Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 144 [Leaving Taixuan, good times come after bad times]

Three hours later, Xu Changan set up a level 3 defense formation.


The formation rose, with light flowing and runes surrounding it.

One look showed that it was much thicker than the previous level 2 formation.

"Hey..." Li Chijian happily patted Xu Changan on the shoulder and said, "Junior brother is amazing... Thank you!"

Xu Changan's spiritual roots were broken, and he had no cultivation at all, so he was slower in setting up the formation.

Of course, he had a hidden breath talisman on him now, so even though his spiritual roots were broken, Li Chijian couldn't tell. He thought Xu Changan was still at the thirteenth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Xu Changan said: "Big Brother, why are you being polite? We are brothers!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Chijian said: "We are brothers, hahaha... By the way, did you go to Uncle Qingxu just now? How was it? Did he say anything?"

Xu Changan smiled and shook his head, saying: "No!"

At this time, Ning Xiangxuan, Qin Kuo, Fu Nianzhen and others also came to the door of Li Chijian.

"Junior Brother Xu!"

"Junior Brother Xu 1"

"Junior Brother Xu!"

Several people looked at Xu Changan with concern.

Li Chijian said: "Let's go to my dojo, let's drink and talk while drinking. Last time my apprentice went down the mountain, he brought me a lot of century-old wine!"

Everyone entered Li Chijian's dojo in a line, and then sat down as host and guest.

A jar of fragrant wine was brought up by Qin Nongqin, Li Chijian's new disciple.

"Don't go!" Xu Changan stopped Qin Nongqin.

Qin Nongqin bowed slightly and said, "Uncle Thirteen, what do you want me to do?"

Xu Changan laughed and took out a small silver shield from his storage bag, saying, "Your parents have helped me for many years, and now you have become a disciple of my senior brother. As my uncle, I have to give you a gift!"

"This shield is called [Silver Armor Shield], it is a top-grade magic weapon, you can use it!"

Xu Changan remembered that this [Silver Armor Shield] was collected from Lu Dadong's storage bag. For him, the level is too low, so he has not even refined it since he got it.

Now that it is given to Qin Nongqin, it can be regarded as making the best use of it.

The key is that for Qin Nongqin, a low-level cultivator, this silver armor shield is really a rare treasure.

"Thank you, uncle!" Qin Nongqin was overjoyed when he took the small shield.

Ning Xiangxuan said sourly: "Junior Brother Xu, is it too late for me to call you Uncle Master now? Give me a copy of this silver armor shield!"

Everyone laughed.

It's true that Ning Xiangxuan doesn't have a top-grade magic weapon!

"Come on, drink, drink..."

Everyone picked up their cups and drank a big cup each.

Xu Changan put down the bowl, then waved his hand and took out 10,000 spiritual stones from the storage bag, and threw them all in front of Ning Xiangxuan.

"Old Thirteen, what do you mean?" Ning Xiangxuan looked puzzled.

Everyone looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan smiled and said: "I actually got the two golden mutant spider eggs in the underground of Doujiao Mountain!"




Ning Xiangxuan, Fu Nianzhen and Qin Kuo had different reactions.

Xu Changan said: "Now that I have lost my eggs, I can't give you anything. These ten thousand spirit stones are my compensation to you!"

Spirit stones are the currency of the cultivation world. They also contain extremely rich spiritual power and are an indispensable item on the road of cultivation.

Most people would not refuse such things.

Ning Xiangxuan nodded and said: "Junior Brother Xu, I won't be polite then..."

"Hua La..." Xu Changan took out another five thousand spirit stones and threw them to Qin Kuo: "Senior Brother Qin, you have taken care of me since I entered the sect. Don't be polite to me with these spirit stones. Take them first. Tomorrow, I will give you a cause and effect explanation!"

Qin Kuo nodded and put away the spirit stones.

Next, the four of them drank together.

They were drunk before they dispersed.

The other three left, but Xu Changan did not. He took out a jade box from his storage bag: "Brother, there are nine [Blood Jade Bodhi] in here. This thing is useless to me. If any of you brothers can't build a foundation and are about to die, you can give it to them!"

"What?" Li Chijian sobered up instantly and said, "This... Junior Brother, how come you still have this thing?"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan said, "I picked these nine pieces last time in the secret realm!"

There are a total of twelve Blood Jade Bodhis, Lin Weihu ate one, Cheng Bufan ate one, and Xu Changan ate one.

There are nine left.

"Brother, please keep it!" Xu Changan asked again: "How long will it take for the next sect secret realm to open?"

Li Chijian counted with his fingers and said: "The secret realm opens once every thirty years. Now it should be more than seven years!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan took out a map and said: "Brother, this is the map of the secret realm. It is also what I got in the secret realm last time. If I enter next time, I will have this thing. It will surely be good for the sect!"

"This..." Li Chijian was numb: "How do you have everything?"

Xu Changan laughed and walked out of Li Chijian's dojo.

After leaving Li Chijian's dojo, he went to Fu Nianzhen's dojo.

When their eyes met, Xu Changan smiled bitterly, then took off the pair of golden bells on his wrist and said, "Senior Sister Fu, this thing is not suitable for a grown man like me to wear on my wrist, so I'll give it to you..."

"This..." Fu Nianzhen took the golden bell, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and was immediately shocked, saying, "Junior Brother, this... this... this is actually a magic weapon?"

"Hmm!" Xu Changan said, "Be careful when you use it in the future, and don't use it until the last moment. I got this thing by killing the Ji family's genius!"

"Hiss hiss hiss..." Fu Nianzhen took a breath.

Xu Changan dropped more than 300,000 spiritual stones: "Senior Sister, these are also for you!"

In fact, Xu Changan still had millions of spiritual stones in his hands, and there were several spiritual tools, which he also wanted to give away.

Because he has become a mortal now, these things are useless.

However, these things are stained with cause and effect, and it is inconvenient to use them. In order not to cause trouble for himself and his senior brothers and sisters, he simply did not give them away.

I only picked some insignificant things and sent them out.

"Junior brother, what happened to you? What's wrong with you?" Fu Nianzhen looked at Xu Changan with a pang of heartache.

Xu Changan laughed and said, "It's okay... It's late today, I'll give you an explanation tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Fu Nianzhen nodded and said, "Then I'll go find you tomorrow!"


The night was dark.

A huge black-winged bird suddenly soared into the sky from Wanghe Peak, and in an instant it flew across the sea of ​​clouds and headed east.

Xu Changan was gone!

He did not say goodbye to his senior brothers and sisters, because in his heart, this banquet in Li Chijian's dojo was a farewell.

The speed of the fire-beaked black-winged eagle was very fast. The spiritual beast, which had already reached the foundation-building stage, had already passed a thousand miles of land by slightly flapping its wings.

Its speed was 10% faster than the huge flying boat of Taixuanmen.

"Junior brother, please wait..."

The voice of Taoist Qingxu came from a distance.

Xu Changan's mind moved, and the black-winged eagle stopped and landed on an unknown mountaintop.

The Taoist Qingxu's escape light also fell.

"Master?" Xu Changan looked at Qingxu with some surprise.

Qingxu glanced at Xu Changan and said, "I didn't expect that you would eat a blood jade bodhi. How could you be so confused and abandon it like this?"

Xu Changan remained silent.

"Help me do something!" Qingxu waved his hand and took out a porcelain bottle, saying, "This is for you!"

"What is this?" Xu Changan took the porcelain bottle and hugged it, because it was very big.

Qingxu said: "It contains Xu Pingsheng's ashes. He is from Qingniu Town, Yiyang County, just like you. If you return home, please bring him back to your hometown!"

Xu Changan's face suddenly became solemn, and he said: "I forgot that I still owe Brother Changsheng a huge cause and effect!"

Qingxu frowned and looked at the starry sky for a long time, and suddenly said: "Xu Changan, you are leaving, I will give you a hexagram to predict your future, how about it?"

Xu Changan smiled and nodded: "Thank you very much, uncle!"

He took the three copper coins used by mortals on earth, the sky is round and the earth is square, which is the Qin coin.

Qingxu said: "Think what you think in your heart and throw the copper coins on the ground!"

Xu Changan threw the three copper coins on the ground casually, and all of them were facing up.

Qingxu said: "The first line, old yin!"

Xu Changan threw it again, and all three coins were facing up.

Qingxu said: "The second line, old yin!"

The third time, it was still facing up.

Qingxu said: "Three lines, old Yin!"

"Three lines are all old Yin, this is Kun below!"

"Keep going!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan threw three times in a row.

These three times were just the opposite, and all three times the copper coins were facing up.

Qingxu said: "Four, five, and six lines are all old Yang, this is Qian on top!"

Xu Changan knew that Qingxu's prophecy and Yishu were very good, so he asked: "Uncle, what is this hexagram?"

Qingxu said: "Qian is on top and Kun is on the bottom, it is the Fu hexagram!"

Xu Changan asked again: "What about the future?"

Qingxu said: "Everything goes wrong!"

Xu Changan's face turned black. If he hadn't been unable to beat Qingxu, he would have wanted to kick Qingxu off the cliff at this moment.

But think about it.

Now, I really can be said to have everything going wrong.

"Hahahahaha..." Taoist Qingxu ignored Xu Changan's black face, looked up at the sky, and laughed loudly.

"Uncle Qingxu, everything is going wrong for me, and you are still laughing at me?"

"No, no, no..." Qingxu waved his hand and said, "This hexagram can still change!"

Xu Changan: "How can it change?"

Qingxu said, "Old Yin can turn into Yang, and old Yang can turn into Yin. If all the old Yin on your hexagram turns into Yang, and all the old Yang turns into Yin, then this hexagram will become Qian on the bottom and Kun on the top, with Kun on top and Qian on the bottom, which is the Tai hexagram!"

Xu Changan asked, "The Fu hexagram has turned into the Tai hexagram?"

Qingxu said, "Yes, this is what is called [Misfortune turns to fortune]!"

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