Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 014 [Selling talismans, Chamber of Commerce transactions]

"Let's go in!"

Xu Changan patted Dabai at the door!

One person and one rabbit walked into the lobby of Liancheng Chamber of Commerce on the first floor.

There was an endless stream of people coming and going, and there were more than a dozen guys introducing products.

"Hello...welcome to Liancheng Chamber of Commerce!" A waiter in his twenties came over with a fake smile after seeing Xu Changan.

But when he saw the huge burden on Xu Changan's body, his expression instantly became a little cold: a poor guy who doesn't even have a storage bag?

"Go, let's go!" Before the waiter could say anything, the old and thin shopkeeper suddenly came out and waved to him: "I will receive this guest, you can go do other things!"


There was a flash of shock in the eyes of the waiter: The shopkeeper of Labor actually received him personally. What on earth could this humble young man have that shopkeeper Wu paid so much attention to?

The shopkeeper was not that guy, but a master who had reached the seventh level of Qi refining stage. When Xu Changan entered the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce, he felt a strong evil aura.

Evil energy cannot be disguised. If it were not for the countless killings all year round, there would be no such thing at all.

Although Xu Changan has never killed anyone, he has killed countless spirit beasts on the Chen family's Spirit Beast Mountain in the past three years, so it is not surprising that he has these evil spirits.

There is another reason why the shopkeeper can receive him personally.

Because Xu Changan's cultivation method is very special and is not the same as the traditional cultivation method, the shopkeeper did not see Xu Changan's cultivation level at a glance, which shocked him even more.

"This fellow Taoist, my surname is Wu, is the shopkeeper on the first floor of the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce. I wonder what you need?"

The shopkeeper is over sixty years old. He has experienced countless storms in his life and has long developed the habit of being cautious.

Xu Changan said: "I want to buy a storage bag, and then buy a technique that can be practiced, and... I also want some spiritual rice!"

The shopkeeper was suddenly shocked: You actually want these things?

No storage bags?

"Oh oh oh..." He reacted immediately and said: "We have three types of storage bags here, which are divided into low-level, intermediate and high-level. The low-level one costs 300 low-grade spiritual stones, the intermediate one costs 1,000 yuan, and the high-level one costs 5,000 piece."

"The low-level one is as big as half a room; the mid-level one is about the size of ten houses; the high-level one is big enough to be as big as our Liancheng Chamber of Commerce building."

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded, without commenting, and then asked: "What about the cultivation techniques?"

The shopkeeper said: "There are many kinds of exercises, with different grades and different attributes. Some are suitable for thunder attributes, and some are water attributes. I don't know which one do you want, fellow Taoist?"

Xu Changan raised his brows and asked, "Is there any technique suitable for monks who have spiritual roots of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, wind, ice, light, and darkness?"


The shopkeeper's face darkened visibly.

Only then did Xu Changan realize how unpopular the mixed spiritual roots with all ten elements were in the world of cultivation.

The shopkeeper casually took a book from the shelf nearby and threw it over, saying, "Here, that's it!"

Basic breathing and breathing method!

Xu Changan asked: "How much does it cost?"

The shopkeeper's attitude suddenly became lazy. He lengthened his voice and said slowly: "Ten low-grade spiritual stones!"

"As for the spiritual rice you want, one spiritual stone can buy a hundred catties..."

"How do you pay?"

Xu Changan asked: "I don't have spirit stones, can I pay with items?"

Shopkeeper Wu glanced at the huge package Xu Changan was carrying behind him and said, "Okay!"

Xu Changan took out a large bunch of dried meat: "Shopkeeper Wu, this is my meat, take a look..."

Before Xu Changan could finish speaking, a cold and icy smile appeared on Shopkeeper Wu's face. He gritted his teeth and said, "Little brother, are you afraid that you came to our Liancheng Chamber of Commerce to cause trouble?"

"Do you want me to ask you out?" His voice was much harsher.

"No, no, no!" Xu Changan waved his hands and said quickly: "I have something else!"

He took out a dark golden talisman from his sleeve and handed it over.

For three years in Lingshou Mountain, Xu Changan was not idle. He refined more than a thousand of these talismans.

When refining the talisman, Xu Changan also discovered a phenomenon, that is, the same talisman he drew after the third level of Qi refining was much more powerful than the one drawn at the second level of Qi refining.

It's the same whether it's the defensive Blood Shield Talisman or the offensive Golden Thunder Talisman.

Shopkeeper Wu opposite took the talisman and took a look at it, and his expression suddenly changed again. This kind of thing is a high-end product.

"Fellow Taoist!" When he called Xu Changan, he resumed his previous respectful address: "Your talisman looks not simple, what is its name?"

Xu Changan replied simply: "I don't know!"

Shopkeeper Wu:…………

"Wait a moment!" Shopkeeper Wu's eyes fell on the talisman again and said: "We need to test the properties of this talisman. First determine its power, and then we can determine its value!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded.

After about half a stick of incense, the shopkeeper walked down the stairs with a smile. He ran to Xu Changan cordially and said: "Fellow Taoist... this talisman is not simple. After the appraisal of our appraiser, this thing exploded." After that, it can be used as powerfully as a fourth-level Qi Refining monk’s powerful blow, and it has the attribute of golden thunder, so it is worth a lot of money!”

Xu Changan asked: "How much can it be exchanged for?"

Shopkeeper Wu said, "For this one, I'll give you 90 low-grade spirit stones!"

Xu Changan didn't know the price either, so he could only nod and said, "Okay, I have five more here, a total of six!"

He took out five more from his sleeves. Of course, they were all golden thunder talismans that he had transformed when he was in the second level of Qi Refining.

"Great!" Shopkeeper Wu said, "Sixty-nine fifty-four, that's 540 spirit stones for you, I'll give you a preferential price, 550!"

"After deducting the cost of these 300 storage bags, there are still 250 left!"

Shopkeeper Wu took out 250 spirit stones and handed them to Xu Changan.

Xu Changan's face darkened: Today and the number 250, there is a connection.

"And what about the skills and spirit rice?" Xu Changan said.

Shopkeeper Wu waved his hand and said, "What's this? I'll give you the skills and another 1,000 kilograms of spiritual rice. Is that enough?"

Under Shopkeeper Wu's instruction, Xu Changan dripped blood on the storage bag to acknowledge the owner, and then he could use it freely. With a wave of his hand, the bag full of dried meat behind him was put into the storage bag, and the basic skills and 1,000 kilograms of spiritual rice he bought were also put into it.

"Do you want to buy something else?" Shopkeeper Wu looked at Xu Changan kindly.

Xu Changan shook his head and said, "No!"

"Then...if you still have this talisman, you can sell it to our Liancheng Chamber of Commerce. Don't worry, the price we give is definitely not low!"

Xu Changan waved his hand and left, saying, "No, I still have a few, but I have to keep them to save my life, I can't sell them all to you!"

What he said was half true and half false, and for a while, Shopkeeper Wu was confused.

Shopkeeper Wu could only stamp his feet, feeling sorry for losing a good business.

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