Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 165 [Powerful Divine Thoughts, Fighting for the Floating Raft]

Xu Changan sat on Dabai's back, and Dabai's feet were on the green waves.

Fairy Miaoyin was floating next to Xu Changan and Dabai.

Xu Changan invited: "Fairy, come up and sit with us?"



At this moment, the entrance to the fairyland above the head opened wider, and nine colors of brilliance fell down, falling on the sea one after another.

Within dozens of miles, tens of thousands of monks were bathed in this brilliance.

Seeing the entrance to the fairyland opening wider and wider, some people couldn't help but fly over with the fairy light.

call out……

A golden ray of light shot straight into the sky.

But the next moment.

"Ah..." The man screamed, fell directly from the air, and got into the water with a splash, but never came out again.

"This..." Many people were moved by this.

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Fairy Miaoyin next to her said: "If you want to enter the entrance of the fairyland, you can only enter and exit through floating trees. If you control the fairy light and try to break into it, you are asking for death. Fellow Daoist Xu, after a while, there will be floating trees floating in the Tianhe. Coming here will inevitably lead to a fight!”

Xu Changan nodded.

He also understood these basic things before.

This Fucha Wonderland is originally a space opened up by supreme divine thoughts, and divine thoughts here are crucial.

After the Tianhe is opened, there will be floating rivers entering and exiting it. Those monks with powerful spiritual thoughts can use their spiritual thoughts to control the floating rivers and then jump onto the floating rivers to enter the floating rivers.

There is no fucha, refuse to enter it.

"Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, do you really dare to come here?" came a strange voice from the side.

Xu Changan and the other two turned around and saw that it was the trio just now.

The weird one is the old man in the late foundation building period, Qianyuan.

Xu Changan said nothing, Fairy Miaoyin's face darkened and she did not speak.

The old man felt that his face was a bit embarrassing, so he said: "Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, if you regret it at this moment and still have a chance, hehehehe... Just ask me, and I can make the decision to take you with me!"

As he spoke, Qianyuan's eyes swept over Fairy Miaoyin unscrupulously.

The greed shining in those eyes made people feel sick even from a distance.

Miaoyin said: "No need!"

"Hmph..." Qianyuan felt a little angry when he was so ignored. He snorted bitterly: "Okay, don't regret not being able to enter this fairyland!"



At this moment, the monks around him exclaimed.

Everyone quickly looked up and looked into the divine light, and sure enough they saw a black bamboo raft-like raft emerging from the divine light.

And there's more than one.

"Let me down!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar, as loud as thunder, and the spiritual thoughts of a seemingly young monk burst out like a torrential river and rolled towards the floating raft.

After ten breaths, the floating tree fell at the monk's feet.

Miraculously, when the monk went to capture Fucha just now, everyone could clearly see the trajectory of his spiritual thoughts.

"Isn't this Huangfu's name?"

"Yes, Daqi Tianjiao Huangfu Ming!"

"It's amazing. Although he is not a disciple of the royal family, he actually has such powerful spiritual thoughts!"



Huangfu's divine mind flew out again, and then he controlled the floating tree to fly up, following the fairy light flowing down from the Tianhe River, and was the first to enter the secret realm.

Countless people became enthusiastic.

Xu Changan said: "This Huangfu Ming's spiritual will is really powerful, and it can actually reveal its shape and trajectory?"

"Hehehe..." Fairy Miaoyin next to her laughed: "Fellow Daoist Xu doesn't know something. In this fairy light, everyone's spiritual thoughts can reveal their trajectory!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was a little shocked and said, "Can it still be like this?"

"If you don't believe it, look at it!"


Fairy Miaoyin's spiritual thoughts also flew out directly and visually, and rolled towards Xu Changan.

"Hey..." Xu Changan said: "It's actually true!"

At this moment, three more floating pieces floated out from the fairy light.


Everyone stretched out their spiritual thoughts to roll up the fucha. These three fucha were obtained by three teams respectively, and then someone followed the fairy light and broke into the secret realm.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, don't be anxious!" Fairy Miaoyin said: "This Fucha is just a tool. There are many more inside. It is said that there are one hundred and eight pieces in total. The people who came up to grab it first are all the distinguished talents of Da Qi. Let's keep a low profile. Let’s grab some later!”

Xu Changan nodded and said: "It's exactly what I wanted. I didn't expect you, Fairy Miaoyin, to be low-key too!"

"Well!" Miaoyin said again: "And it doesn't mean that if you grab the Fucha first, you can enter the secret realm first. There is another door in this fairyland, and all the Fucha must be gathered together before it can be opened together!"

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: "That's it!"

In the blink of an eye, twenty floating trees were snatched away, and accordingly, twenty groups of people flew towards the entrance to the fairyland.

By this time, basically all the geniuses from Daqi had gone up, and the rest were some ordinary geniuses and ordinary monks.

At this time, people began to compete for it.


Another floating tree emerged from the divine light.

A female cultivator in green robe opened her mind and pulled the floating tree towards her.

However, in the middle of the journey, an old man shouted: "I want this floating cake..."


The old man's spiritual thoughts surged out, knocking the female cultivator's spiritual thoughts away for a long distance with a bang, and then took advantage of the situation to pull the fucha in front of him.

"Damn it..." The female cultivator was furious. With a wave of her hand, a treasure weapon was thrown out and hit the old man's head.

You and I fought for it for two times, but in the end the old man was superior and killed the female cultivator before boarding the floating raft and leaving.

Previously, with Daqi's geniuses protecting them, no one dared to fight. Now that the geniuses are gone, why don't we fight?

"Let's start too!" Fairy Miaoyin looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "The next floating tree is ours. Fairy Miaoyin can just help me protect it!"

It's not that Xu Changan is arrogant, but that he is confident and believes in his own mind.

"Hmph..." The old man Qian Yuan next door snorted coldly, not believing it at all.

At this moment, a black floating tree floated out from the fairy light.

"Mine..." A powerful man wearing a maroon robe flew out of his mind.



Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts turned into a series of training, which came first and wrapped the floating tree tightly in one fell swoop.


After three breaths, Fucha was pulled in front of him.

"Good boy!" The guy who just competed with Xu Changan for the Fucha praised him and said: "Such a powerful spiritual mind, I am not as good as me, I will give this Fucha to you!"

Xu Changan chuckled and said: "Cheng Rang..."

Fairy Miaoyin was immediately overjoyed. She didn't expect that Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts were so powerful.


When Xu Changan spoke, Dabai jumped onto the floating tree, and Fairy Miaoyin also landed on it.

The two of them were about to ride the floating boat upstream, but they didn't expect that the old man Qianyuan behind them suddenly went crazy, raised his hand and struck with a flying sword.

"Qianyuan, you are looking for death!"


Fairy Miaoyin raised her hand and used two silver shields, which barely blocked Qianyuan's attack.

Sweat beads appeared on Qianyuan's forehead slightly, and he said: "Fellow Daoist Han, if we don't take action now, how long will it take? This kid has no cultivation!"


Fellow Daoist Han chuckled, with a sinister smile on his face, and said, "I can't run away..."

"Cut..." He suddenly launched a flying knife and struck Xu Changan on the top of his head.

This is the power of a half-step golden elixir, and the power of one blow is unparalleled.

Xu Changan naturally did not dare to greet him, so he waved his hand and offered a swallowing talisman.


In an instant, the swallowing talisman swallowed up Fellow Daoist Han's flying knife attack!

Xu Changan waved his hand and the flying knife counterattacked.

At the same time, with a thought, he slashed out two nerve knives.

One of the swords struck the fake elixir monk.

The other one slashed towards Qianyuan.


Qianyuan was only at the late seventh level of the foundation period, and his spiritual thoughts were very ordinary. When he was chopped off by Xu Changan's mental knife, his spiritual thoughts immediately collapsed. His whole body tilted and he fell into the sea.

"Ah..." On the other side, the nerve knife also destroyed half of the fake elixir power's souls. With such a collapse of spirit, the flying knife attack from the devouring talisman above his head could not be resisted.


Puff puff...

The fake alchemy monk was hit by his own magical power and was directly seriously injured.

The female cultivator surnamed Lu was trembling with fear. She looked up and saw that Xu Changan had already flown high into the sky on a floating chariot.

Almost everyone in the entire scene was stunned.

"Hiss, hiss..." The powerful man who had just lost the maroon red robe with Xu Changan was frightened and said: "This person's spiritual consciousness is so terrifying that he can actually send out two flying knives with his spiritual thoughts at the same time to hurt people. ,horrible……"

"Fortunately, I just gave in, otherwise, it would be really unimaginable!"

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