Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 202 [I went into seclusion, and the sect was gone]


The forbidden area in the back mountain!

This mountain is forbidden to the countless disciples of Xiaolinggu.

It is said that in this forbidden area, there is an old Jindan senior from Xiaolinggu practicing here!

That's right!

In a palace at the top of this mountain, an old monk with white hair and white eyebrows that are almost sweeping the floor is comprehending a jade slip.

He is the master of Changsheng Zhenren, the ancestor of the entire Xiaolinggu: Ancestor Baodeng.

Ancestor Baodeng, whose original Taoist name was Master Baodeng.

"Huh..." The old ancestor, who was already very old, took a deep breath, then took the jade slip off his forehead, and then said to himself: "Okay, okay, okay... There should be absolutely no problem this time!"

"This third-grade longevity pill, absolutely no problem!"


As he spoke, the old man took out a fire-gathering furnace, opened the machine, and the flames in the furnace rose up in an instant.

Then, another huge pill furnace was sacrificed by him and placed on the fire-gathering furnace.

When the furnace was almost done, Master Baodeng took out various materials, and then put them into the furnace in a dazzled manner, and began to refine them.

His alchemy skills were extremely skillful.

Time passed slowly.

One breath, one stick of incense, one hour.

Two hours later, a phoenix sound suddenly came out of the furnace, and twelve radiances shot up into the sky.


The old man laughed happily and said, "Success, success... It's worth my thirty years of seclusion and deduction. This third-grade [Longevity Pill] was finally refined by me..."


The old man was extremely happy.

He stretched out his hand, and infinite magic power surged out, taking the twelve pills into his hand.

His old and turbid eyes stared at the pills, and the pill patterns on them were also imprinted one by one.

"Alas..." The old man sighed and said, "Is it just a low-grade pill?"

Longevity pills are also divided into different qualities.

Low-grade elixirs can extend life by ten years!

Middle-grade elixirs can extend life by twenty years!

High-grade elixirs can extend life by forty years!

If it is of the best quality, it can extend life by a hundred years.

Longevity elixirs are a special kind of existence. They are available from the first to the ninth grade, and can extend the lifespan of cultivators in various stages such as the Qi Refining Stage, the Foundation Building Stage, and the Golden Core Stage.

However, because the recipe is rarely circulated, and it is said that the materials for refining longevity elixirs are not only difficult to collect, but also against the laws of nature and against the harmony of nature, so this kind of thing is rarely seen in the world of cultivation.

Master Baodeng was originally gifted. He was a cultivator with three spiritual roots of wood, fire, and gold, but he grew a spiritual root of 8 fire, 1 gold, and 1 wood.

In other words, his talent is even better than that of many cultivators with two spiritual roots.

The length of the single fire spiritual root is 8.

In theory, even if a cultivator like him reaches the Golden Core Stage, he can break through the elixir and become an infant without any obstacles, and finally cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage.

Unfortunately, Master Baodeng had some problems when he was practicing, so that he could no longer break through after reaching the third level of the Jindan stage.

Since he could not break through, he would just live freely in the world.

Master Baodeng lived a very carefree life in the first half of his life, but the life span of a Jindan cultivator is limited after all. A short five hundred years can be said to have passed by in a flash. Now he is more than four hundred and eighty years old.

"Alas..." Looking at the longevity pill in his hand, Baodeng was at a loss: "It took me thirty years of hard work to refine a pill that can extend my life by ten years..."

"It's a loss... It's a loss... It's a loss..."

For him, it's a huge loss.

Although he has twelve longevity pills, they are useless.

This thing can only be eaten once, and the second one will have no effect.

"I've lost a lot!"

The old man muttered to himself as he walked out of the formation, and then waved his hand to open the hall where he had been in seclusion for thirty years.

"My disciple Changsheng..." The old man with white hair and beard hunched over, but looked up at the sky and shouted softly.

Although his voice was not loud, with the blessing of the vast spiritual power, this voice instantly spread to all places in Xiaoling Valley: "The old man has come out of retreat... Come to see me quickly..."

After saying this, Master Baodeng sat on the real lotus platform in the main hall, waiting for Changsheng Zhenren.

As a result, he waited and waited!

The old man waited for a long time, but did not see his disciple coming.

"Hey..." Master Baodeng said: "He is going out, and he didn't even say hello to me. Now his wings are hard..."

The old man opened his mouth, swallowed the low-grade longevity pill, and then took a step forward.

The earth retreated rapidly.

In three breaths, Master Baodeng came to Changsheng's Taoist temple with a hunched body.


Bao Deng's cloudy eyes slightly raised, and his brows furrowed: "Why is there not even a disciple guarding the dojo? Are all the disciples of my Xiaolinggu dead?"

He walked into the disciples' dojo while cursing.


There was no one in Changsheng Zhenren's dojo.

There was not even a sound.

"Tang Yizhi, Du Rutian, Long Xiaoyun..."

Master Bao Deng called out several names in succession, but no one responded.

At this time, he suddenly realized that things were not going well.


Master Bao Deng exerted a little force on his feet, and the whole person bounced into the sky like a cannonball, looking down at Xiaolinggu from a high place.

The buildings are lined up in rows, various formations are shining, and the spiritual fields are neat and orderly.


Where are people?

Why can't you see anyone?

The Chuan Gong Hall is empty!

The alchemy hall is empty!

The competition venue is empty!

The interior hall is empty!

All the halls were empty.


Lao Jindan couldn't bear it any longer, and his spiritual thoughts were like running water, sweeping through the entire Xiaoling Valley.


There was no one at all, not a single person.

"Where are the people..."

What are you doing?

The sect was attacked?

its not right!

If Xiaoling Valley is attacked, I will definitely know the situation immediately.

Besides, this Xiaoling Valley doesn’t look like it’s being attacked at all!

Lao Jindan had a very ominous premonition in his heart, so he took a step forward and arrived at the Mingpai Hall.


The curtain was pulled open, and all the densely packed life cards behind it were exposed.

I saw countless life cards in this hall, all broken.

Those life cards that were not broken were also taken away by the disciples who escaped.

"This..." The old man was immediately numb. He looked at the life card of his first direct disciple, Changsheng Zhenren, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out.


The blood turned into blood mist, covering the entire hall.

The so-called disciples and masters are connected by fate and cause.

After learning about immortality and death, Master Baodeng's soul was naturally damaged as the master.

"Damn..." he yelled, "What happened?"

"In the end what happened?"

"Who is it that destroys my Xiaolinggu disciples?"

"Kill...kill...kill..." Master Baodeng shouted with murderous intent.

But soon, he calmed down: "Anyone who can silently kill all the disciples of my Xiaoling Valley without leaving any message behind is an absolutely mediocre person..."

"Who is it?"

"The powerful Nascent Soul? Or the transformed god?"

The old man searched within the sect for a whole day, but could not find any answers. He had no choice but to leave the sect and walk down the mountain.

Presumably the mortals at the foot of the mountain should know some information, right?

At the foot of Xiaolinggu Mountain, there is a small town.

In the teahouse closest to Xiaoling Valley, the shopkeeper, who was about forty years old, placed a cup of tea in front of the old man, and then said: "I don't know what happened in Xiaoling Valley, but a few months ago, I saw The immortals who arrived at Xiaoling Valley drove four huge immortal boats all the way to the north! "

"But, we didn't see them coming back!"

"North?" Master Baodeng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Is there any cultivation sect in the north?"

"Um..." A wry smile appeared on the shop owner's face: "I don't know!"


Baodeng Ancestor nodded, and then with a force of his feet, his whole body shot into the sky, turning into a stream of light and walking away.


The entire teahouse that was just now was shattered into pieces.

Master Baodeng is not stupid either. He knows that there are only two immortal cultivating sects in Yiyang County.

One is Xiaoling Valley and the other is Chenjiabao.

And he still remembered that the master of Chenjiabao had not yet built the foundation thirty years ago. The power of Chenjiabao would definitely not be able to destroy Xiaoling Valley.


But you can ask Chen Jiabao about this matter.

As a member of the Cultivation Immortal Sect, Chen Jiabao might know some clues.

So Baodeng Patriarch came straight to Chenjiabao.

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