Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 175 [Soul Summoning Platform, Space Nodule]

Xu Changan fell to the ground!

He looked at Huangfu's name and said, "Fellow Taoist Huangfu, I have collected what I need!"

"Yes!" Huangfu looked at Sun Chuan and Tian Dan: "You two, do you want to collect them?"

Tian Dan shook his head: "In the royal family, there is no shortage of the Five Elements. I don't need the Immortal Powder..."

Sun Chuan said calmly: "I'm not a wood spirit root, so it's useless to come here, so I won't collect it anymore!"

"Okay!" Huangfu Ming nodded and said: "My Huangfu family naturally does not lack this thing. Everyone..." He looked at the more than 300 monks in front of him and said: "Whether you can get it depends on your chance. !”

As soon as these words were spoken, the monks below suddenly turned into streaks of escaping light and flew towards Fusang.

"Senior Brother Xu, I'm going to try my luck too..."

Fairy Miaoyin also turned into escaping light and flew to the huge hibiscus tree.

The size of the hibiscus tree is unparalleled, its trunk is about ten thousand feet high, and a person standing on it is as small as an ant.

Fairy Miaoyin flew to a height of 8,000 feet in one breath, and then landed in a leaf. After searching for more than ten breaths, she finally found an [Immortal Tree].

Just as Miaoyin was about to pick the immortal tree, another ray of light flew from behind and said: "Be brave, let me pick it..."


But he saw a fat male cultivator rushing up from Miaoyin's feet holding a big red gun.

Fairy Miaoyin hurriedly blocked, but after one blow, she realized that she was no match for the opponent at all. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Without strength, she really doesn't deserve to have a treasure. I'm afraid this fairy will be gone.

When he was lost, he saw that the fat monk's face suddenly became solemn and said: "It turns out that you... offended me... I was blind just now. I'm sorry. Fairy, please..."

After saying that, the monk directly took up the immortal light and left.

Fairy Miaoyin froze on the spot: This...

What's the meaning?

However, at this moment, picking the immortal mandarins is the most important thing.

She quickly picked the fairy tree and carefully put it into the storage bag. Only then did she have the time to reflect on what had just happened.

Then, she felt a sense of sourness in her heart: It turned out to be Senior Brother Xu.

I'm afraid that the monk just thought that I was Senior Brother Xu's Taoist companion, so he was so humble. There is no other reason than that.

Thinking of this, Fairy Miaoyin suddenly felt mixed emotions in her heart.

Under the tree!

Xu Changan looked at the hibiscus tree and suddenly had a strange idea: Since this hibiscus tree is the origin of wood, and the fairy tree is the origin of wood, the branches of this tree should also be the origin of wood, right?

Try it!

As he spoke, Xu Changan reached out and took out a purple flying sword from his storage bag. When stimulated, the flying sword turned into a size of several feet, and then slashed at a branch of the fusang tree.


The branches were chopped down easily by him.

However, when he put his spiritual thoughts deep into it, he found that there was no wood origin on the branch.

That’s all…

"Fellow Daoist Xu!" Huangfu Ming looked over and asked, "What do you want this branch for?"

Xu Changan concealed his embarrassment and said with a slight smile: "Take it out to see if it can be planted and survive?"

Huangfu Ming shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. Someone has tried this method before!"

"Fellow Daoist Xu, can you lend me a moment to speak?" Huangfu Ming looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan nodded.

Then, Huangfu Ming threw four futons.

Xu Changan, Huangfu Ming, Tian Dan, and Sun Chuan sat down.

"Don't be surprised, fellow Daoist Xu..." Huangfu said: "The world only knows that there are two great treasures of nature and earth in the secret realm of Fucha, the origin of wood and the origin of fire, but they don't know that the real treasure is actually behind!"

"Hehehe..." Tian Dan and Sun Chuan laughed.

Xu Changan frowned slightly: "Master Huangfu, please clarify!"

"Well!" Huangfu said: "There are a total of 108 fairy trees on the Fusang tree. After the 1,000 fairy trees are picked, the Fusang tree will sink into the illusion again and never appear again. The next time it appears, it will be the next time after two months!"

Xu Changan nodded.

He knew this.

"But!" Huangfu said: "The secret realm has been open for three days, and this is the second day. Isn't the third day superfluous?"

Xu Changan suddenly understood and said: "I understand. What Brother Huangfu means is that there will be treasures opened on this third day?"

"That's right!" Huangfu said famously: "It is said that there is a soul summoning platform in this fairyland. If it can be opened, after climbing to the top, you can discuss spiritual thoughts with the ancient power who opened up this space, and you can even obtain the legendary Divine Dzi Bead!”

"Shen Nian Dzi Bead?" Xu Changan was stunned: "What is that?"

This time it was Tian Dan who spoke. Tian Dan looked at Xu Changan and said: "A thing that can repair the damage to the soul. No matter how damaged the soul is, one pill can repair it completely!"

Hiss, hiss...

Xu Changan gasped: What a good thing.

If he had had this thing back then, he wouldn't have suffered so much and would have been given acupuncture in a mortal's medicine shop.


If we could get this kind of Divine Mind Dzi Bead and use one on Ding Lan, wouldn't it make Ding Lan's soul instantly full and put her safely into reincarnation?

Tian Dan added: "Not everyone can open this soul-summoning platform. A certain ancestor of my Tian family once opened it by accident. Of course, once the soul-summoning platform is opened, all monks can climb it, but Only those who reach the top can obtain the Divine Bead!"

"Hehehe..." Huangfu smiled, and then took over the words: "Brother Xu, don't be offended, the three of us set up rules here to find someone to challenge, just to find Brother Xu, with the combined efforts of the four of us, Go and open the soul summoning platform!”

Xu Changan said: "That's it!"

"Then... how to open this soul summoning platform?" He looked at the three people in front of him.

No wonder the three of them were indifferent when facing the source. It turned out that they had a bigger conspiracy.

Tian Dan said: "The high platform is here. After the hibiscus tree disappears, we can use our spiritual consciousness to search carefully again. There should be a space door here. As long as we find this space door, the four of us can A powerful attack will definitely open this soul summoning platform!"

"If the soul-summoning platform is opened, no matter who among the four of us climbs to the top of the soul-summoning platform, after getting the Divine Mind Dzi Bead, he must give at least one to the others. Fellow Daoist Xu, what do you think of my suggestion?"

If the Divine Mind Dzi Bead really has such a heaven-defying function, then under special circumstances, it can save one's life.

Because it is not uncommon to be attacked by the enemy's spiritual thoughts during a fight, and some people even have magical weapons that can defeat the divine thoughts.

"Okay!" Xu Changan said: "I agree!"

"We all agree!" Naturally Tian Dan and Sun Chuan would not object!


Perhaps because the last immortal tree was picked, the hibiscus sacred tree above the head, together with the two golden crows, were shrouded in a special power of rules, and disappeared without a trace in a few breaths. disappeared.


Countless people fell from the top of the head like locusts.

Fairy Miaoyin also landed next to Xu Changan.

"How is it?" Xu Changan asked: "Did you find it?"

"Yes!" Fairy Miaoyin nodded slightly, her beautiful eyes scanned Xu Changan twice, and then she said with a complex expression: "I was lucky, and thanks to your blessing, I picked two of them!"

Both times, it was because others saw her as Xu Changan's companion and did not take action against her, so she was able to get two immortal seeds.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xu!" Fairy Miaoyin took a deep breath.

Xu Changan said: "You're welcome..."

"Then..." Fairy Miaoyin pointed to the distance and said, "Now that Fusang has disappeared, shall we look for opportunities elsewhere?"

Xu Changan shook his head and said: "No... I will check with Brother Huangfu and the others here to see if there is anything strange in this space. If you are willing, you can wait for me where you are. If you are not willing to wait, you can look for opportunities elsewhere. That’s it!”

Fairy Miaoyin did not answer, because this question did not require an answer, it was a choice.

After Xu Changan finished speaking, he left.

Miaoyin looked at Xu Changan and decided to wait where she was.

"Everyone..." Tian Dan took a deep breath and said, "My ancestor once said that the space nodule should be within a thousand feet of the center of Fusang. Let's each use our spiritual thoughts to visit it!"


Everyone nodded.

"Huh..." Huangfu Ming was the first to close his eyes. His spiritual thoughts turned into a thunder and lightning, snaking and climbing in the surrounding void like a snake, looking for abnormalities in the space.

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