Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 179 [The origin of the divine drum, ancient space]

Xu Changan, I must crush you!


Huangfu Ming's divine consciousness turned into a thunderbolt, and with unparalleled momentum, it blasted into the white cloud.


A black crack appeared.

This disappointed Huangfu Ming a little, because the crack torn by his divine consciousness was not bigger than that of others, and it was still the same size.

Huangfu took a deep breath and thought to himself: It seems that no matter how strong or weak the divine consciousness is, the crack torn is only this big. In this case, let's compare the number of sky beads.

Two top-quality ones?

I, Huangfu Ming, the Tianjiao of Daqi, definitely have more than two.

Then there was a very short wait.


Nothing else.


Huangfu Ming didn't even get a lowest-quality sky bead.

"Why is this happening?" Huangfu Ming's face turned ashen: "Come again..."


The divine consciousness turned into thunder and blasted into the space above his head for the second time.

The white cloud was torn open with a black hole.


Still nothing.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...

Not a single one.

"Puff..." Huangfu Ming was about to vomit blood.


Why is this happening?

Even if this young master's divine consciousness is not as good as Xu Changan, it is not so bad that it can't even compare to Tian Dan and Zhao Li.

"Brother Huangfu..." Tian Dan came over and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "Don't try, I think it should be that the divine consciousness of fellow Daoist Xu was too powerful just now, and he took away all the divine consciousness beads that had been condensed in the white cloud for tens of thousands of years at once, so you didn't get it!"


It would have been better if he didn't say that. After saying that, Huangfu Ming spurted out another mouthful of blood.


Everyone looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan scratched his head and said apologetically: "Brother Huangfu, I'm really sorry... I didn't know it would turn out like this!"

"How about I give you one?" He took out a medium-quality Dzi bead from his storage bag.

Huangfu Ming said with a dark face: "No thanks, thank you, Brother Xu!"

He could get a medium-quality Dzi bead by just asking Sun Chuan or Tian Dan, why would he need one from you, Xu Changan?

"Fellow Daoist Xu!" Tian Dan bowed to Xu Chang'an and said, "How about you take out one of your top-grade divine mind beads? I will make a deal with you."

Xu Chang'an asked, "Oh, what deal?"

Tian Dan took out a top-grade spiritual weapon and said, "This is a top-grade spiritual weapon with unparalleled attack power. I am willing to exchange it with this thing. How about it?"

Xu Chang'an smiled and said, "Sorry, I don't plan to exchange!"

Tian Dan was not angry. He put away the spiritual weapon and bowed to Xu Chang'an: "Sorry for bothering you!"

In fact, he didn't need the top-grade dzi beads. The reason he came to trade was for Huangfu Ming.

Tian Dan was a man of loyalty, and he was well-known in the Great Qi State.

"Everyone, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first..."

Zhao Li saw that there was nothing else to do and bowed to everyone.

"I am leaving too!" Tian Guirong stood up.

Huangfu Ming said: "Since the matter here is over, let's all go and get off the platform together."

Huangfu Ming is a genius after all, and his character cultivation is still good. He was just angry with Xu Changan, but after a short rest, he figured out the joints and his mentality naturally recovered.

The six people were about to get off the platform together.

Suddenly, the milky white cloud of spiritual consciousness above their heads suddenly burst out with a golden light.

"This..." Everyone couldn't help but look back.

But they saw that where the golden light passed, a hole emitting a colorful halo opened, which contained infinite suction and sucked everyone like this.

Then, in one breath, Xu Changan was sucked into the colorful vortex.

The vortex disappeared again.

"This..." Everyone was shocked.

"What's going on?"

"Xu Daoyou...Xu Daoyou..."

Tian Dan shouted loudly, but there was no response.

Huangfu Ming said with envy: "Don't shout, I think that Fellow Daoist Xu might have a chance this time..."


Xu Changan's mind was dizzy for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a strange space.

There seemed to be white clouds under his feet.

Soft and elastic, like cotton.

The surrounding space was not big, about the same size as the top of the altar, and the sky above was like a mirror, bright and pure.

There was nothing in the whole space.


Xu Changan's eyes swept over and found that in addition to the space, there was a stone pillar in a corner of this space.

He walked slowly on the elastic ground and came to the stone pillar.

He touched it with his hand and it was really a stone pillar.

The stone pillar was green and had no luster, but there was an ancient breath that seemed to have experienced countless years of baptism.

Let's put it this way, the aura on it is just like the aura Xu Changan felt when he first saw the tomb of Ou Sheng in the underground of Doujiao Mountain.

"Is this a magic weapon?" Xu Changan said to himself, and at the same time, his mind swept over the stone pillar.

"No!" A slightly old voice responded.

Xu Changan was startled and looked around quickly.

But he found that there was still nothing around.

But at this moment, an old man with white hair and a white beard wearing a white robe slowly walked down from the pure sky above his head.

He is tall and old, but his figure is straight and upright, with his hands behind his back, and there is an attractive aura between his brows.

"Who are you?" Xu Changan even held his breath.

The old man said: "My real name is Jiang Chi..."

Xu Changan was stunned: "Jiang Chi?"

Jiang Chi said: "That's not right. It should be said that I am just a wisp of Jiang Chi's soul left in the world. This floating fairyland is my game back then!"

Hiss, hiss...

Xu Changan was extremely shocked: It turned out that this was the ancient great power who created a small world with his spiritual thoughts.

"Little friend!" Jiang Chi put his hands behind his back and looked at Xu Chang'an and said, "I think you are not of my Jiang family's blood. Why did you cultivate our Jiang family's Heavenly Emperor's nerve?"

"Is there something wrong with the inheritance of Da Qi from generation to generation?"

"Um..." Xu Changan touched his forehead and said, "This... old man, don't you know?"

"Oh?" Jiang Chi raised his brows slightly and said, "I am just a ray of soul left by the master in this space. I really don't know much about things outside this space. I hope you can tell me!"

Xu Changan said: "Old man, let me tell you this, the Daqi Kingdom is still there, but the royal family has changed a bunch of people, and they are no longer from your Jiang family. A long time ago, the disciples of your Jiang family were not up to par, and they were The minister under his command, Tian Shi, was replaced. Now in Da Qi, the royal family is Tian Shi, so..."

Xu Changan spread his hands: "You Jiang Qi no longer exist!"

"Perhaps this inheritance ended at that time. As for why this junior cultivated your Jiang Qi's Heavenly Emperor's power, there are some twists and turns in it!"


Jiang Chi nodded, with a trace of sadness derived from the vicissitudes of history rising on his face, and said: "The vicissitudes of the human world are as they should be. Today, I, Jiang Qi, will be replaced by the Tian family. Who will replace the Tian family tomorrow?"

The old man's aura is amazing, and his bearing is even more amazing!

He heard that his country was gone. Although he was a little sad, he didn't care too much.

After sighing for a moment, he regained his composure and looked at Xu Changan.

"This one in front of you is not a magic weapon!" Jiang Chi said calmly: "It was originally just an ordinary stone. Later, the emperor obtained it and made twelve stone drums. The stone drum in front of you is The emperor personally made one of the twelve stone drums, named [Zuo Yuan].”

"Ah?" Xu Changan was a little stunned: "Is this really an ordinary stone?"

"Yes!" Jiang Chi nodded again and said affirmatively: "There is also a seventy-six-word inscription carved by the emperor himself, describing the scene of the world being unified, the people living and working in peace and contentment, and the Great Plains being repaired on the Yellow River, hence the name [Mao Yuan] ”

"Since you like it, I'll give it to you!"

The old man waved his hand.

The stone drum flew up with a swish, and then landed impartially in Xu Changan's arms.

Xu Changan:…………

Ah this...

Give me a stone?

Or an ordinary stone?

Do you want?

Forget it, just take it. If you don’t want it, it will look so rude to the elderly!

"Xu Chang'an, thank you for your kindness, senior, but you're welcome, junior!"

"You're welcome!" Jiang Chi waved his hand!

Xu Changan then put the [original drum] in the storage bag, but found that the storage bag could not hold it.

He suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Haha..." Jiang Chi smiled and said: "Although this is an ordinary stone drum, because this drum was made by the emperor himself, it is extraordinary. There is no space to store it!”

Xu Changan was worried: I don't know if my golden talisman space can be collected?

"Thank you, senior, for clearing up the confusion!" Xu Changan bowed his hand again.

Jiang Chi waved his hand and said, "You don't need to thank me. Since I, Jiang Qi, are no longer here, the meaning of the existence of this floating space is gone!"

"Little friend!"

He turned his head, looked at Xu Changan and said: "This sacred drum has a great purpose, you should put it away now. You will need to use it to determine the four directions and the four poles in the future. Don't neglect it."

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