Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 176 [Talismans work, altar appears]

As a genius of Da Qi, Huangfu Ming's spiritual thoughts are extremely powerful, which is something he is proud of.

Of course, invisibly, he also had the intention of competing with Xu Changan: Since I have lost to you in terms of moves and magical powers, I, Huangfu Ming, must be better than you in terms of spiritual thoughts!

"Fellow Daoist Xu, Tian Dan, and Sun Chuan, I am searching in the void in the west. You are responsible for the south, north and east. The four of us will divide it into four areas!"

Huangfu Ming discussed with everyone while searching for space nodes.

The other three also agreed.

Then, Xu Changan started searching in the south, Sun Chuan was in the east, and Tian Dan ran to the north.



Sun Chuan's spiritual thoughts turned into a flying sword.

Tian Dan's spiritual thoughts turned into a colorful cloud.

What the spiritual thoughts turn into is related to their respective spiritual roots, spells, magical powers and hobbies. To put it bluntly, the spiritual thoughts have no fixed shape. You can change it into whatever shape you want.

Seeing the three of them starting to search, Xu Changan couldn't be left behind.

But he didn't use his spiritual thoughts.


A [Wisdom Eye Talisman] was attached to his body, and an impenetrable golden light suddenly emitted from his eyes. After being activated, this Wisdom Eye Talisman can penetrate all flaws in the world, and can also penetrate two levels higher than himself. The monk's spiritual thoughts are isolated.

But Xu Changan didn't know whether this wisdom eye talisman could see through the nodes of space.

However... Xu Changan is certain that if the Wisdom Eye Talisman cannot see this spatial node, then his divine mind will definitely not be able to scan it out either.

When it comes to finding things and seeing through illusions, the Eye of Wisdom Talisman is definitely more useful than Xu Changan's divine will.

Because Xu Changan's spiritual cultivation is not too high, he has not yet cultivated the Great Perfection in the Foundation Building Chapter of the Heavenly Emperor's Divine Mind, let alone the Great Perfection. He has not even reached the Great Success. He is only a minor success now.

"What are they doing?"

"Good guys, the four strongest guys seem to be joining forces to do something?"

"What do they seem to be looking for?"

"Do you want to dig out this hibiscus tree again?"

Not far away, many people did not leave the place immediately, but looked at the four Xu Changan from a distance, each curious.

Someone even stood up and pushed everyone away, and shouted loudly: "Master Huangfu is doing something important, you should step back a little. If it delays Master Huangfu's important matter, you can't afford it!"

As a result, everyone retreated a lot, but almost everyone did not leave, but looked at the four people from a distance.

After half a stick of incense, the four of them stopped.

"How is it?" Huangfu Ming asked, "Did you see anything strange?"

"No!" All three of them shook their heads.

Huangfu Ming took a deep look at Xu Changan: This guy didn't use his spiritual thoughts at all, how did he observe it!

So Huangfu Ming was a little uneasy, fearing that Xu Changan would miss something important if he didn't work hard, but he was too embarrassed to ask directly, so he said: "Well, our respective spiritual consciousness may be different or deviated. In this case, let's cross paths." Take a step forward and check again!”

According to Huangfu Ming, he was originally looking at the western sky. He took a step forward and now looked at the southern space that Xu Changan had just seen. Xu Changan went from the south to the east, Sun Chuan went from the east to the north, and Tian Dan went from the south to the east. Go west.

Rotate one frame like this.

All three agreed.

Then Xu Changan opened the Eye of Wisdom Talisman and looked at the eastern space for a while, but there was still no node in the eastern space.

After half a stick of incense, the four of them turned around again.

Xu Changan came to the north from the east.

This time, there was still no difference in the space.

"This is the last time!" Huangfu said: "Let's turn around again. If we still can't see through the strangeness of the space here, then give up!"

"Okay..." The other three people nodded in agreement.

Because in this way, any one of the four people has read all four areas without missing anything.

This time, Xu Changan came to the western space.

He opened his eyes and carefully stared at the western space.

At a certain moment, the void in front of me actually appeared slightly different.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, the spiritual power in his body was running wildly, and the wise eyes above his eyes burst out with a golden light, shooting straight into the void.

See clearly.

Sure enough, it's here.

Xu Changan saw a gap, which was caused by the overlap of two different spaces.

No... to be precise, it shouldn't be called a gap, it should be called a node in space.

"Found!" Xu Changan's voice was low.


The three people came to Xu Changan excitedly.

Xu Changan pointed to the top of his head and said: "Here, there is a space node in the southeast, northwest and northwest directions..."

He stretched out his finger and roughly indicated the direction.

However, the three friends around them used their spiritual senses to explore, but they didn't see anything strange.

The eyes of the three of them looking at Xu Changan changed again: Good guy, is this guy's spiritual mind so powerful?

"Cough cough cough..." Huangfu Ming coughed in embarrassment. After all, this place was the area he was responsible for first: "Well, fellow Daoist Xu, the three of us still haven't seen it..."

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "No problem..."

"Boom..." He raised his hand and punched the node in the void just now.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The void twisted for a while, and the space nodule hidden in the depths of the sky finally appeared. Just as Xu Changan described, it was a nodule in the southeast, northwest and northeast directions.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Xu Changan could not see the nodule in the space even with the wisdom eye talisman.

The reason why he can see through it now is that this secret realm is just a space opened up by the great power with divine thoughts. In terms of level, it is a world away from the space of the outside cultivation world.

"Oh my God..." Sun Chuan took a breath and said, "It's true... The power of the divine thoughts of fellow Daoist Xu is amazing!"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "It's not that my divine thoughts are powerful. I just happen to have a talisman that can see through illusions. Look at my eyes..."

Everyone looked at Xu Changan's eyes, but saw that there was a slight glow and golden flashes on them, and they all nodded immediately.

"So that's it!" Huangfu Ming felt better: I just thought this guy's mind was strong, but it turned out that it was just because he had a treasure that could see through illusions. Huh... Fortunately, although my supernatural power was crushed, fortunately my mind was not crushed by him.

"What should I do next?" Tian Dan asked.

Xu Changan and Sun Chuan looked at Huangfu Ming, because they didn't know what to do.

Huangfu Ming gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know either. Tian Dan, didn't you say that your ancestor had experienced it that year? What did your ancestor do at that time?"

Tian Dan said: "Fight, use your strength to hit this space nodule!"

"Okay!" Huangfu Ming said: "Then let's work together to attack the space nodule!"


"Mysterious Thunder Fist!" Huangfu Ming shouted, and punched the nodule in the void. Silver lightning was wrapped around the silver fist.


A horse lance like a spear suddenly appeared in Sun Chuan's hand, and he also stabbed the nodule with force.

Then Tian Dan and Xu Changan followed suit.

The four attacks all hit the space node at the same time.


Then, there was a loud noise!

It seemed that endless energy fluctuations burst out from the space node, and instantly turned into an energy tide, knocking the four people out separately, and the four figures turned into streams of light and fell a hundred feet away.


Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the space node opened, countless runes flashed, and smoke gushed out. After the space changed several times, a huge white platform suddenly emerged from the ground, rumbling and growing higher and higher, and in the blink of an eye it soared into the sky.

Then, everything was silent.

"Oh my God, what is this?"

"Hiss hiss hiss... What a high platform..."

"I have never heard of such a thing in the fairyland!"

Everyone looked at the platform in shock.

The platform was white all over, with a square base, and each side was a thousand feet long.

There were steps on all four sides, and countless steps extended into the void, and it was unknown how high they were.

"Everyone, come as agreed!" Huangfu Ming took a deep breath, then jumped up and landed on the first step of the high platform, saying: "This young master will climb first as a sign of respect!"


Bang bang bang...

He took heavy steps and walked towards the top of the high platform step by step.

Xu Changan, Sun Chuan, and Tian Dan also landed on one side of the high platform and began to climb.

There was a faint divine pressure on the high platform.

But it was not very strong, so Xu Changan climbed up directly, but after walking more than a dozen steps, he found that the divine pressure on the high platform was proportional to the height, and the higher you went, the greater the pressure.

"Interesting!" Xu Changan smiled slightly, raised his feet and continued to climb.

Outside, the monks who were watching could no longer sit still when they saw this situation.

"There must be something good on this platform!"


"We can't fall behind!"

"Mr. Huangfu didn't say we can't climb. Let's go to the top and take a look..."

Swish, swish, swish...

The streams of light fell one by one at the bottom of the platform like locusts.

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