Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 145 [Come to Yunmeng again, the breath of Hongmeng]

The night wind was howling!

Xu Changan lay on the broad back of the fire-beaked black-winged eagle, his heart as calm as water.

Of course, he knew that Taoist Qingxu was a master of prophecy and divination, and he almost always got it right. But Xu Changan did not think the result of this divination was true. He felt that Qingxu was comforting him in another way.


Because my spiritual roots are all cut off, and you still say that I will be lucky after the worst?

How is that possible!

Unless my spiritual roots can be repaired, but how can there be a way to repair spiritual roots in this world?

So, Uncle Qingxu must be comforting me. What is lucky after the worst? It must be a trick you have prepared long ago, right?

A fish belly white appeared in the eastern sky.

Dawn is approaching!

Xu Changan looked down over the clouds and saw a huge lake in the mountains, and there were rows of buildings in the middle of the lake.

The shape of the buildings here is somewhat familiar.

He suddenly remembered that this was the place where Zhou Fang brought him into the world of cultivation, Yunmeng City Square?

More than 30 years have passed, I didn't expect this market is still there.

"Xiao Hei, land!"

Xu Changan commanded the black-winged eagle to land in the mountains, and then used the golden talisman space to collect Xiao Hei, and he walked towards the market.

A huge lake was in front of him.

Xu Changan smiled, everything here was so familiar, still the same as before, still the same taste as before.

Even when Xu Changan came to this place, his whole body seemed to be filled with the kind of ignorance and yearning for the world of cultivation.

Here, but the dream begins!

He randomly found an unused canoe parked on the shore, stepped on it, and paddled the boat with his hands not very skillfully. Xu Changan, who had been busy for half an incense stick to learn how to row, finally rowed to the other side.

"Little brother, wait a minute..."

A figure in a purple Taoist robe ran to the lake in a hurry, then took a step, and his body turned while leaping in the air, and landed steadily at the stern of Xu Changan's boat.

These movements were performed very smoothly, but the female cultivator who landed at the stern was already panting and sweating.

"I am Cao Buhuan..." The female cultivator bowed to Xu Changan: "Hehe, I don't know how to row a boat, please take me for a ride, thank you!"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "No problem!"

Now Xu Changan didn't even wear the Taoist robe of Taixuan Sect. He was wearing the [Heavenly Silk Collar], and changed into a brocade dress like a secular young man. Although he couldn't be said to be celestial, he was also very noble.

Xu Changan was handsome and had bright eyes and white teeth.

The boat slowly rowed towards the island in the center of the lake.

When they arrived at the destination, the female cultivator thanked Xu Changan and turned around to land in a beautiful flat sand and wild goose style, followed by Xu Changan.

"Storage bag, storage bag, anyone want a storage bag?"

As soon as he landed, all kinds of hawking came over.

Some people were selling storage bags, some were selling books, and some were selling elixirs and exercises.

There were endless stalls.

Xu Changan walked past calmly.

At this moment, a man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks came over and blocked Xu Changan's way: "Hey, sir, hello, I have a good storage bag here, do you want one?"

Xu Changan shook his head.

"No!" The man stopped Xu Changan and said, "Little brother, this is your first time to come to such a place, you don't even have a storage bag, it will be dangerous to travel in the world of cultivation in the future, as the saying goes, don't show off your wealth!"

"Buy one, mine is very cheap, three hundred spirit stones each!"

Three hundred?

Xu Changan remembered that it was only sold for one hundred in Liancheng Chamber of Commerce before, is it too much for you to sell it for three hundred?

"Too expensive, I won't buy it!" Xu Changan waved his hand and said, "I have a lot of this stuff, go find someone else!"

"Hey..." Hearing Xu Changan's words, the man was immediately unhappy, and he shouted loudly: "What you said, if you don't have spiritual stones, then you don't have spiritual stones, what's the point of saying you have a lot?"


The eyes of the surrounding cultivators looked over here one by one.

The skinny monkey's accomplices also squeezed over and surrounded Xu Changan.

"What's going on?" A fat man took two steps towards Xu Changan: "Are you bullying our brothers?"

"Fighting is not allowed in the market, but you can't bully our brothers either!"

Xu Changan's face darkened, and he said: "Misunderstood, he wanted to sell me a storage bag, I don't want to buy it, it's that simple!"

"Tsk!" The skinny monkey said: "What do you mean by not wanting to buy it? He deliberately pretended to me, saying that my storage bag was too expensive, and that he had a lot of storage bags. This is deliberately making trouble for me and ruining my business!"

"Daoyou!" The fat man said: "This is your fault, you apologize to my brother, and buy another storage bag, and this matter will be over, how about it?"

While speaking, the fat man took another step forward, and the pressure on his body was released.

Xu Changan smiled, and then waved his hand, and a storage bag was taken out by him.

Then, the second, third, fourth...

In fact, Xu Changan is a gentle cultivator, and he has never killed innocent people indiscriminately in all these years of cultivation.

But even so, there were many monks who died directly or indirectly at his hands.

Within three or five breaths, more than twenty storage bags were taken out by Xu Changan.

The surroundings were as silent as death.

Everyone looked at Xu Changan's storage bag.

All the storage bags were of different styles and colors.

And they were all very worn out, and it was obvious that they had been used by others for many years.

What does this mean?

It means that these storage bags belong to others.

This guy actually killed so many fellows?

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." The fat man and the skinny monkey were so scared that they felt like sieves.

Xu Changan waved his hand, and all the storage bags were taken back, and asked: "What do you say now?"


The people around all knelt on the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... We are blind and have offended you. Please be magnanimous, don't bother with us..."

Xu Changan didn't say anything, and just walked away.

"Damn..." Seeing Xu Changan disappear in the crowd, the fat man stood up and wiped his sweat while saying, "I ran into a big mistake. I didn't even see what his cultivation was!"


"Little brother... wait a minute... wait a minute..."

An old man with a dirty yellow Taoist robe but white hair and beard grabbed Xu Changan and said, "I calculated with my fingers. You really need this thing."

Then a thick book was poked in Xu Changan's face.

The Book of Cultivation Treasures.

Xu Changan looked at the old man and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

This moment is just like that moment.

More than 30 years ago, he bought a Book of Cultivation Treasures from this old man.

At the beginning, the other party asked for 100 spirit stones, and he returned 5, and then the other party sold it to him cleanly.

This old thing must have cheated a lot of people over the years.

However, it has been more than 30 years, why is this guy still like this? Is he a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage?

Xu Changan's consciousness carefully scanned the old man.

No problem, the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage.

That should be no problem.

Xu Changan said: "How many spirit stones?"

The old man said: "One hundred!"

Xu Changan said: "Too expensive, I don't want it!"

The old man asked again: "Then how much will you give?"

Xu Changan said: "Five spirit stones!"

The dirty old man in the yellow Taoist robe stuffed the Cultivation Treasure Book into Xu Changan's armpit with a painful look on his face, and said: "Forget it, forget it, seeing that you have a connection with Tianzun, I will sell it to you for five spirit stones!"

Xu Changan smiled and took out an identical Treasure Book from his storage bag.

"Hey... you kid, are you doing this on purpose?" The old man's consciousness swept over Xu Changan, and he smiled again: "You don't need this thing... I calculated with my fingers, you need another thing!"

He put away the Book of Treasures, and took out a green jade slip: "Young man, there is a technique for repairing spiritual roots on it, do you want it?"

Xu Changan's pupils shrank slightly: A rotten old man in the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage can actually see that my spiritual roots are damaged?

The key is that I still have a hidden breath talisman on my body!

But now is not the time to think about these things.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his anxious tone a little, and then pretended to be calm and asked: "Old senior, how much is this?"

The old man said: "One hundred thousand spiritual stones, no bargaining!"

Xu Changan did not bargain, he took out one hundred thousand of his own spiritual stones and handed them to the old man.

The old man chuckled, handed the green jade slip to Xu Changan, and said, "Look for yourself, I'm leaving first!"

Xu Changan took the jade slip, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and found four words in the jade slip: Hongmeng Qi.

"You old man, you lied to me again..." Xu Changan gritted his teeth in anger, and when he wanted to drag the old man over for interrogation, he couldn't find him.

No matter how powerful his spiritual sense was, he couldn't find any trace of the old man.

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