Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 166 [Realm suppression, shocking everyone]

Daoyou Lu looked at Xu Changan and Fairy Miaoyin rising into the sky, and his mind was in a trance.

They actually grabbed the floating raft?

This young man's mind was so powerful?

Then he looked at his two teammates. One had been killed and fell into the sea, and the other's soul was now severely damaged, and he didn't even have the chance to fight for the floating raft.

Can she grab the floating raft by herself?

Daoyou Lu suddenly remembered that when he came here today, she was the first one to speak out against Xu Changan joining the team.



If I hadn't objected, it would have been great.

However, there is no good medicine for regret in this world.

Let's say Xu Changan used his mind to control the black floating raft, slowly rising from the flowing light to the mouth of the Tianhe River.

Watching the scene of the fairyland opening in mid-air, the scene was even more shocking.

In a dozen breaths, Xu Changan brought the floating raft to the top and entered the huge opening.

There is another small space in the opening, about thousands of feet wide. The innermost part of the space is a door, which is ten feet wide and twenty feet high. The stone door is tightly closed.

All the monks who just came up on the floating raft are standing under the door at this moment. Some close their eyes and think, while others look at the door with frowns and shrinking eyes.

When Xu Changan and Fairy Miaoyin came up, they did not cause much shock.

The two of them found a place to sit down and wait.


Swish, whoosh, whoosh...

People kept jumping up from below.

About half an hour later, the last floating raft flew into the opening. There were more than a dozen monks on the floating raft, each of whom had a bloody head and ragged clothes.

You can imagine how bloody the fight for this last floating raft was.

"Alright!" Just after the last floating raft landed on the entrance to the fairyland, the great Qi Tianjiao Huangfu Ming spoke: "Now that the 108 floating rafts are gathered, we can also open the entrance to this secret realm!"

"Everyone, raise the floating rafts!"


Under Huangfu Ming's command, everyone lifted the floating rafts under their feet into the sky.


The floating rafts flew away like puzzles, and each piece was attached to the stone door in front of them. When all the 108 puzzles fell on the stone door, the stone door glowed with a purple-red glow.


The door opened.


As soon as the door opened a gap, a red flame spurted out from the gap. The flame was like flowing water, and wherever it went, the space was slightly deformed by burning.

As the door opened, a red world appeared in front of everyone.

"This..." Xu Changan looked at the world he was about to enter and was shocked. There were flames everywhere. The smell of burning was mixed with the fragrance of various herbs and spiritual plants, and there was a hint of burnt smell.

"Don't panic!" Huangfu Ming continued, saying: "The so-called Golden Crow leaving Fusang should be caused by the two Golden Crows hitting the fairyland gate, and the flames they carried burned the surroundings!"

"This gate is only open for half an incense stick of time. Let's go in quickly and we will be teleported out in three days!"

"Let's go!"

He was the first to turn into a light and rush into the gate with surging flames.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Then, the second and third rushed in.

Fairy Miaoyin waved her hand and sacrificed two small shields, saying: "Friend Xu, let's go in too!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan nodded, protected himself with the blessing of the small shield, and then walked into the stone door, finally arriving in the floating fairyland.

After passing through the flames, the world behind became clear.

Blue sky and white clouds!

Extremely rich spiritual power.

Although there was no sun overhead, this space was as bright as day, not much different from the daytime in the outside world.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Just as the two entered it for a breath, a majestic pressure suddenly descended from the sky and enveloped them.

The cultivation level of the fairy Miaoyin opposite was instantly suppressed, and she became a cultivator of the tenth level of Qi Refining.

"Hmm?" Xu Changan asked: "Fellow Daoist Miaoyin, why is your cultivation level suppressed to the tenth level of Qi Refining instead of the eleventh level?"

"Does it mean that everyone is at the tenth level?"

He remembered that Miaoyin was at the eleventh level of Foundation Establishment.

"No!" Fairy Miaoyin smiled bitterly and said: "This is based on personal talent. Some people will be compressed to the tenth level like me, some will be compressed to the twelfth level, and some people will be compressed to below the sixth level if they are unlucky!"

Xu Changan immediately understood.

Fairy Miaoyin asked: "Friend Xu, to what extent has your cultivation been compressed?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "I didn't have any cultivation to begin with, and I should still have no cultivation!"

He didn't pay too much attention to his cultivation, but after Fairy Miaoyin asked this question, Xu Changan also symbolically looked at himself.

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it.

"This is...hiss...hiss...I..." After seeing his cultivation, Xu Changan almost burst out with a swear word: "I'm actually..."

He didn't say it.

But, he actually has cultivation.

It's hard to imagine that a cultivator with severed spiritual roots, after coming here, his ten-series mixed spiritual roots are still in a destroyed state, but he is forcibly given cultivation.

And this cultivation is: the thirteenth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

It's outrageous.

"You actually... you actually are at the thirteenth level... Oh my god..." Miaoyin screamed after seeing Xu Changan's cultivation.


The surrounding cultivators immediately cast their eyes over one by one.

You know, although everyone's cultivation has been compressed now, their spiritual consciousness has not been compressed.

Their spiritual consciousness is still normal.

So almost everyone can see through Xu Changan's cultivation at a glance.

"Oh my god... Thirteenth level?"

"Hiss hiss hiss... How is it possible? How can there be thirteenth level in the Qi Refining Stage?"

"This... Where did this kid come from?"

Xu Changan was so embarrassed.

He actually forgot to use the Hidden Breath Talisman to hide his breath.

"Hide..." At this time, he slapped the storage bag and took out a Hidden Breath Talisman, and quickly hid his own breath.

In this way, although everyone knew that he was at the thirteenth level of the Qi Refining Stage, they could prevent the other party from continuing to scan him with their spiritual consciousness, so as to avoid trouble.

"I'm sorry!" Fairy Miaoyin showed an apologetic expression on her face and said, "I was so shocked just now that I couldn't help but shout out. Fellow Daoist Xu, I'm sorry to bother you!"

"It's okay!" Xu Changan shook his head: "It's okay!"

"Fellow Daoist Miaoyin, do you have any plans for coming to this secret realm?"

"No!" Miaoyin shook her head and said, "My cultivation is low and my luck is shallow. I didn't even think about entering this secret realm. Now that I can be led to this point by Fellow Daoist Xu, it is already a great luck. How can I have any plans? It depends on the opportunity?"

"Okay!" Xu Changan said, "I'll give you two choices!"

"First, we will go our separate ways. You take your opportunity and I take mine."

"Second, we will continue to form a team, but the items we get will not infringe on each other. Yours is yours and mine is mine. But if you encounter the origin of the fire and the origin of the wood, no matter who gets it, give it to me. This thing is very useful to me!"

Xu Changan looked at Miaoyin.

Miaoyin nodded and said, "Okay, I agree, let's continue to form a team!"

While speaking, some disciples have turned into red light and escaped.

But most people are still making some basic preparations at the door.

In less than ten breaths, the monk who just escaped flew back in a panic, and shouted: "Run... The Golden Crow is coming..."

Xu Changan raised his head suddenly, and saw two round fireballs as dazzling as the sun flying from a distant place. The two fireballs were spitting flames while flying.


Wherever the flames went, the grass, trees, mountains and rocks were all turned into dust.

"Damn..." Someone said: "Why did you meet the Golden Crow and lead you here, run..."

Everyone turned into rainbow light and scattered.

I saw the Golden Crow spit fire at the door!

The sea of ​​fire engulfed everything.

Luckily, Xu Changan and Miaoyin ran fast, otherwise if this attack fell on them, no matter how much defense they had, they would not be able to resist it.

“So powerful…” Fairy Miaoyin said in shock as she flew with the fairy light, “These two Golden Crows are both at the Great Perfection of the Golden Core Stage. This is just an ordinary attack from them, but it has such power. If they use their magical powers, who knows how powerful they will be!”

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