Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 134 [Breakthrough the Tenth Floor, Ding Lan Ding Lan]

Two days later, the sect's high-level meeting was held, and Xu Changan was also invited to attend.

There was only one issue discussed this time: to set up a branch of Taixuan Sect in Chenjiabao.

After some discussion, Qingling Patriarch waved his jade arm and said, "Ding Lan's proposal is very good. Since everyone has no objection, let's make Chenjiabao a branch of our Taixuan Sect!"

"As for the candidates?"

Qingling looked at Qingxu: "Do you have any good suggestions, senior brother?"

"Yes!" Qingxu nodded and said, "According to my opinion, we will select one elder in the foundation-building period from each of the fourteen peaks of Taixuan Sect, and each peak will have ten disciples. In this way, the basic structure of this branch will be ", recruit more disciples in the future to develop and grow!"

"As for Ding Lan and Xu Changan, they have made great contributions, and each of them will be given a nominal elder!"

Qingling Fairy said: "Great!"

"Xu Changan!" She glanced at Xu Changan and said: "You should practice in seclusion. You don't have to worry about the affairs of Chenjiabao, but you have made great contributions. When the branch is established in the future, you will have the position of an elder!"

"Thank you, ancestor!"

Xu Changan bowed his hands to thank him, and then returned to his own dojo without hesitation.

It's time to retreat again.


The first thing to do when returning to the dojo!

Refine the magic weapon!

Xu Changan first took out the [Soul-Capturing Golden Bell].

19 layers of restrictions!

The more layers of restrictions on the treasure, the more powerful the treasure.

Similarly, it is more difficult to refine.

For example, among the 19 layers of restrictions, the first 15 layers are no different from refining a normal [Top-grade Spiritual Weapon], because the spiritual weapon also has 15 layers.

But the time and energy required to refine the last four layers are even many times more than the first 15 layers.

It's just so abnormal.

Fortunately, Xu Changan has now completed the practice of the Heavenly Emperor's Control of the Spiritual Refining Chapter. His spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, so it is naturally twice the result with half the effort when refining the treasure.

In the golden talisman space, forty days passed in a flash.

Xu Changan refined all 19 layers of restrictions.

"Dinglingling..." With a slight shake, the soul-capturing golden bell made a pleasant sound. If it is blessed with spiritual power, this sound can reach people's hearts and disturb the soul.

It is definitely a killer to use it suddenly in battle.

For example, when throwing the [Wheel of Life and Death], shake the bell at the moment the wheel of death is thrown, and the opponent cannot dodge it even if he has the magical power of shrinking the earth into an inch.

"Well... the only downside is that this thing is too feminine. It's great for girls to use. I, a grown man, always feel weird wearing this golden bell on my wrist!"

"Forget it, I can't wear it on my wrist. Put it in the storage space!"

After refining the Soul-Capturing Golden Bell, Xu Changan went to refine the [Sea Seal].

The Sea Seal has thirteen layers of restrictions and is a top-grade spiritual weapon.

It was done in just seven days.

After the two treasures were successfully refined, the highlight came.

Xu Changan waved his hand, and hundreds of human beads and a pool of blood essence were taken over by him.

These things were all collected from Chenjiabao.

Let's put it this way, if all these things are absorbed, then breaking through the tenth level of Qi Refining Stage will be a piece of cake.

But the problem is that these things are likely to be a pit dug by the Fairy Qingling of Qingling Peak for Xu Changan.

Now the pit is in front of him, jump or not?

Xu Changan pondered for about three breaths, then took a decisive step and entered the blood pool.

There was nothing to think about.

As long as I could break through, I didn't care what pit you dug for me!

Buzz buzz buzz...

After entering the blood pool, the Nine Nether Blood Meridian in Xu Changan's body started to operate automatically, and countless energy and spiritual power penetrated from the blood into the 480 million pores on his body surface, accumulating mosquitoes into thunder, and accumulating little by little into a lot.

At the same time, Xu Changan opened his mouth and swallowed another blood bead.

There was a strange movement in the meridians.

Densely packed, countless white bones suddenly appeared in Xu Changan's consciousness, as if countless wronged souls were asking for his life.


Xu Changan roared, and then shook the soul-catching golden bell a few times, and all the moving scenes were shattered.

He fell into deep practice.

One day!

Two days!

Three days!

In a blink of an eye, a hundred days passed.

Because when Xu Changan was practicing before, he had already cultivated to the perfection of the ninth level, and he was only one step away from entering the threshold of the tenth level.

So, this time his practice was to fill the last step.

So soon!

It only took a hundred days for Xu Changan to feel that some invisible shackles in his body were broken.


The blood flowed like a flood, running wildly in his body, and one essence after another was condensed in his heart, turning into a drop of sticky blood.

In an instant, another golden light fell.

The tenth level of Qi Refining Stage, done!

Xu Changan opened his eyes.

The tenth level.

With the two-way external supplement of the blood pool and the human pearl, Xu Changan's cultivation finally broke through the late stage of Qi Refining Stage and reached the great perfection of Qi Refining Stage.

The great perfection is the same as the early, middle and late stages, which is a level, including the tenth, eleventh and twelfth levels.

Xu Changan raised his head and looked at the huge golden talisman on his head.

Because at this time, according to common sense, a rune should fall down.

But before he saw the rune fall down, his eyes suddenly went dark.

His entire consciousness seemed to have entered another world.

In this world, chaos and ferocious demonic energy were everywhere.


A demon king who was dozens of feet tall laughed at Xu Changan ferociously. He held a bone stick with white bones in his hand. His eyes were blood red, and the blood light flashed three feet in them, which made people's scalps numb.

"Get out..."

Xu Changan waved his hand and completely smashed the monster in front of him.

The demon king was gone.

But there was endless demonic energy around, and the roars of countless monsters were endless.

"What is this place?"

"Isn't I in the golden rune space? How did I come to this damn place?"

He walked forward along the dark and wide street, and there was a dense bamboo forest in front of him.

Deep in the bamboo forest, there seemed to be a small wooden house.

There seemed to be some kind of magical power coming from the wooden house, pulling Xu Changan and making him walk forward step by step willingly.

Crossing the shadowy bamboo forest, countless surging demonic energy constantly changed its ferocious form.

Xu Changan came to the door of the wooden house.

There were many gaps on the shabby wooden door, and drops of blood were slowly flowing down.

As if there were some rare treasures hidden inside, Xu Changan was a little impatient. He wanted to open the door and see what was inside.

The thing inside made his heart beat faster and his blood boil.

With a squeak!

Xu Changan pushed the wooden door open with both hands.

In the wooden house, there was still endless demonic energy.

Behind the shadowy tacit understanding, a figure wearing black clothes and a black cloak suddenly appeared.

The face of the figure could not be seen clearly, but Xu Changan saw the corners of the other person's mouth slightly raised, she was smiling.

On the exposed lower half of the white face, the mouth slightly raised, a single dimple emerged.


The next moment, the demonic energy in front of him disappeared, the wooden house was broken, and the bamboo forest returned to nothingness.

Everything disappeared.

In the space in front of Xu Changan, the illusion was gone, everything disappeared, and it was filled again with a huge golden talisman.


Xu Changan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face as pale as paper.

"Ding Lan... Ding Lan... Ding Lan..." He breathed rapidly, muttering in a low voice: "Why... is it you?"

Guanyun Peak!

In the hall of Qingling Patriarch.

Ding Lan, who was in retreat, suddenly turned pale.


Similarly, a handful of blood sprayed out of her mouth.

The corners of her mouth twitched a few times, and her eyes were full of unspeakable horror: "So powerful... Why?"

"Why did he see the illusion of the sea of ​​​​magic when he was only on the tenth floor?"


The wind chime at the door moved slightly.

A graceful figure walked in from outside.

Fairy Qingling felt a little distressed when she saw Ding Lan's appearance, then took out a handkerchief to help her wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and then asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"What can make you so panicked?"

"Not good!" Ding Lan raised her head and stared at Fairy Qingling and said: "Mother... He broke through, the tenth level..."

"I know!" Qingling said: "Don't you know?"

"No..." Ding Lan said: "It's different... He has seen me in the illusion of the sea of ​​magic, he is only at the tenth level, why did he enter the illusion?"

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