Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 196 [Nine Heavens Ying Yuan, Thunder Ruler]


Taoist Changsheng stood at the front of the immortal boat, looking down at Xu Changan, and said: "These are all related to you, Xu Changan..."

"If you hadn't snatched the sacred beast from our Xiaoling Valley, we wouldn't have set up an ambush halfway. I also said at the beginning that I had no intention of taking your life. As long as you worshiped in Xiaoling Valley and returned the sacred beast, the cause and effect would be Two eliminations!”

"Life or death is your own choice. What does it have to do with Xiaoling Valley in our county?"

Master Changsheng smiled and took his shamelessness to the extreme: "As for the siege of your Chen Family Fort, which resulted in the death of many disciples, this was done by rogue cultivators and had nothing to do with my Little Spirit Valley!"

"As for the more than 4,000 lives in Xujiacun, it has nothing to do with our Xiaoling Valley!" Changsheng took a deep breath and said: "As far as I know, it was a group of monks wearing Taixuanmen robes who ran to Xujiacun. Xujiacun was massacred. You should ask Taixuanmen about this, what is Xiaolinggu doing?"

With just a few words, Xiao Linggu was pushed away.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Master Chi Lian, who was guarding the formation in the distance, laughed loudly and said: "Changsheng, Changsheng, Xiaolinggu is so shameless... Yes, when those monks massacred the village, they were indeed wearing my Taixuan Sect's Taoist robes. , but that person is from your Xiaoling Valley, right?"

"Impossible!" Master Chang Sheng looked at Chen Jiabao with a smile: "Stop nagging, do you only have this few people in Chen Jiabao? Then I advise you to surrender early. If you wait until I break this mountain guarding formation, ”

"I'll give you half a stick of incense to think about, light the incense..."

A stick of incense was lit and then thrown into the void.

Xu Changan said: "There is no need to go to such trouble, our Taixuan Sect only has ghosts who died in battle, and no one who surrendered!"

"Forget it!" Immortal Changsheng waved his hand and crushed the incense directly, and said: "Let me see how powerful this mountain-protecting formation you have hastily arranged is? It's so fancy, let's see if I can defeat you in one blow. The big formation..."

It’s no wonder that Master Changsheng didn’t take this mountain-protecting formation to heart.

Because how could the mountain-protecting formation be arranged by oneself?

They are all ancestral, passed down by our ancestors who did not know how many generations ago.

You can arrange this thing casually?

Besides, without the support of huge spiritual power, how long can your mountain-protecting formation last?

Therefore, although Changsheng saw Chenjiabao's mountain-protecting formation, he didn't take it seriously.

"With a finger from Huang Quan..."

He roared, and the spiritual energy in his body surged out and condensed at the index finger of his right hand. Then he moved forward slightly, the space in the void fluctuated slightly, and countless spiritual energy was condensed. In less than three breaths, there was a gray-black fingers condensed.

The phantom of the big finger was several feet long, suspended in the void. When everyone looked at it, they felt indescribable fear and weirdness.


Immortal Changsheng waved his hand, and his huge fingers rushed over quickly, and pierced the light film of the formation with one finger.


Where the formation was poked by the finger, the light suddenly became extremely bright, and countless energies collided with the finger and were annihilated.

On the contrary, although the innate Bagua Wind and Thunder Formation shook a few times, it was not serious.

Instead, those thick fingers directly annihilated nothingness.


Immortal Changsheng looked at the formation, and his breath suddenly stagnated: So strong!

He originally thought that this finger would be enough to easily break the formation, but he didn't expect that the power of his attack would be directly annihilated without the formation being broken.

With that finger just now, he didn't use all his strength, only 70% of his strength.

But what Changsheng is sure of is that even if he uses all his strength, he will never be able to shake the formation at all.

"It's interesting...Xu Chang'an..." Changsheng Zhenren said: "I will give you one last chance...come out and follow me. I can spare your life, otherwise, I will kill you without mercy..."

In fact, Master Changsheng also knew that it was useless to say this. He was just using these words to paralyze Xu Changan.

Just when he finished speaking, the foundation-building power behind Master Changsheng was located in the void, and three sword arrays were formed.

That's right!

He made three sword formations in one go.

Yuqing Twelve Golden Immortal Sword Formation!


Immortal Changsheng pointed at Chenjiabao's formation and said: "Disciples of Xiaolinggu, listen to the order, everyone, attack the formation with all your strength, without making any mistakes!"

Boo hoo hoo…

The hundreds of Qi Refining Stage disciples behind him were attacking like locusts and crashing into the formation.

However, the attacks of these Qi Refining Stage disciples could not cause any trouble.

It can be said that in the face of the attacks from the Qi Refining Stage disciples, the formation stood firm.

Almost all attacks can be ignored.

After all, this is a third-grade mountain-protecting formation.

For Xu Changan, the threat was the long sword formed by the sword formation formed by the foundation-building disciples.


Following the attack stream from the countless Qi-training disciples was a ten-foot-long cyan flying sword. It condensed from the middle of the sword formation in Xiaoling Valley, and then crashed down with unparalleled sword intent.


Xu Changan roared and controlled the energy of the formation to fall to the ground.


The power of the long sword is indeed much stronger than the blow of Changsheng Zhenren, and even surpasses the attack of the fake elixir realm!

But after all, it is not a real golden elixir strike.

Therefore, the formation was naturally blocked easily.



The other two sword intentions were also blocked by Xu Changan's mountain protection formation.


In the formation, the disciples in Chenjiabao breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Changsheng Zhenren outside frowned even more tightly: "Damn it, this is actually a real mountain protection formation... My God... When did Chenjiabao build such a formation?"

Changsheng Zhenren suddenly had a headache: "All disciples listen to my command, three swords merge into one, attack here!"

He pointed to a place casually.


In the three sword formations outside, a terrifying giant sword was condensed in each sword formation.

Three giant swords fell to the same place one after another.

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly: "Three attacks, good timing..."

"Let you see the power of a real formation!"

Xu Changan did not need to cast the Devouring Talisman, but directly transferred the energy of the entire formation, and then rushed to the hit part.




Three consecutive attacks, three violent attacks fell, the entire mountain protection formation trembled violently, and it seemed that it would collapse in an instant.

But Xu Changan, who was controlling the formation, knew that it was still far away.

No matter how many such attacks came, they were not a golden elixir attack.

And the mountain protection formation was a powerful formation that could withstand a golden elixir attack. Why should I be afraid of you?

"This..." Seeing that the three swords combined into one could not break the formation, Changsheng could no longer hold back: "Xu Changan... What kind of shitty formation is this?"

He had a feeling that the formation in front of him was even three times stronger than the mountain protection formation of Xiaolinggu.

"Xu Changan..."

Changsheng laughed like crazy: "You don't really think that I can't break your damn formation... Well... You forced me to do this..."

"Everyone listen carefully, once I break the formation, there will be no chickens, dogs, or infants left in this Chenjiabao!"

Changsheng grinned, and then he took out a black ruler from nowhere.

The black ruler was about three feet long and three inches wide. From a distance, it looked like a broadsword. On the ruler, there were nine silver lines.

This thing had just been taken out and had not yet been activated, but an extremely desolate and ancient breath blew down from it.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Even just looking at it makes people tremble with fear?

"This is..." Chi Lian Zhenren held his breath and said loudly: "Not good... This is the legendary [Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Chi Lei Tian Ruler]. Xu Changan, this is an immortal weapon handed down from ancient times. It can receive the thunder of the nine heavens and cannot be defeated!"


Above his head, Changsheng Zhenren laughed and said: "Yes, old Taoist Chi Lian, you have some knowledge. This treasure is the legendary immortal weapon [Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Chi Lei Tian Ruler]. You... wait for death..."

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly!

He didn't believe it.

Immortal weapon?

If there really is an immortal weapon, can a garbage sect like Xiaolinggu defend it?

What a joke.


A wisdom eye talisman was attached to his body, and the spiritual power in Xu Changan's body turned slightly and flowed around his eyes. A ray of light came out of his eyes, and he saw the so-called immortal weapon in front of him.

"Hmph..." Xu Changan snorted coldly and said, "Master Changsheng, are you dreaming? A small spiritual valley is worthy of having an immortal weapon?"

"Even if you get an immortal weapon by chance, do you dare to use it?"

You must know that the immortal weapon is stained with the breath of heaven and earth. Once the breath is leaked, even if it is separated by the corners of the world, those unknown great powers can come in a breath and annihilate the small spiritual valley in a snap.

"This is a replica of yours!" Xu Changan sneered: "It's a good magic weapon, but if you want to use it to break my formation, it depends on whether you have the strength to do so!"

"Come on!"

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