Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 197 [Failure at the last moment, Changsheng vomits blood]


Outside the huge hemispherical light film, Changsheng Zhenren's body stood in the sky like an ant, but this ant-like guy exuded a terrifying breath.

This breath came from the imitation [Nine Heavens Yingyuan Lei Tian Ruler].


The spiritual power in Changsheng Zhenren's body poured out and all went into the ruler.

The ruler, which was originally three feet long and three inches wide, instantly turned into a size of dozens of feet.

Boom... Boom... Crack...

Before it was activated, silver lightning flashed and meandered on this ancient ruler, and the surrounding void was slightly deformed by the lightning.

"Hahahaha... Xu Changan... You wait to die..." After Changsheng Zhenren sent almost all the spiritual power in his body into the ruler, he was still worried, so he bit his tongue and spit out his own life essence three times.




Every time he spit out a mouthful, the ruler would grow a little bigger. After three mouthfuls of blood, the ruler became a hundred feet long.

The hundred-foot thunder ruler was suspended in the void, with thunders winding around it. The originally silver lightning was stained with a touch of blood red, which looked simple and old, powerful and strange.

Before the attack came, the cultivators in Chenjiabao began to tremble one by one.

It was as if a pressure from ancient times was covering everyone's head.

Xu Changan didn't want to see this happen. He roared: "Zha..."

The sound was wrapped by spiritual power and divine thoughts, and spread to every corner of Chenjiabao. Those disciples who were still stunned just now recovered instantly.


Especially the elders who guarded the eight array eyes, their hearts were bright like a mirror.

At this time, the immortal immortal above his head also completed the last spell.

"Nine Heavens Ying Yuan, receive the divine thunder!"

"The thunder descends to the world, destroying the demonic obstacles!"

"Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, fall!"


A thick lightning bolt suddenly fell.

The lightning bolt did not fall from the huge thunder ruler of a hundred feet. The thunder ruler only played the role of receiving.

This heavenly thunder was a thunder bolt from the Nine Heavens that was attracted by the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Ruler.

The Zhou Tian suddenly became gloomy, and the day became like night.

The silver lightning bolt crossed the void, illuminating the world like a silver world. The lightning bolt was about the thickness of an adult's arm and fell from the Nine Heavens.


Xu Changan was also shocked when he saw such lightning bolts. He quickly drew the spiritual power of the entire formation and blocked almost 80% of the energy at the place where the lightning bolt fell.


The lightning bolt fell on the light film of the formation.

Xu Changan's energy was also drawn over.

The energies of the two sides collided and turned into an unparalleled energy wave, sweeping in all directions and expanding horizontally to the surroundings.


Everything was reduced to dust wherever the wave reached.

A hilltop ten miles away from Chenjiabao was cut in half.

"So strong..."

All the cultivators inside and outside Chenjiabao were shocked to see all this, and they gasped.

I'm afraid that only the great powers of the Jindan period can inspire such an attack.

Oh my God...

The great powers of the Jindan period are indeed able to destroy mountains and seas.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." In the formation, Master Kongxuan gasped a few times and said, "Nephew, be careful, this attack is comparable to the middle stage of the Jindan period..."

Xu Changan's eyes were fixed on his defense formation.

After a few breaths, the place where the lightning and thunder intersected became clear!

The formation was not broken.

It was just that the power of this attack just now dimmed the brilliance on the light film of the formation by 50%.

"Huh..." Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, this Jindan-stage attack was blocked.

"What a good formation..." Changsheng Zhenren stood in the void and looked at this third-grade mountain protection formation, and couldn't help but admire: "Who set up this formation, and it is so powerful?"


His face was full of confidence, and he looked at Xu Changan with a smile, saying: "Xu Changan... This seat's Nine Heavens Yingyuan Divine Thunder has a total of nine... You just blocked the first one... Let's see how you block it next?"


The cultivators in Chenjiabao were shocked: "There are still eight?"

"Oh my God..."

The first one just now made the formation feel a little dwarfed, how to resist nine?

At this time, the second thunder also came.


In the Nine Heavens Ink Cloud, the second thunder condensed and fell with a bang.

Xu Changan looked up at the thunder in the sky, which reminded him of the situation when Uncle Qingxu survived the heavenly tribulation. At that time, the thunder of Qingxu was not so big.

Of course, Qingxu's thunder of tribulation was nine, a total of six waves.

As he spoke, the second thunder of heaven fell.

Xu Changan waved the formation flag again, pumping energy from eight directions at the same time, and then moved towards the place where the divine thunder fell.


The energy collided again.

Another powerful energy wave, with the collision point of the two attacks as the center, spread horizontally to the surroundings, and the hills around Chenjiabao were flattened one by one.

Countless spiritual beasts in the forest were lying low on the ground, shivering and not daring to make a sound. Some low-level spiritual beasts were so frightened by this huge momentum that they fainted.


Xu Changan blocked the second wave of thunder.

"Good boy..." Changsheng smiled: "Good formation... But, keep on blocking!"


The third thunder fell.

Then comes the fourth lane!

The fifth way!

Xu Changan's face became darker and darker.

His third-grade formation was indeed able to block the blow of a Golden Core monk, but it only hit him four or five times.

And he could also see that each of the heavenly thunders sacrificed by Master Changsheng was stronger than the last.

In the blink of an eye, the fifth thunder fell.


Another huge wave of energy spread in all directions.

This time, the light on the formation was almost completely extinguished!



At the point of impact, there were tiny cracks!

Xu Changan looked up and saw that the cracks on the light film spread like spider webs at the impact point.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing this situation, Master Changsheng laughed loudly and said: "Xu Changan... let me see how you can catch the remaining four sky thunders. No, no, no... no need to use four, the next sky thunder, Your formation will definitely be broken!"

"Xiao Ling Valley disciples obey the order. Once the formation is broken, all disciples will rush into Chenjiabao. No chickens or dogs will be left behind!"

Changsheng once again reiterated his order to his disciples.

"Yes..." Outside the formation, hundreds of disciples shouted in unison: "Leave no chickens or dogs behind!"

"Master Nephew Xu..." Below, Master Chi Lian said worriedly: "How about we give up? Now let's see if we can break through. Can we move forward a little bit?"

Many disciples also looked up at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan took a deep breath: "All disciples, please take your positions. I, Xu Changan, assure you that the thunder from the sky cannot break our mountain-protecting formation!"


In the blink of an eye, the sixth thunder fell.

At this time, let alone extracting energy to resist, the formation's own cracks have not yet been repaired.

Outside the formation, countless monks were gearing up, waiting for the moment when the mountain-protecting formation was broken, so that they could fly into it and kill.

The eyes of the Xiaoling Valley disciples were filled with blood.

A smile appeared on Master Changsheng's face. He swallowed a spirit-gathering pill and looked leisurely at Xu Changan below.

Just when everyone thought the formation was about to break open, a talisman flew out from the breach.

The talisman instantly became several feet in size and blocked the sky thunder.


The sixth extremely powerful thunder was swallowed directly.

Devouring Talisman!

Xu Changan waved his hand, and the Devouring Talisman was taken into his hand.

Back in the Fucha Fairyland, Jinwu once used the magical power of [Great Sun Bathing in the East China Sea]. It was the inherited magical power of the ferocious beasts in the Golden Elixir Stage. I don't know it was stronger than the sixth path of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. How many times?

Any attack from the Golden Crow can be swallowed up, let alone a mere thunder like yours?

"This..." Master Changsheng was shocked: "You, you, you..."

After all calculations, he missed this move and forgot that Xu Changan still had the Devouring Talisman.

No... It should be said that he has not forgotten it, but in his impression, Xu Changan's talisman should be an ancient talisman obtained by chance. Xu Changan had used it up when they ambush Xu Changan.

Therefore, Immortal Changsheng has never included swallowing talismans.



The seventh thunder fell.

The eighth path!

The ninth path!

The last four thunders were swallowed up by Xu Changan's four swallowing talismans.

"Pfft..." Changsheng Zhenren spit out a mouthful of blood angrily: "No... retreat quickly..."

He knew that Xu Changan's swallowing talisman could not only swallow it, but also use it to return it to others.

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