Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 171 [Frost on the red flowers, spring breeze blowing]

There is a river in the desert next door.

The river is very narrow, less than ten feet wide, but the water is black. No one knows where this black water comes from, and no one knows where it will eventually flow to.

Xu Changan and Fairy Miaoyin stopped by the river, looking at the strange water.

"Some people say that this river is Huangquan!" Fairy Miaoyin looked at the black river: "Legend has it that the six paths of Huangquan can reach any small world. Once a small world is opened up, Huangquan will immediately appear!"

Xu Changan has never heard of these things, so he doesn't know.

However, he speculated that Fairy Miaoyin's statement also makes sense.

After all, the six paths of reincarnation and Huangquan can attract souls from all over the world to reincarnate. If a world is isolated from the underworld, how can it guide living beings into reincarnation?

As long as there is a world of space, there must be a Huangquan. This statement should still make some sense.

Xu Changan picked up a stone from the next door, and threw it far away, and the stone fell into the so-called "Yellow Spring".


The stone did not sink into the water, but floated on the black water surface, corroded by the black water, making a sizzling sound, and emitting a smelly smoke. In a few breaths, the originally intact stone turned into nothingness.

"What a strong corrosive power!" Xu Changan was shocked.

Fairy Miaoyin said: "It is said that the water of the Yellow Spring can corrode everything in the world, Brother Xu, don't touch it!"

Xu Changan said: "Of course I know this!"

He looked into the distance and saw a stone arch bridge on the small river that was less than ten feet wide.

The bridge was about a few hundred feet away.

"Let's go... Let's go to the bridge and take a look!"

Since there is Yellow Spring, is there also a Naihe Bridge?

Xu Changan and Fairy Miaoyin walked slowly side by side and came to the side of the stone bridge. Xu Changan originally thought it was the Naihe Bridge, but when he got closer, he realized that it was just an ordinary stone bridge, not the legendary Naihe Bridge.

"Dang..." Fairy Miaoyin imitated Xu Changan and threw a stone first. The stone fell on the stone bridge without any change.

Then, she released the treasure-hunting mouse to the bridge.

The treasure-hunting mouse did not change when it walked onto the bridge.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Changan said, "It should be an ordinary bridge. Let's go up and try..."

The two walked side by side onto the stone bridge.

Looking down from the bridge, the black water of the Yellow Spring below seemed unusually strange and unusually quiet.

Xu Changan said with some doubts, "Isn't it the Yellow Spring? Why is this water black?"

Miaoyin smiled bitterly and shook her head, "This... I don't know!"

"Squeak... Squeak..."

At this moment, the treasure-hunting mouse released by Fairy Miaoyin screamed excitedly.

Fairy Miaoyin was delighted and said, "Brother Xu, there should be treasures here. My fairy pet is behaving like this, so I must have gained something!"

"Let's go and have a look!"

"Xiao Zi, lead the way!"

"Squeak, squeak..." The treasure-hunting mouse immediately ran down from the other end of the bridge, then went around the stone bridge and came to the back.

Xu Changan and Fairy Miaoyin also hurried to catch up, but saw that there was a reverse slope on the back of the stone bridge. On the reverse slope, there were four or five plants with bright red leaves growing densely. The plants were not very tall, only about one foot, but the dense leaves were stained with a layer of white powder like frost.

After seeing this thing, Fairy Miaoyin was immediately delighted and said, "This is a good thing, Brother Xu, this is Zhuhua!"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Yes, this is not only the legendary Zhuhua, but also the Zhuhua that has been frosted!"

Zhuhua is a spiritual plant.

The grade is third grade!

The third-grade Zhuhua is a rare spiritual plant. It has no spiritual power, cannot assist in cultivation, and cannot be used to make pills or medicines. There are even some poisons on its plants.

However, after Zhuhua is frosted, it is a treasure.

This Zhuhua adheres to the rules between heaven and earth. I don’t know how it will form a thin layer of white frost on the surface of the leaves. After scraping off this layer of white frost, it can be used to make pills.

Zhuhua’s frost is the main material for refining [Dingyan Pill].

What is Dingyan Pill?

As the name suggests, after eating this thing, it can make people’s face not old and body functions not fail.

For example, even if a 20-year-old mortal woman eats it, it is useful. Her body can maintain the appearance of a 20-year-old for a long time, and also has the functions of a 20-year-old.

In other words, a person is permanently sealed in an age group.

Of course, it cannot increase life span. When the life span is up, the person will also enter reincarnation, but the appearance and physical vitality are preserved for a lifetime.

So this thing is very useless.

For male cultivators, it is basically useless.

But for female cultivators, this thing is a first-class treasure.

"Take it!" Xu Changan said, "I'll refine a furnace of Dingyan Pills later!"

"Okay!" Fairy Miaoyin squatted down, took out a porcelain bottle, and scraped the white frost on the leaves of the four Zhuhua plants clean.

She got half a bottle of Zhuhua Frost.

"Enough to refine two furnaces of Dingyan Pills!" Fairy Miaoyin looked at Xu Changan with her beautiful eyes: "Brother Xu, how do you divide this?"

Xu Changan said: "Two plus one equals five, half for each person!"

"Hey!" Fairy Miaoyin divided the white frost in the porcelain bottle into two parts, half for each person.

"Senior Brother Xu!" She stared at Xu Changan: "You are not thinking of making elixirs for your beloved, are you?"

Xu Changan said: "Well, I have a wife with a knot!"

"Uh..." Fairy Miaoyin felt sour in her heart for some unknown reason. However, after all, she was also a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. After a moment of pause, she washed away her unhappiness: "Very good!"

Xu Changan added: "She is a mortal!"

"Ah?" This time, Fairy Miaoyin became surprised. She didn't understand why such a talented man would marry a mortal woman.

However, Fairy Miaoyin did not ask any more questions.

The two of them continued walking forward.

After half a stick of incense, six streams of light flew towards this side, and then landed with a crash, surrounding Xu Changan and Fairy Miaoyin very rudely.

Xu Changan glanced across.

He found that these six people were all wearing the same clothes.

There is a young and good-looking female cultivator, and the other five are male cultivators.

"You..." Miaoyin's face turned pale: "Disciples of the Chunyu family..."

"That's right!" The woman in the moon-white robe raised her pretty white face and said proudly, "I am the third young lady of the Chunyu family, Chunyu Chunfu."

"Did you two pick the white frost on the four Zhuhua plants by the stone bridge just now?"

It turned out that he was looking for Zhu Huazhishuang.

The six disciples of Chunyu's family just happened to pass by the stone bridge and happened to see four Zhuhua plants. Zhuhua is useless, but the frost on Zhuhua is of great use. Chunyu Chunfu saw the frost on Zhuhua and was picked again. At that time, I wanted to chop up the person who picked up the frost.

In a rage, she chopped the four Zhu Hua plants into pieces, and then used a fireball to burn them all.

The six of them followed the path of Xu Changan and Fairy Miaoyin, and then they caught up with them.

"That's right!" Xu Changan directly admitted in person, "The frost on the four pillars of Zhu Hua has indeed been picked away by the people below!"

"Any questions?"

"You deserve to die..." The woman from the Chunyu family suddenly became furious and said, "You despicable and despicable people dare to get your hands on my lady's things? You deserve to die for picking Zhu Hua's frost..."

Xu Changan was not angry. He smiled and said, "What's wrong? This Zhu Hua is a creature from the fairyland. When did it become your Chunyu family?"

"If I say it belongs to my family, it belongs to my family!" Chunyu Chunfu made no sense and said with a playful look: "Anything that this young lady likes belongs to me. Hand over this Zhu Huazhi Shuang to me quickly. Bar!"


While speaking, the woman waved her hand and took out a red flying sword.

"Um..." An old man next to the woman came out, glanced at Xu Changan, and said: "Fellow Taoist, if you take this Zhuhua Frost, give it to me. I am willing to pay the same price. !”

The old man was quite polite.

Fairy Miaoyin frowned and secretly sent a message to Xu Chang'an: "Senior Brother Xu, the head of the Chunyu family is an important official of the Great Qi State. Not only is he powerful, but he also has countless masters in the family. Even the great masters in the legendary realm are... If you can, why don't we sell this Zhu Huazhi Shuang to them, so as not to get angry!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan didn't want to cause trouble.

After all, although he was at the thirteenth level in this fairyland, his cultivation after leaving was only at the foundation level. This kind of cultivation is not enough for others to control with one finger!

Xu Changan took out a porcelain vase and said, "This is Zhu Hua's Frost. The amount in it is enough for a furnace of Dingyan Dan. I wonder what fellow Taoist will exchange for it?"

"This..." the old man thought for a moment and said, "Use the spirit stone!"

"No!" Chunyu Chunfu yelled angrily from behind: "Mr. Bi, this man bumped into me without knowing what he was doing. He must hand over this Zhu Huazhi Shuang and kneel on the ground and kowtow to me three times." Spare his life and let him go!"

"Otherwise, kill him directly!"

The young lady of Chunyu's family gave the order to die.

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