Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 155 [Another kill to build the foundation, half-step to the golden elixir]

"Junior sister, you don't seem to be able to do it!"

The male disciple of the foundation-building stage of Xiaolinggu looked at the woman and said with a smile: "Do you need my help?"

He smiled as he watched the fight between the two people in front of him.

The woman seemed to take a gamble and said: "No, can't I handle this guy?"

"Just a beast!"

The reason why the male disciple could sit safely on the back of the blue spider was because Xu Changan didn't let the blue spider fight back.


Because once the blue spider fights back, it will instantly form a situation where two foundation-building stage masters will attack him, Xu Changan.

Steady the man first.

After dealing with the woman in front of him, it will be much easier to deal with the man.

Sure enough, the pair of foundation-building stage cultivators in Xiaolinggu were too arrogant. They did not besiege Xu Changan, but chose to fight one by one.

"This beast is good, it can actually defile someone's treasure..." The woman waved her hand, put away her long sword, and then said: "I won't use the treasure, let's see how you can break my move!"

"Ice and snow!"


The woman in the pink Taoist robe flashed into the sky.

Her spiritual power was extremely strong, and at this moment it expanded, and the miasma within a radius of dozens of feet was suppressed by her.

Spiritual power burst out from her body.

The water vapor in the swamp under her feet gushed out, and was captured by the female cultivator into the void.

In a breath, the water vapor turned into snowflakes all over the sky.

Woo woo woo woo...

Just like the arrival of the cold winter, endless ice and snow fell within a radius of dozens of feet, flying towards Xu Changan and the Cang Spider.

Each snowflake was like a sharp knife passing by.


Xu Changan's face was soon cut with two cuts.

Blood gushed out.

"Bang..." Xu Changan certainly would not sit and wait for death. He waved his hand and sacrificed a [Blood Shield Talisman].

Although he had no spiritual power in his body now, he was at the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage when he drew the talisman. He had a high level of knowledge about talismans, so the power of this Blood Shield Talisman was naturally very high.

The talisman turned into a blood-colored shield to protect Xu Changan and the Cang Zhu under his seat.

Swish, swish, swish...

Countless flying snowflakes passed by like blades.

A burst of talismans flashed on Xu Changan's thick blood shield, blocking the first wave of flying snow attacks without breaking.

Then the second wave of more violent flying snow came over.

Ice and snow is a very powerful magical power. In addition, the woman in front of him has a water-type mutated ice spirit root, and she is performing it in the swamp. The combination of several favorable conditions makes this magical power appear extremely fierce.

Xu Changan can withdraw from the attack range.

However, if he withdraws, the defense he has built will collapse.

"Good boy, good defense!" The woman in peach blossom robes on the opposite side showed a trace of surprise on her cold face and said, "Come again..."


She turned her pink fist into an ice fist and attacked Xu Changan at close range.

The woman was still very wise. She knew that Xu Changan's fairy pet could defile people's treasures, so she gave up the magic weapon and attacked directly with supernatural powers.

Now it was even more necessary to fight in close combat.

However, she was careless.

"Swish... swish..."

A black spider silk spurted out from the mouth of the blue spider and rolled towards the woman with great force.

The woman dodged in the void.

At this moment, the two golden front legs of the blue spider swung out at lightning speed.

Knife leg!

Back then, in the underground of Doujiao Mountain, the Cang Spider of the twelfth level of Qi Refining could split the cave with a knife kick. Now Xu Changan's Cang Spider has a stronger attack power. It is not only a seventh-level existence in the Qi Refining Stage, but also a mutant Cang Spider.

This knife kick is the killer of the Cang Spider.

One knife breaks all methods.


The defenseless woman was directly cut in half by the Cang Spider's knife kick.

Blood sprayed out, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Flutter... Flutter...

The two halves of the body that had turned into a corpse fell into the swamp below one after another, immediately attracting countless hidden spirit beasts from the ground, and dragged the two halves of the corpse into the mud in an instant.

Puff... Puff...

There were two sounds of bubbles breaking in the mud.

Everyone was stunned.

At this point, everyone noticed that the spirit beast under Xu Changan was actually at the foundation-building stage.

"Damn..." The male cultivator sitting on the back of the blue spider jumped up in fear.

Swish, swish, swish...

The two blue spiders spit out silk at the same time and rolled towards the male cultivator.

The foundation-building man was strong after all, and he waved his hand to activate two black dragon bells, one large and one small, to block in front of him.

The black dragon bell was entangled and polluted by the spider silk, but he escaped unscathed and returned to the land oasis.

"Who are you, fellow Taoist?" The man did not dare to attack Xu Changan, but said: "This place is Yiyang County. Hundreds of disciples of Xiaolinggu are hunting here. What is your intention to disturb us?"

Xu Changan sneered: "This Huaxu Marsh is also considered the territory of your Xiaolinggu?"

"That's right!" The man said with a serious face: "As long as it is in Yiyang County, it is my Xiaolinggu territory!"

Xu Changan said: "Shameless!"

"Well said... As long as it is within the scope of Yiyang County, it is my Xiaolinggu territory..."

A majestic voice came from a distance.

The voice was relatively small at first, but when the last word [territory] was finished, it was as loud as thunder, indicating that the person was coming at an extremely fast speed.

Xu Changan raised his head and saw a rainbow light falling from the miasma.

A man with white hair and a childlike face like Xu Changan landed beside the disciples of Xiaolinggu. He was tall, with an extraordinary aura, and a pair of eyes that were extremely exquisite, indicating that his cultivation was already extraordinary.

"Ancestor, you are here?"

"Ancestor Changsheng, you are here..."

"Disciple greets Ancestor Changsheng!"

"Greetings to Ancestor Changsheng!"

The four disciples bowed to Ancestor Changsheng.

The male disciple said: "Ancestor, this guy killed Chi Yun..."

The Ancestor's divine thoughts bombarded Xu Changan.

Xu Changan's divine thoughts also bombarded Ancestor Changsheng.

Since it is an ancestor, it should be a Jindan Dashi.

If it is a Jindan Dashi, it will really be troublesome.

Fortunately, Xu Changan's divine sense swept over the other person and found that he was just a cultivator who had reached the twelfth level of the foundation-building stage, and was only one step away from the golden elixir.

Moreover, this guy's realm seemed to be higher than Xu Changan's previous master [Minghe Zhenren], and he actually reached the false elixir realm.

What is a false elixir?

It means that a cultivator who has reached the twelfth level of the foundation-building stage has already reached the golden elixir realm. Although he has not successfully formed an elixir, the spiritual energy in his body has been transformed by more than half, and his cultivation skills are between the foundation-building stage and the golden elixir stage.

Such cultivators are extremely powerful.

They can almost sweep the foundation-building stage.


In the void, the invisible divine senses collided with each other, making a sound.

The eyes of the Changsheng Patriarch shrank slightly, and said: "Daoyou has a very strong divine sense... But you killed my disciple of Xiaolinggu, and you can't leave today no matter what you say!"

He was not polite at all, and directly stretched out his right hand, pointing his index finger at Xu Changan.


The endless spiritual energy around gathered and formed an almost solid spiritual finger in the void. This huge finger carried a strong breath and boundless pressure and fell on Xu Changan's head.

This magical power is quite extraordinary. When the shadow of the finger fell, it could actually compress the surrounding space, making the attacked person unable to move normally.

"So strong..."

Xu Changan's eyes shrank.

This attack can't be resisted!

"Open it..." He shouted, and a swallowing talisman in his hand was instantly activated.


The finger of several feet in size was actually swallowed up by the swallowing talisman.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." The ancestor of Changsheng took a breath and said, "Good boy, you have some skills. What kind of talisman is this?"

Xu Changan stretched out his hand to pick up the talisman. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, but drove the two blue spiders to leave directly.

This kind of person is no longer something he can deal with.

Although he had two Cang Spiders of the seventh level of Qi Refining, the two together could not defeat a strong man of the Fake Dan realm.

This thing was like a cultivator of the twelfth level of Qi Refining beating two cultivators of the seventh level of Qi Refining. It was too easy.

"You killed someone, and you still want to leave?" Changsheng Zhenren snorted coldly, then waved his sleeves and was about to launch his second magical power.

The result!

Xu Changan in front threw the talisman over through the air.


A huge golden finger in the void pressed towards the disciples of Xiaolinggu.

"Damn..." Changsheng Patriarch collapsed: "What kind of talisman is this, it can actually rebound my attack... Damn..."

When he eliminated Xu Changan's attack, Xu Changan had already disappeared in the mist, and there was no trace.


Xu Changan, who had escaped from the dead, exhaled deeply, then chose a direction and hurried forward.

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