Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 156 [Flying Snake Jedi, Goodbye Dabai]

Xu Changan sat on the back of the blue spider and walked forward.

The deeper he went, the thicker the miasma became, and he felt numbness every time he breathed.

If it weren't for the thirteen drops of golden blood flowing in Xu Changan's body, his body would probably be out of control at this moment.

"Such a strong poison!"

Obviously, he underestimated the poison of the miasma here.



In a swamp, a wisp of red flames sprang up from the ground.

It burst out from time to time.

It bursts out about once every breath.

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly.

Spraying fire?

Where did the fire come from in the swamp?

He frowned, but suddenly remembered something recorded in the Hundred Treasures Book, saying that some innate fires in the world of cultivation will develop intelligence after years of baptism, and can cultivate on their own. If they turn into human form, they will be the terrifying monster.

Could it be that this is a wisp of innate fire?

Apart from the innate fire, Xu Changan couldn't think of why there was fire gushing out in the water.

Xu Changan was delighted.

It was rumored that this innate fire was derived from the origin of fire. If you get this kind of fire, it means you get the origin of fire.

If you use this fire origin and [Hongmeng Breath] to draw the [Nirvana Talisman], you can repair your broken spiritual roots and be reborn in Nirvana.


Xu Changan took a deep breath and drove the Cang Spider to slowly approach the flame. Just as he was about to take the origin of fire, he suddenly saw a strange-looking monster jumping out of the water.

This thing looked like a frog, but it was much bigger than a frog, about the size of a bucket. It jumped into the air without warning when people were not prepared, opened its mouth towards Xu Changan, and a tongue arrow spurted out of its mouth.

The speed was so fast that it was simply unparalleled.


Fortunately, Xu Changan reacted quickly and moved his body to the side by one foot. He barely avoided the attack from the creature, but he didn't expect to be hit on the left shoulder.

Hiss hiss hiss...

It hurts to the bone.

Xu Changan waved his hand and killed the creature with the flying sword.

A flame suddenly burned on its body, and in a few breaths, it burned itself clean.

The shoulder injury recovered in an instant, but Xu Changan was just a false alarm.

The cultivation level of this creature is not high, which is about the seventh or eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but the speed is so fast that it is really hard to guard against. If you are lucky, you may be able to kill the cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

"Let's go, keep going forward!"

Xu Changan drove the spider forward, but he also put away his reckless thoughts, thinking that no matter what strange things happened in the future, he would not go to check it out.

The vast swamp is full of various unknown dangers.

After walking for three or four days, Xu Changan did not see Dabai, nor did he see any trace of Dabai.

However, he was trapped in a desperate situation.

Hiss, hiss, hiss...

An unpleasant sound came from the surrounding miasma, and then a snake-like creature with wings on its back appeared and attacked Xu Changan quickly.


Xu Changan did not need to take action, the blue spider under his seat sprayed spider silk directly and killed the creature.

This was the first hundred or so he had killed.

Xu Changan had never seen this kind of flying snake before. Their cultivation was very low. Some were at the fourth or fifth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and some were only at the third or even second level of the Qi Refining Stage.

Their attack power was very low, and they were not thought to be scary.

But Xu Changan could clearly feel that there were more and more of these things around him.

If he had not entered the territory of this creature, he would have been surrounded by more and more of these things.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss..."

There were constant hissing sounds around, like the sound of something spraying air.

Sitting on the back of the blue spider, Xu Changan's mind probed around. In the miasma, within the range of Xu Changan's detection, there were sixteen flying snakes hidden.

The one with the highest cultivation level was only at the fifth level of Qi Refining Stage, and the lowest was only at the second level.


Puff puff puff...

With a sharp knife, all sixteen flying snakes were killed, but Xu Changan did not dare to pause and said, "Retreat... Quickly retreat from this place..."

As the saying goes, ants bite dead elephants, and we cannot wait for these things to gather like this.

However, it was too late.

The blue spider wanted to retreat, but there was no way to retreat.

On the retreat road, countless flying snakes of this kind had gathered.

The flying snakes surrounded Xu Changan and the blue spider like a tide.

"Buzz buzz..." Xu Changan waved his hand and threw out three blood shield talismans.

The three blood shield talismans covered himself and the blue spider.

Hiss hiss hiss...

At this moment, a loud hissing sound came.

Then, Xu Changan felt that the miasma around him was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scene in front of him gradually revealed its clues.

I saw an unusually large flying snake swallowing the surrounding miasma in big mouthfuls.

Oh my God... It actually feeds on miasma mist?

Xu Changan was immediately surprised.

"Hiss hiss hiss..."

More mist was sucked by these flying snakes.

In front of Xu Changan, tens of thousands of flying snakes twisted their bodies in the air, and one by one they looked at him. Among these hundreds of millions of flying snakes, there were more than a dozen flying snakes with particularly large bodies, each of which had reached the foundation-building stage.


A flying snake rushed towards the blood shield outside Xu Changan's body at a very fast speed.

Then dense flying snakes followed one after another and swarmed over.

Although the cultivation of these flying snakes was not high, because of the large number and fearless collision, the light on the first layer of blood shield dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Within a hundred feet around Xu Changan, there were more than a dozen flying snakes in the foundation-building period staring at him.

They did not attack, but waited for the opportunity.


The first layer of blood shield was broken.

Xu Changan's face became gloomy.

There were more and more flying snakes around. If it took so long, he would definitely die.


I'm afraid it would be difficult. These things can fly into the sky and hide in the ground one by one, and they can't go away at all.

"Cut..." He moved his mind, and a nerve knife flew out.


A flying snake demon king in the distance fell to the ground.

Although he killed a flying snake in the foundation-building stage, it was just a drop in the bucket for Xu Changan.

His spiritual consciousness was already very tired. He could only use two more knives of this strength.

Otherwise, his spiritual consciousness would be damaged.


Just as Xu Changan changed his mind, another blood shield was broken.

There was only one left.

Of course, Xu Changan still had more than a dozen blood shield talismans in his hand.

But it was meaningless.

With so many flying snakes, even if there were another hundred, it would be useless.


As the last blood shield talisman was broken, countless flying snakes launched a general attack, and the dozen flying snakes in the foundation-building stage who were watching nearby also attacked Xu Changan.

Because the flying snakes did not emit magical powers, Xu Changan's devouring talisman could not be used. At this moment, he could only rely on two blue spiders to fight the enemy.

But soon, the blue spider was damaged.

"Damn..." Xu Changan frowned!

At this moment, a special roar came from the dense miasma!


The roar was extremely deep.

The flying snakes that were attacking Xu Changan and Cang Zhu heard the roar and were all terrified. Some of them were even scared to death and fell to the ground.

The dozen or so flying snake kings in the foundation-building period turned around and ran away.


Another roar came.

Xu Changan clearly felt that Cang Zhu under his seat was trembling.

"Run..." Xu Changan was not stupid. I would definitely not be able to beat something that even the flying snakes were afraid of.


Cang Zhu led Xu Changan to run wildly in the boundless foggy swamp.

However, the unknown beast behind him chased Xu Changan relentlessly, and roared from time to time.

After half an hour, the beast finally broke through the fog and caught up with Xu Changan's back.

Xu Changan's consciousness swept over, and then he smiled: "Stop..."

The Cang Zhu stopped.

A guy covered with white hair rolled over like a fat snowball and hugged Xu Changan in the swamp.

"Dabai... woooo..."

"It's you!"

"You are amazing, you are already in the foundation building stage..."

"I have been looking for you all these years, where have you been?"

Xu Changan looked at Dabai, who is now at the sixth level of the foundation building stage.

How did he do it?

He looked at Dabai's face and found that he was actually laughing foolishly.

"No way..." Xu Changan rubbed his eyes: " are a spirit, a spirit beast can actually laugh...can you cry? Come on, cry for me!"

"Woo woo woo..." A burst of crying really came from Dabai's mouth.

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