Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 164 [Refine the talisman again, and start the floating raft]

"Thank you, Fairy Miaoyin!" Xu Changan bowed to Miaoyin and said, "I have to go back to prepare some things, so I won't bother you anymore. Let's meet at the entrance of this teahouse in a month!"

"Okay!" Fairy Miaoyin nodded, "We'll meet here in a month!"

Xu Changan turned and left.

He went to the street that specializes in selling monk supplies and bought some items. Then he walked around a few times and returned to his temporary dojo after making sure that no one was following him.

The so-called preparation is naturally to make talismans.

However, he did not make talismans at the first time.

Xu Changan sat on the futon and took out a jade slip.

With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, the contents of the jade slip were displayed in front of him. This was not a cultivation method or magical power, but just an ordinary introduction to the customs and customs of various countries on the land of Jiuzhou [Chapter of Various Countries].

Xu Changan turned to the Qi volume.

It is recorded in the Qi volume that when the Zhou emperor divided the world into vassal states, the founding monarch of Qi was one of the twelve disciples of the emperor, so he was granted fertile land and was named Qi, which was later the Qi State.

The kings of Qi were all surnamed Jiang for generations.

Therefore, the former Qi State was also called Jiang Qi.

Later, Jiang Qi passed on for millions of years, and the power gradually fell into the hands of a minister named Chen Wan. Chen Wan not only controlled the court, but also bribed the common people and ministers.

Six generations later, Chen Wan's descendants completed the great cause of replacing Qi.

Because Chen Wan's descendants changed their surname to Tian, ​​the later Qi State was called Tian Qi.

So whether it is Jiang Qi or Tian Qi, it refers to the same place, but the monarch of the country has become a different person.

That Chen Wan is the so-called Master Chen.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." At this point, Xu Changan finally understood the origin of Qi State, and many things in the temple of Master Chen that had troubled him for many years made sense.

Young Master Chen was originally the ancestor of the Tian family.

The current Qi State is naturally Tian Qi, but the pioneer of this floating fairyland is a monarch in Jiang Qi.

Xu Changan threw the [Chapter of Various States] aside and began to make talismans.

Logically speaking, Xu Changan could not make talismans.

Because first, he had no spiritual power to support it!

Second, his spiritual roots were broken and he had no perception of various attributes.

But by chance, he was able to make talismans again, probably because first, he used the best Qi Gathering Pill to support his spiritual power, and second, although he could not perceive various attributes, this talisman was a talisman peeled off from the big gold talisman. After Xu Changan learned it, all kinds of skills and perceptions were engraved in his soul, so he could draw talismans.

Of course, the limitations of drawing talismans are very strict.

He could only draw the fourteen talismans rewarded by the big gold card. Apart from these, Xu Changan could not make the talismans in the cultivation world, because he really could not feel the five elements of all things now.

As for alchemy?

That was even worse. Xu Changan could not make any kind of elixir now.

Because now he had neither wood spirit root nor gold spirit root!

And he did not have fire spirit root to control fire.

However, the fourteen talismans rewarded by drawing the gold talisman were enough.

Xu Changan took out the talisman pen, one hundred pieces of third-grade talisman paper and some blood of spirit beasts.

"Bang..." A top-grade Qi-gathering pill was swallowed by him.

Next, he started to make talismans.

Xu Changan still had a lot of such talismans as the Hidden Breath Talisman, the Soul-calming Talisman, the Wisdom Eye Talisman, the Water Escape Talisman, and the Absolute Shadow Talisman, so he did not need to draw them.

He only wanted to make life-saving talismans such as the [Blood Shield Talisman], the [Swallowing Talisman] and the [Vajra Talisman].

Next, he drew them.

One by one.

With the blessing of ten times the time, the one hundred talismans were quickly drawn, which took about ten days in total.

Of course, ten days in the Golden Talisman Space, only one day outside.

There is still a lot of time before the opening of the Fu Cha Fairyland, Xu Changan will naturally not be idle. He cannot practice the [Withering and Flourishing Sutra], but he can practice the Heavenly Emperor's Controlling Nerve.

After practicing for more than two hundred days, the day when the Fu Cha Fairyland opens is approaching.

Xu Changan walked out of the Golden Talisman Space, strolled outside for a day, and then came to the door of the teahouse.

This is the place where he agreed with Fairy Miaoyin.

Fairy Miaoyin also arrived.

"Xu Daoyou is here..." Fairy Miaoyin looked at Xu Changan with a smile and said, "I haven't seen you for a month, and you are much more energetic!"

Xu Changan smiled and nodded.

Fairy Miaoyin said, "Come on, Xu Daoyou, I will introduce you to some friends!"

Three cultivators came behind her, an old man, a middle-aged woman, and a young and weird man.

"This is Fellow Daoist Qianyuan..." Fairy Miaoyin pointed at the old man and said, "He is in the late stage of foundation building, and his mind is extremely powerful!"

"This is Fellow Daoist Lu, who is also in the late stage of foundation building!"

"This one is Fellow Daoist Han, who has reached the twelfth level of foundation building and is already half a step into the golden elixir!"

Xu Changan's eyes swept over the three people. Just as Fairy Miaoyin said, the three people's cultivation was good.

Miaoyin continued, "These three are also our teammates. Fellow Daoist Xu, do you have any objections?"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "I don't mind!"

"That's good!" Fairy Miaoyin looked at everyone and said, "This is Fellow Daoist Xu Changan. Fellow Daoist Xu is... is..."

She originally wanted to introduce Xu Changan's cultivation to everyone, but as she spoke, she suddenly realized that she didn't know what Xu Changan's cultivation was.

Xu Changan smiled and said: "Dear friends, I am Xu Changan. I was originally at the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Due to some problems in my practice, my cultivation level cannot be used for the time being. But don't worry, my spiritual thoughts is normal!"

? ? ?

Including Fairy Miaoyin, four people were petrified: No cultivation?

"Fairy Miaoyin, what do you mean by this?" That young man in the Foundation Establishment Stage, Daoist Fellow Han, was the first to feel unhappy: "Not to mention that his cultivation level is low and he is only at the Foundation Establishment Stage level, but he has no cultivation level yet. This is not a person. Drag the oil bottle?"

"That's right!" Middle-aged female cultivator Lu Daoyou also said: "Fairy Miaoyin, I will not agree to form a team with such a person!"

"That's right!" Qianyuan's spiritual consciousness scanned Xu Changan's body unscrupulously, and then said: "Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, I will give you two choices now, team up with the three of us, or you team up with him! "

"I don't want to go with this person anyway!"

"This..." Miaoyin looked a little embarrassed now.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she wanted to form a team with the three of them, but looking at Xu Changan, she couldn't bear it.

Xu Changan smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, you don't have to worry about it, there's no problem with the next person!"

"Huh..." Miaoyin took a deep breath and said, "Okay then, I choose to form a team with Fellow Daoist Xu, I'm sorry for you three!"


The three of them looked at Miaoyin and thought they heard it wrong.

Xu Changan also said in surprise: "Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, I really have no cultivation. Are you not afraid of joining a team with me?"

Miaoyin said: "I'm afraid, but I have already made my choice, that's all. Originally, I didn't have much hope for this Fucha Wonderland. I just wanted to go in and have a look. Anyway, most people who enter it can't find the opportunity. And more people can’t even get in!”

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded and said nothing more.

"Hmph..." Old Man Qianyuan snorted coldly, then shook his sleeves fiercely, and the three of them left.

Of course, Fairy Miaoyin is not brainless.

Because she knows that cultivation is not important in this fairyland. What is important is spiritual consciousness. Besides, Xu Changan has no cultivation, but he has a powerful spiritual pet. After entering the fairyland, he will definitely not be afraid of conflicts with others.

At this time, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the East China Sea.


In the void above the East China Sea, a Milky Way suddenly opened.

Endless fairy light hangs down from the secret realm. From a distance, it looks like the Milky Way pouring into the sea, which is spectacular.


Countless monks looked at the secret realm with burning eyes.

"Whoosh..." Someone raised the fairy light and flew towards the secret place.

Boo hoo hoo…

Countless people turned into escaping light and swarmed towards the fairyland.

Fairy Miaoyin glanced at Xu Changan and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu... shall we go there too?"

"Okay!" Xu Changan jumped onto Dabai's back.

Dabai is now at the foundation-building stage and can already control objects and fly.

The two of them also flew towards the exit of the river. After flying for about half a stick of incense, they finally arrived under the river.

When you look closer, you feel that the Tianhe Wonderland is vast, mysterious and spectacular.

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