Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 201 [Ding Lan is fulfilled and sent into reincarnation]

Xu Changan took a step into this space.

The door behind him also closed immediately.

He took a deep breath and tried to absorb the rich spiritual energy from this space.

Unfortunately, there was none!

This world is just like the world of mortals. It cannot be said that there is no spiritual power, but the spiritual power is so thin that people cannot practice. Even Xu Changan, who has a ten-length spiritual root, cannot practice.


The next moment, Xu Changan flew up and landed in the void.

His eyes looked around.

The whole space is not big!

It can also be said to be very small. It is a circular space with a diameter of about ten miles.

With the mountain as the center, the entire mountain occupies more than 90% of this small world.

Xu Changan's eyes looked at a corner of this space.

He moved his feet and fell down.

Here, there is a river, black river water, flowing in from the chaotic fog outside the small world, only about a hundred feet in length in the small world, and then flowing out of this world.

"Yellow Spring..." Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, where there is a small world, there is Yellow Spring, and where there is a small world, there is the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

It seems that even the world derived from a treasure like the Golden Talisman cannot escape the rule power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Xu Changan took out a stick of incense and lit it here.

At the same time, he also lit a stick of incense in the real world and the Golden Talisman space.

Soon, he came to a conclusion.

In this small world, the time flow rate is the same as that in the Golden Talisman space, which is also ten times that outside.

"But what's the use of giving me this thing?" Xu Changan smiled bitterly: "There is no strong spiritual power, and it seems that there is no spiritual vein. I can't practice here..."

Xu Changan's body came from the small world to the Golden Talisman space.

In the Golden Talisman space, there is a lush and green hibiscus branch.

This was when he cut it from the Fusang tree in the Fucha Secret Realm of the Great Qi Kingdom. He originally wanted to see if there was a trace of wood attribute in it, but later Xu Changan found that there was none.

Xian mulberry has wood attribute, but the branches of the Fusang tree do not.

Later, he threw this piece of Fusang paper into the Golden Talisman Space and ignored it.

Now that the Golden Talisman has derived a small world, when Xu Changan saw this Fusang wood, he suddenly had an idea: throw this thing into the small world and see if it can take root and sprout!

He picked up the branch of the Fusang tree and directly inserted it on a high ground somewhere by the river in the small world.

Of course, whether it can take root or not, it will not be seen for a while, and Xu Changan did not pay attention to it. He directly closed the door of the small world and returned to the Golden Talisman Space.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

At this moment, a ray of light flashed from the verdant soul-nourishing wood in front of him.

Enshrouded in the seven-color light, Ding Lan's soul walked out of the soul-nourishing tree like a physical entity.

Now, her soul is much more solid than before.

So much so that Xu Changan stared at her face and could even find a single dimple on it.

"What are you looking at?" Ding Lan's voice was slightly shy.

Xu Changan said: "You are so powerful now, is your soul complete?"

"Yes!" Ding Lan nodded and said: "Brother Xu, thank you for this [Shen Nian Dzi Bead], it made my soul full in a short time..."

The last time Xu Changan came out of the floating fairyland, he directly gave Ding Lan a medium-quality [Shen Nian Dzi Bead] to help her restore her soul. At that time, Xu Changan didn't know if it would work, but he didn't expect the effect to be quite obvious.

"If I didn't have the Divine Mind Bead, I don't know how long I would have to practice here... With the Divine Mind Bead, my soul will be complete in thirty years!"

"Brother Xu, thank you!"

"In the next life... maybe Ding Lan will never remember you for the rest of her life!"

"Perhaps, after I leave, there will be no ties between us from now on!"

"But Brother Xu, I can only thank you!"

The Divine Mind Shadow walked towards Xu Changan step by step. She held Xu Changan in her arms, wanting to give this man who helped her a hug, but she couldn't do it.

Her nose was sourer than ever at this moment, but no tears could flow down.

Xu Changan stared at Ding Lan's soul blankly and asked, "Are you leaving?"

"Yes!" Ding Lan said, "My little sister is going to enter reincarnation!"

"But before I leave, can I go home to see my mother and my other family members?"

Xu Changan said, "Of course... I'll take you there now!"

Xu Changan stepped out of the Golden Talisman Space and walked out of the Taoist temple.

This time, he was in seclusion in the Golden Talisman Space for about seven years.

But only eight months had passed outside.

Seeing Xu Changan come out of seclusion, the family was very happy.

The youngest daughter Xu Ruqing raised her hand and said, "Daddy, look at me, do I have spiritual roots?"

"I want to be a god?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "It's also good to be a mortal without spiritual roots. Anyway, mortals and gods will eventually enter the six paths..."

Suddenly, he felt that it was not good to say this to his daughter, and Xu Changan stopped talking in time. He touched his daughter's head and said, "Ruqing... Ruqing..."


Xu Changan's figure turned into a beam of light, flew out of Chenjiabao, and headed towards Qingniu Town.

The sun sets!

In the still-dark void, a few stars flickered out. Looking at them, Xu Changan felt a sense of tranquility.

He sat on the haystack in front of Ding Dajun's house in Dingjiawazi, staring at Ding Dajun's house.

Ding Dajun got married.

He has a virtuous wife and three children, two daughters and a son.

The family lived happily.

His mother was getting older, but in good health.

Of course, this is also due to the top-quality [Spirit-Gathering Pill] that Xu Changan gave to the Ding family. This thing cannot be eaten by mortals, but if it is kept at home and cultivated for a long time, it can still prolong life and at least ensure that all diseases are not affected. .

"Did you see it?" Xu Changan communicated with Ding Lan's soul.

With a wave of his hand, he took Ding Lan's solid soul directly outside, and placed an invisibility charm around Ding Lan's soul.

Why use the Hidden Talisman?

Because it is necessary to isolate Ding Lan's breath.

Otherwise, Ding Lan would be attracted by the six paths and fly away in an instant.

"I saw it..." Ding Lan choked and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Xu, my mother is very good, my brother's family are very good..."

"I can go there with peace of mind!"

Xu Changan asked: "Do you want to talk to them?"

"No!" Ding Lan shook his head: "I'm afraid of scaring them, so I'd better just leave!"

She exerted a little force, and the hidden breath talisman outside her body instantly shattered.

woo woo woo woo……

Gusts of sinister wind!

An invisible aura and rules suddenly lingered on Ding Lan.

Ding Lan's soul was pulled by something and floated into the void.

At this moment, countless lonely ghosts in Qingniu Town rushed over. They rushed forward and surrounded Ding Lan one by one.

"No!" Xu Changan shouted and used the lightning runes to kill all the lonely ghosts around him.

"It's useless!" Ding Lan shook his head and said, "Senior Brother Xu, my whole life has been too heavy with karma and karma. I'm afraid I won't be able to go through the six realms of reincarnation..."

Some people in this world will be torn apart by lonely souls and wild ghosts due to some heavy karma. In the end, they fail to reach the six realms of reincarnation and become the food of those lonely souls.

Although Xu Changan could protect Ding Lan for a while, he could not escort her to Liudao.

what to do?

"Ding Lan, don't worry, I have a way, I definitely have a way!" Xu Changan used the Hidden Breath Talisman to block Ding Lan's soul breath, and at the same time put her soul into the golden talisman space again.


The door in the golden talisman space was opened directly by Xu Changan.

He took Ding Lan to the Yellow Spring in his little world and said: "This is my little world. This world has just been formed not long ago, and there are no lonely ghosts yet. You are the first soul here... This leads to the Six Paths of Reincarnation and should not be disturbed by lonely ghosts!"

"Ah?" Ding Lan looked at this small world curiously.

Then, the underworld suddenly wrinkled with waves, and the power of rules emerged again, pulling Ding Lan's soul away.

"Senior Brother Xu...goodbye..."

Ding Lan turned around and faced Xu Changan with her almost transparent body. A faint bitter smile appeared on her face, and a single pear dimple stabbed Xu Changan hard on the head.

The power of the rules pulled Ding Lan and slowly walked along the underworld.

Xu Changan chased after him, and the distance of a hundred feet disappeared in an instant, and Ding Lan's soul disappeared into the vast chaos.

Xu Changan felt as if something had knocked him out of his body. He couldn't help but sit on the ground. He looked at the vast chaos and murmured to himself: "When will I see you again..."

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