nineteen restrictions?"

In the world of cultivation, treasures are divided from low-level to high-level into magic weapons, spiritual weapons, magic weapons, and holy weapons (ancient treasures).

Even the best spiritual weapons only have 15 restrictions.

But there are actually nineteen restrictions on this treasure. Needless to say, this bell belongs to the [Magic Weapon] level.

And it’s also a middle-grade magic weapon.

What is a magic weapon?

It refers to a great monk in the golden elixir stage who, with his real name, elixir fire and magical powers, refines external materials into treasures, and then hides them in the golden elixir for a long time to form a peerless treasure.

This can be called a magic weapon.

Under normal circumstances, even if the magic weapon is warmed to the Nascent Soul realm, it is still of low quality.

This middle-grade magic weapon is most likely the natal treasure of a great monk in the late Yuan Ying period or a god-transforming monk.

But after the master died, the treasure became a magic weapon and wandered around the world.

In fact, even the sacred ancient treasure is theoretically a magic weapon, but because the owner's cultivation is too shocking, the treasure has become more and more powerful after being warmed for many years, thus breaking through the limits of the magic weapon and transforming into a holy weapon. Ancient treasure.

Xu Changan's consciousness continued to scan Jin Ling.

The name of the treasure is: Soul-catching Golden Bell!

After the soul-stirring golden bell is refined, it can block spiritual attacks from the outside world, and can also launch spiritual attacks.

You must know how powerful Xu Changan's spiritual consciousness is. Even so, when he fought with Ji Feishuang, he was still fixed in place by this soul-stirring golden bell, which shows how extraordinary this treasure is.

If this treasure is completely refined and used by monks with strong spiritual consciousness, it can even create an illusion to confuse the enemy.

What a good thing!

However, now is not the time to refine this treasure, so we can only put it away first.

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