Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 015 [Taobao on the street, treasure map]

"Master Immortal, you only need one spiritual stone to stay in our inn for one night, and we also provide delicious food!"

"Brother, do you want wine? This is a rare pure wine in the world. Give me one spiritual stone and I will give you a big jar!"

"Fellow Daoist, please go slowly. I have ten thousand taels of gold here. Can I exchange it for ten spiritual stones?"

"Fellow Daoist, I have treasures here!"

Xu Changan had just come out of Liancheng Chamber of Commerce when he was surrounded by dozens of cultivators, who were selling him their so-called treasures one by one.

At this time, he realized that this spiritual stone was the medium of transaction between cultivators, and it had the same monetary function as money in the secular world. However, this thing was not easy to get. Even those casual cultivators who had been wandering outside for several years might not be able to dig out a spiritual stone.


The fat Dabai next to him stretched his neck and spit out saliva at everyone.

Xu Changan was able to get out of the siege.

"Damn beast, what are you doing... Shut up... Shut up..."

A fat man cursed angrily, holding a wooden stick in his hand and hitting Dabai's back twice.

Xu Changan was speechless and grabbed Dabai who was putting his head into the wine jar, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry..."

"Hmph..." The fat man straightened his waist and looked at Xu Changan and said: "No... Your fairy pet ruined my wine. If you don't compensate me today, don't think about leaving!"

Xu Changan knew that he was in the wrong, so he took out a spirit stone from his bag and handed it over: "Sorry, sorry, I'll buy this jar of wine!"

The fat man happily took the spirit stone, and then his face suddenly changed, saying: "Two spirit stones are enough!"

Xu Changan immediately disagreed: "Didn't you just say that one spirit stone would give you one jar?"

The fat man said: "That was just now. Now the price has increased, isn't it okay?"

Around the fat man, there were four or five cultivators leaning towards him, as if we were in large numbers and we were not afraid of you defaulting on your debt.

Xu Changan suddenly moved forward, stretched out his right hand and fiercely opened the fat man's hand, and instantly took the spiritual stone he had just given: "Do you want it?"

He took the spiritual stone and turned around and left.

Seeing Xu Changan's skill, the fat man didn't dare to cheat anymore, and hurriedly ran up with a smile, lowered his body and said with a smile: "Daoyou Daoyou Daoyou, I just made a joke with you..."

"Excuse me... Just one spiritual stone will do!"

Xu Changan stopped, took out the spiritual stone the size of a date pit in his hand and threw it back into the fat man's hand, saying: "Dabai, go drink it!"

Dabai ran out happily after receiving the instruction, and took a long breath at the wine jar, which made the surrounding cultivators amazed. Some even ran over to buy Xu Changan's fairy pet, but were driven away by Dabai's spit of wine.


The surrounding cultivators laughed.

Dabai, who drank half a jar of wine in one breath, staggered and followed Xu Changan away, looking as funny as it could be.

"Daoyou... look at this!" A white-haired old man in a yellow Taoist robe came to Xu Changan with a thick book in his hand: "I calculated with my fingers, you really need this thing!"

Xu Changan's eyes fell on the book in the old Taoist's hand, and saw five big words written on it: Cultivation Treasure Book!

"What is this?" he asked curiously.

The old man said: "This is a collection of knowledge that must be known to get started in the cultivation world. Although this book cannot be used for cultivation and is not a magic spell, it is all-encompassing, covering astronomy and geography, local customs, sect introduction, realm division, and a series of common sense of cultivation!"

"Little friend, how about it?"

"Would you like a copy?"

Xu Changan's heart instantly became hot. What he lacked was exactly these common sense things, otherwise he would not have behaved like a bumpkin when Zhou Fang took out a pot out of thin air.

"How much?"

The old Taoist in yellow waved his hand: "One hundred spiritual stones!"

"Tsk..." The monks around sighed in unison.

Xu Changan naturally knew that the old Taoist in yellow was deliberately deceiving him, so he shook his head: "No!"

The old Taoist smiled awkwardly, turned his body flexibly and blocked in front of Xu Changan, saying: "Then what's your price?"

Xu Changan thought that if you ask for a high price, I will pay you back on the spot, and I won't be angry to death, so he said casually: "Five spiritual stones..."

The old Taoist in yellow immediately showed an extremely painful expression on his face, and then neatly stuffed the book in his hand into Xu Changan's armpit: "Sell it!"

Ah... too much?

You old bastard!

But Xu Changan would not let this matter affect his mood. He waved his hand to collect the book and continued to walk forward.

After walking two more streets, no one knew that he came out of the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce.

There were densely packed stalls on both sides of the street, with countless items on them. There were pills, weapons, various spiritual herbs, various strange fragments, and occasionally one or two people selling storage bags.

"Pill formula, pill formula...Pei Yuan Dan, Ju Qi Dan pill formula, anyone want it?"

"Nine-leaf grass, yellow ground root, various spiritual herbs..."

There was a stall selling pill formulas, pills and various spiritual herbs, and it was crowded with people.

When Xu Changan arrived at the stall, the stall owner showed a barely perceptible smile. He looked at Xu Changan and asked, "My fellow Taoist, when you first enter the world of cultivation, the most important thing is various elixirs. Would you like to see my recipe?"

Xu Changan was very curious and said, "Okay!"

"Here..." The stall owner handed over a jade slip and said, "This is the recipe for Peiyuan Pill. Peiyuan Pill can strengthen the foundation and consolidate the roots!"

Xu Changan took a look and found that there was indeed a recipe on it.

"This is the recipe for Juqi Pill!" The stall owner threw another jade slip and said, "This Juqi Pill is very useful. You can eat one while practicing. The speed of condensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will increase tenfold. With it accompanying you on the road of cultivation, you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Xu Changan put the jade slip on his forehead.

As long as the cultivator has cultivated inner vision, he can put the jade slip on his forehead to view the contents inside.


When he saw the contents, Xu Changan shuddered slightly: This is not a recipe for the Qi Gathering Pill, it records a map of a treasure map.

Treasure map!

What does it mean? Isn't it a recipe for the Qi Gathering Pill?

Did you take the wrong one, or did you deliberately take a fake map to deceive me?

Xu Changan put away the jade slip with his hand, looked at the stall owner calmly, and asked: "How many spirit stones?"

The stall owner's eyes stayed on Xu Changan's storage bag for half a breath and then moved away, smiling and saying: "If you want it, I can give you ten spirit stones!"

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