Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 157 [The Origin of Thunder, the Power of Divine Beasts]

Dabai's image has not changed much.

It is still chubby and super cute, with a coat of snow-white fur that is soft and elastic, and feels great to touch.

It's just that over the years, it has grown from the third level of Qi Refining to the sixth level of Foundation Building, and its body has grown a lot.

Now it is very big. When standing next to Xu Changan, it is more than three feet tall. From the back, it looks like a giant ape.

But Dabai's voice has changed.

When it was young, it was squeaky, but now it has become woooooooooo!

To this day, Xu Changan still doesn't know what kind of species this guy is, but it can be imagined that he must be gifted.


Because it and the two golden-backed spiders have similar starting points. After more than 30 years, the spider has grown from zero to the seventh level of Foundation Building, and Dabai has grown from the third level of Qi Refining to the sixth level of Foundation Building. It seems that the growth rate is similar, but in fact, the spider spends most of its time developing in the Golden Talisman Space.

Ten times the time.

But Dabai only practices in the real world.

Ten times the time gap, similar results.

Obviously, Dabai's bloodline and talent are far superior to the mutant golden-backed spider.

"Woo woo woo woo..." Dabai stood beside the spider and slapped his back vigorously.

Xu Changan laughed and said, "You are still jealous... OK, OK, I will ride you now!"

He jumped from the spider's back to Dabai's back. Dabai was so happy that he danced with joy and took Xu Changan to walk briskly in the swamp.

Wherever they went, the spirit beasts hidden in the mud and water hid one by one, not daring to make any sound.

The calm swamp was like the safest place in the world.


Deep in the swamp, there was a lot of fog!


A Qi Refining cultivator in Xiaolinggu raised his hand and killed a spider-like creature, and black blood splashed on his face.

"Okay!" A disciple in a black Taoist robe said not far away: "Everyone, pack up, gather together, pay attention to the surrounding situation, and don't be careless!"

Around them, there are still many strange spiders surrounding them. Although many of these spiders have died, they are unwilling to leave.



At this time, a strange roar came from a distance.

Because the distance is very far, the roar is not very loud.

However, after hearing these roars, the spiders around were trembling with fear, and fled away in a panic one by one, entering the fog.

"This is..."

The foundation-building cultivator in the black Taoist robe of the Little Spirit Valley was overjoyed and said: "Divine beast... This is the roar of the divine beast..."

"Hurry up and send a message to the ancestor!"

A female cultivator took out the concentric talisman and used her magic power to send a message.

The message light on the concentric talisman can ignore the fog transmission.

Not long after, the immortal ancestor led the team to rush over.

"Grandmaster..." The foundation-building disciple saluted the Changsheng Grandmaster solemnly and said, "Disciple discovered the whereabouts of the beast!"

"Oh?" Changsheng Zhenren asked, "Where is it?"

"I don't know!" The disciple said, "Disciple heard the roar of that thing, which came from the southwest. It should be deeper in the swamp, and the disciple heard more than one!"

"Yes!" The female cultivator who had activated the Tongxin Talisman before followed up and said, "Disciple also heard the roar of the beast!"

Changsheng Grandmaster said, "How do you distinguish that the roar comes from the beast?"

The female disciple said, "Just now a group of water spiders besieged the disciple , the disciples could not conquer it for a long time, and when the roar came, the water spiders trembled and retreated. The disciples thought that if it was not a divine beast, these water spiders would not be so afraid! "

"Great!" Changsheng Zhenren's eyes shrank slightly: "It must be this divine beast!"

A disciple asked: "Ancestor, what kind of divine beast is this?"

Changsheng Zhenren shook his head and said: "I don't know, but it can command hundreds of beasts. This thing must be an ancient divine beast!"

"Call all disciples and go with me to the place where the divine beast appears!"

The group walked towards the southwest in a mighty manner.



Looking down from the sky, the entire swamp was shrouded in thick miasma fog. Only in the middle, there was a circular area of ​​about ten miles in radius without any fog.

This is a black water surface!

At the exact center of the circle, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky. The huge thunder was like a divine weapon of an ancient god, standing between heaven and earth, supporting the earth and the sky.

Xu Changan looked up at the huge thunder and lightning ten miles away, stunned by shock. Now he finally knew why this place was called Huaxu Marsh.

The Book of Cultivation Treasures once recorded: There is a big marsh in the land of Huaxu, which was born with thunder.

"So strong!" Xu Changan sat on Dabai's back, looking up at the thunder ten miles away in shock.

A magical idea suddenly came to his mind. If Uncle Qingxu encountered such a big thunder when he was crossing the Jindan thunder tribulation, could he withstand it?

No, no, no...

Should I say, can Taixuanmen withstand it?

Will the entire mountain gate and the fourteen peaks be gone!

Well... I guess it's about the same.


Xu Changan swallowed hard. With his current imagination, it was difficult to think of what kind of person could withstand such a thunderbolt.

Also, why is there a thunderbolt that falls all year round here?


"Found it..."

"Hahaha... the beast is here!"

Just when Xu Changan was stunned, a group of cultivators suddenly rushed in from behind him.

Led by Immortal Changsheng, there were dozens of people closely following behind him. Xu Changan took a look and found that apart from Immortal Changsheng who was in the false elixir realm, there were more than a dozen people in the foundation building stage and hundreds of disciples in the Qi refining stage.

Good guy!

If this person were pulled out, he could form a small sect.

"Is it you?" Immortal Changsheng looked at Xu Changan, his eyes twitching, and the muscles on his face twitched twice.

This kid, just a guy with no cultivation, why can he ride on the neck of the beast?

Where did the two big spiders of this guy go?

"See you again!" Xu Changan squinted his eyes and looked at Immortal Changsheng, but he was thinking about how to escape.

No way!

The opponent's strength is too strong. No matter how powerful he is, he can't beat so many people!

"This is the center of Huaxu Lake. It is said that a trace of the origin of thunder was born in ancient times, so there is this unparalleled thunder, shining for countless years!"

The immortal Changsheng in the distance pointed at the thunder and slowly preached to his disciples, as if showing his profound talent to his disciples.

Xu Changan heard it, but his heart moved: the origin of thunder and lightning.


If I get a trace of it into the [Nirvana Talisman], it can awaken my thunder spirit root and reshape it.

At that time, even if I only have thunder spirit roots, I can continue to practice.

But looking at the thick thunder and lightning in front of him, Xu Changan gave up again.

Forget it, my life is important.

"Let's go..."

As soon as Xu Changan opened his mouth, Dabai threw away his steps and rushed desperately into the mist of Lei Lake.


The disciples of Xiaolinggu naturally couldn't let Xu Changan go. The two sides chased each other. After about half an hour, Xu Changan and Dabai were surrounded in the swamp.

"Daoyou!" Changsheng Zhenren looked at Xu Changan and said lightly: "This thing was first discovered by my Xiaolinggu. It is the purpose of our trip. Please return the beast to us!"

Xu Changan said lightly: "It is my pet. It has accompanied me since I was a child. Who do you think it belongs to?"

"This..." Changsheng was speechless for a moment, but after taking a breath, he smiled again: "I said that Yiyang County is the territory of my Xiaolinggu. This beast certainly belongs to our Xiaolinggu..."

"If you are a man who knows the times, you can become my disciple. I will accept you as a true disciple. If you don't know the times, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Boom boom boom...

The strong momentum emanated from Changsheng Zhenren.

While Xu Changan was still thinking about how to respond, Dabai suddenly stood up and roared at the sky.



This roar was like the cry of a phoenix and the breath of a dragon, shocking a hundred miles away.

Then, the voice of Shasha began to be heard in the fog.

In an instant, the fog within ten miles was cleared, and countless swamp spirit beasts surrounded this side.

There was a giant ape with a black body, holding a thousand-year-old ebony, with an imposing manner like a mountain; there were groups of flying snakes, and they were endless; there were crocodiles with green heads and red skins, with fierce eyes sticking their heads out of the water, and there were also unknown creatures, one by one, coming out of the swamp mud.

When the beast called, all the beasts followed!

Changsheng Zhenren's scalp was numb, and he said: "Go... We can't deal with it..."

"Leave quickly..."

Swish, swish, swish...

A series of escape lights rose from the ground.

The surrounding spirit beasts launched attacks at the same time. In an instant, dozens of small spirit valley monks with low cultivation levels were drowned in the beasts.

However, those with high cultivation levels left the encirclement.

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