Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 178 [Powerful Divine Thoughts, Top-quality Dzi Beads]

The six people raised their heads and looked at the milky white mist above their heads.

It was a mist composed of pure divine thoughts.

Their owner didn't know how many years had passed since his death, but the mist was still there, which showed how powerful the owner's divine thoughts were back then.

"Everyone..." The middle-aged Jindan cultivator bowed his hands and said, "I am Zhao Li, from Linzi. Thank you for opening this soul-calling platform, so that I have the opportunity to reach the top in one fell swoop. No matter what the result is, thank you all!"

Under the flash of powerful cultivators and family background, Zhao Li, even though he was a Jindan cultivator, had to bow his head.

He bowed deeply to Huangfu Ming.

Huangfu Ming laughed and said, "No problem, everything is your opportunity. As for how many divine thoughts and beads you can take away, it depends on your ability!"

Xu Changan glanced down.

The other cultivators who were still climbing on the steps were basically fixed in place. They were unwilling to go down, and they couldn't climb up one step.

Ninety percent of the cultivators were stuck below two-thirds of the way. Those who could cross more than two-thirds were considered powerful in mind.

Xu Changan saw Miaoyin.

To be honest, if it weren't for these abnormal geniuses, Miaoyin was considered powerful in both cultivation and mind. She was only a few hundred steps away from the top of the soul summoning platform.

However, these were already her limits.

"I don't think anyone can step on the top of the soul summoning platform!" Tian Dan said bluntly: "There is no need for us to wait any longer, let's get started!"


"No problem!"


The other five people all nodded.

"Then I will take the responsibility!" Tian Dan said: "I will set an example for you!"

Tian Dan took a deep breath and looked at the white clouds of mind not far above his head.

These white clouds were very close, as if they were within easy reach.

"Boom..." Tian Dan's mind turned into a sharp ice spike, and suddenly stabbed at the white clouds of mind in the void.


The ice spike pierced directly into the white cloud, revealing a dark crack.

It felt like something was pierced, and one could even hear a tearing sound.

Tian Dan's face turned pale.

It was obvious that Tian Dan had used all his spiritual power in this thought.

"Got it..." After a moment, Tian Dan was suddenly happy, with a smile on his pale face: "Here it comes..."

A round, milky white bead fell from the white cloud and was caught by Tian Dan's spiritual thoughts.

Then, another one fell.

After several times, Tian Dan got a total of six spiritual beads.

After waiting for half an incense stick, no spiritual beads fell.

At this time, Tian Dan no longer waited, and withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and the round beads appeared in front of everyone.

Xu Changan's eyes were also attracted to it. He saw that the bead was pure white, about the size of a pigeon egg, and there were two golden lines on the white bead.

"Are these two lines the lines that distinguish the quality?" Tian Dan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "Just like the lines on the elixir?"

As we all know, after the elixir is refined, there will be lines to distinguish the quality of the elixir. One line is low-quality, two lines are medium-quality; three lines are high-quality; four lines are top-quality.

But whether these lines on the Shennian Tianzhu distinguish the quality, only God knows.

"Come again..." Tian Dan was obviously unwilling. With a bang, his consciousness turned into ice again and stabbed towards the Shennian Baiyun above his head.


A black hole cracked.

However, this time no more Tianzhu fell.

Tian Dan did not give up and tried seven or eight times in a row. Finally, he gave up when his mind was exhausted. He smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone, I have already given you a sample. No matter how strong you are, this thing will only drop the Dzi Beads for the first time!"

"Good luck to you!"

The remaining five people looked at each other!

There was a silence.

No one wanted to go first.

After about a dozen breaths, Tian Guirong, a branch of the Tian family, sighed and said, "Let me do it..."

"Boom boom boom..." A divine thought burst out from Tian Guirong's head, and in an instant it turned into a cluster of small flames and flew to the milky white cloud above his head.


It was still a sound of tearing silk, and the divine thought cloud was cracked by the attack.

After a few breaths, divine thought Dzi Beads fell down.

One, two, three...

This old man's divine thought was much stronger than Tian Dan's, and he dropped eight Dzi Beads in one breath.

Of course, there were only eight.

Tian Guirong was unwilling to give up, and tried several more times like Tian Dan, using his spiritual consciousness to pierce the white cloud.

He did pierce it, but no more spiritual beads fell.

"Everyone, thank you very much!" He picked up the beads with a smile, and bowed to Xu Changan, Huangfu Ming and others with gratitude.

If they hadn't opened the soul-calling platform, how could Tian Guirong have obtained this opportunity?

"Okay!" Huangfu Ming nodded, then turned his eyes and looked at Zhao Li: "Fellow Daoist Zhao... It's your turn, please!"

Zhao Li was a Jindan cultivator. He wanted to hide his tricks and wait until the end to pierce the white cloud above, but he didn't expect Huangfu Ming to call him directly.

Although he was a golden elixir, he dared not disobey Huangfu Ming's words.

"Yes!" He bowed, took a step forward, and walked to the edge of the soul-summoning platform. His mind transformed into a flying sword and stabbed it into the void...


The white cloud of his mind cracked open.

The white pillar inside fell down.

"This..." This time, everyone was slightly shocked.


The beads this time were so small.

And there were only three of them.

Three milky white beads fell into Zhao Li's hands. Everyone's mind swept over them one by one and found that there was a pattern on each of the three beads.

"Low-quality!" Tian Dan said calmly, "Everyone, this pattern should indicate the quality. Fellow Daoist Zhao got a low-quality Dzi Bead, and the two of us, the senior and I, got a medium-quality one!"

"Yes!" Huangfu Ming said, "It should be so!"

"I'll try it too!" Sun Chuan walked to the middle of the altar impatiently, and then his spiritual consciousness burst out and flew over his head.

The flying sword split the white cloud.

The beads rolled down.

One, two, three, four...

A total of six, all of which were medium-quality.

What Sun Chuan and Tian Dan got was exactly the same.

So far, Xu Changan and Huangfu Ming were the only two people on the field who did not challenge the spiritual consciousness white cloud.

Huangfu looked at Xu Changan and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, if you don't make a move again, I will take the lead..."

In his life, no one has ever made Huangfu Ming feel afraid, Xu Changan is the first.

He had lost to Xu Changan in the battle of magic and supernatural powers before, and he wanted to win Xu Changan in the aspect of spiritual consciousness, so as to win back a victory and maintain his reputation and face as the first prodigy of the Great Qi Kingdom.

So this time, he stared at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said: "Well, I'll show my ugliness!"

Since you Huangfu Ming want to be the last one, I'll let you go!

Anyway, it doesn't matter which one comes first, isn't it the same?


Xu Changan's spiritual consciousness turned into a small flying knife, and slashed at the spiritual consciousness white cloud that looked only three feet high above his head.


There was nothing special.

Xu Changan's spiritual consciousness flying knife easily slashed the white cloud, and a black crack appeared, and this crack did not look bigger than the one cut by Tian Dan, Tian Guirong or Sun Chuan before.

They were all the same size.

Huangfu Ming next to him breathed a sigh of relief: Xu Daoyou's spiritual consciousness is quite ordinary, and it seems to be at the same level as Tian Dan and his ilk.

But then, puff...

A milky white round bead fell from above.

This bead was particularly large, as big as an egg.

"This..." The five people around were shocked.

You know, the masters of Sun Chuan and Tian Dan were the size of pigeon eggs, and Zhao Li's was even smaller.




The key is that it was not just one.

In an instant, seven or eight egg-sized divine beads fell.

Then dozens of pigeon egg-sized beads fell.

That's not all, in the end, two larger beads, about the size of goose eggs, fell.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."Numb.

Everyone was numb.

Xu Changan's divine thoughts turned, and all the beads were pulled in front of him.

"Sure enough..." Tian Dan said: "This top-grade one has three lines on it, and the best-grade one has four lines!"

Xu Changan got a total of two top-grade dzi beads, nine top-grade dzi beads, and twenty-three mid-grade dzi beads!

As for the low-grade ones, there was none.

He waved his hand and put all the dzi beads into his space: "Brother Huangfu, please..."

Xu Changan smiled and politely extended his hand to Huangfu.

Huangfu Ming's face was a little ugly, but at the same time, he also burst out with endless fighting spirit.

I, Huangfu Ming, must win in one battle.

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