Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 172 [Kill them all, Fusang is born]

The noble lady of the Chunyu family looked at Xu Changan with cold eyes. She felt that her nobility had been challenged.

In Da Qi, countless people were willing to donate their treasures of heaven and earth to her for free, just to make her remember their names. Some people even knelt down in front of her in order to make her smile.

This innate sense of nobility slightly distorted the Chunyu family's most basic understanding of the world, so much so that when Xu Changan was trying to reason with her today, she felt that her dignity had been damaged. A huge challenge.

"Yes..." The old man in front of him was just a slave of Chunyu's family. He nodded to Chunyu Chunfu, then looked at Xu Changan with sharp eyes, and said: "Fellow Taoist, cultivating immortality is full of difficulties and dangers, don't do it. I lost my life because of a moment of confusion!”

"Being groveling for a moment doesn't mean anything. Han Xin was once humiliated from the crotch!"

As he spoke, he took out a spear from his storage bag: "Kneel down and beg for mercy, or die..."

The old man's voice was rich and resolute.

He felt that if five people besieged one person, no matter what, the young man opposite had no chance of winning.


Not only did the old man reveal his treasure, but the other monks beside him also revealed their treasures.

"I'll do it!" Fairy Miaoyin took a deep breath and said with a pale face: "Every mistake is my fault. Just let me do things like kneel down!"

As she spoke, Fairy Miaoyin was about to kneel down.

Because she knew very well what these people in front of her represented in Qi State.


A white hand slowly stretched out from the side and pulled her kneeling body. Xu Changan smiled and said: "Fairy, don't panic, just stand aside and I will handle this matter!"

Xu Changan couldn't help but use force and threw Fairy Miaoyin's body behind.

Then, he stepped forward and stood in front of the old man, smiled slightly, and the nerve knife in his mind suddenly sprang out, and slashed at the two monks behind him.

Because those two monks have the lowest cultivation level, only at the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage, it is very likely that these two people did not have high cultivation level before they were suppressed by the Immortal Realm.

Xu Changan's guess was correct, so his two nerve knives took effect immediately.



The two people's spiritual thoughts collapsed immediately.

In a group of six people, only four people were left in an instant.

"Damn it..." Seeing this, the woman cursed even more angrily: "You bitch, you deserve to be damned... How dare you kill my lady's bodyguard?"

Xu Changan sneered: "Do you think you are noble?"


In his body, the endless fire spiritual power boiled, and then a bright sun condensed from Xu Changan's body, and the sunlight was dazzling, like a god.

"not good……"

"Damn it, the thirteenth level of the Qi Refining Stage... hurry up..." the old man holding the spear shouted, and then tried his best to block Xu Changan's attack.


He realized the truth too late.


The sun flew in from across the sky and crushed the old man.

The old man turned into ashes directly.

After the big sun crushed the old man, his speed did not slow down and he crashed forward again.

Bang bang...

The sunset turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the only two remaining guards around Chunyu Chunfu were drowned by the flames.

Fortunately, before the guard died, he pushed the woman out.

Chunyu Chunfu was so frightened that she shivered when she saw this scene. She trembled and watched as the five guards around her were killed in an instant, without even being able to resist. When she looked at Xu Changan again, her The original nobility was finally gone in his eyes.

However, she is still not afraid of Xu Changan: "If you kill me, my father will definitely cut you into pieces!"

Xu Changan smiled and asked softly: "Miss Chunyu, let me ask, if I don't kill you now, will you cut me into pieces when you go back?"

"You deserve to die!" Chunyu Chunfu gritted his teeth fiercely: "You killed five of my guards, do you still want to live?"

Xu Changan said: "Since killing you means death, and not killing you means death, and the result is the same, why don't I drag Miss Chunyu with you to be buried with you!"


Xu Changan waved his hand and punched Chunyu Chunfu.


Unexpectedly, a strong and thick defense appeared on Chunyu Chunfu's clothes.

"Active's interesting!" Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he punched him again.

In the void, a huge fist shadow formed.

As expected, the young lady of the Chunyu family was not a vegetarian. She casually threw it and a mountain of defense lay in front of her, blocking Xu Changan's blow.

Xu Changan said: "Fellow Taoist Miaoyin, if we don't take action now, when will we wait?"

"Yes..." Miaoyin was also a decisive person, so she immediately took out a recorder and killed the young lady of the Chunyu family from behind.


Chunyu died in the spring breeze.

It's not that Xu Changan can't kill this woman, but he can't do all the dirty work by himself and let Miaoyin watch from the side. What if the Dong Chuang incident happens?

It's okay now. You Miaoyin personally killed Miss Chunyu. Naturally, I, Xu Changan, am not afraid of this matter being leaked.


Xu Changan waved his hand, and the flames rose up, burning the scene cleanly.

Only five storage bags and a storage bracelet were left, and some treasures fell on the ground.

"Let's go!" Xu Changan picked up the things and left the place with Miaoyin.

After leaving the scene far enough away, the two landed on the top of a mountain and began to divide the spoils.

All the things were brought over, and the spirit stones were added in half, and the other materials and medicinal herbs were taken away by Xu Changan.

What was left were various treasures.

The treasures used by the five guards were all some low-level spiritual tools, and some low-level cultivation techniques.

As for the young lady of the Chunyu family, there were some good things in her bracelet.

A piece of clothing, with the function of active defense, should be a top-grade spiritual tool.

In addition, there is a small treasure like a mountain, which can be turned into a mountain to block the enemy's attack after being activated. It was this thing that blocked Xu Changan's punch just now.

There are also some treasures and the bracelet itself.

Xu Changan said: "Fellow Daoist Miaoyin, how about I give you this dress!"

This dress is more advanced than Xu Changan's [Tiancan Pure Silk Collar], but it cannot change shape, it is just a female dress.

Xu Changan definitely can't wear it.

Miaoyin smiled bitterly and said: "I dare not wear Chunyu family's treasures ostentatiously, after all, I don't have so many heads for Chunyu family to chop off. These things are useless to me, Brother Xu, you should keep them yourself!"

"Well!" Xu Changan was not polite, and waved his hand, and he collected all the remaining treasures.

After putting away the treasure, Xu Changan asked, "Is the Chunyu family considered a top family in the Great Qi Kingdom?"

"No!" Fairy Miaoyin shook her head and said with a smile, "Look at how many royal children or top families from the Qi Kingdom came to the opening of the Fucha Fairyland this time?"

Xu Changan said, "It seems that there are none!"

"Yes!" Fairy Miaoyin said, "In this Fucha Fairyland, the best natural treasures for ordinary cultivators are the origin of fire or the origin of wood, and these things are within easy reach for the royal family or those top families. Do they still need to risk their lives to come to this secret realm to snatch them?"

Xu Changan nodded and said, "What the fairy said makes sense, so Miss Chunyu's nobility is really unexplained!"

As he was talking, the entire fairyland suddenly trembled violently.

Miaoyin stabilized her body and said with a happy face, "Senior Brother Xu, Fusang is born..."

Xu Changan looked around.

The originally clear blue sky became a little drowsy. In the void in the northeast, countless runes flickered, and one after another, rays of light surged out.

In less than ten breaths, the light and runes in the void disappeared, and instead, a tree as tall as a canopy appeared. Its crown was beautiful, broad and magnificent, and it was breathtaking.

"Is this the Fusang tree?" Xu Changan stared at the Fusang tree.

"Yes!" Fairy Miaoyin said, "It's a Fusang tree, but it's a pity that we went in the wrong direction. If the [Xianxian] on it matures, we will fall behind..."

"No hurry!"

Xu Changan slapped his storage bag, and a palm-sized golden crane fell into the void. His fire spirit power poured into it, and the golden crane turned into several feet in an instant.

"Come up..."

Xu Changan jumped up, and then Dabai and Fairy Miaoyin also jumped up.

"Let's go..."


The crane turned into a golden stream of light, and with an unparalleled speed, it instantly surpassed almost all the bizarre lights in the sky and headed towards the Fusang tree.

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