Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 210 [The Ji family vomits blood, the Yunmeng ancestor]

Six days later, the immortal boat flew safely to the mountain gate of the Taixuan Immortal Sect.

The Taixuan Immortal Sect is also in a county, named Lulong County.

The counties of Yan State are divided into three classes according to the amount of cultivation resources: upper, middle and lower.

For example, Yiyang County and Yangshuo County, where Taixuan Sect and Xiaolinggu are located, are lower-class counties.

Even if the cultivation resources of a whole county are sufficient to support a large sect, such a lower-class county is not enough.

The county where Taixuan Immortal Sect is located is a higher-class county. Such a county not only has countless spiritual mountains, but also has many and large spiritual veins. A medium-sized spiritual vein can support a sect.

"My fellow brothers, I am polite..."

The Taixuan Immortal Sect disciples wearing moon-white robes saw Xu Changan and others coming over, and hurriedly saluted to greet them: "Please follow me... From now on, we are all one family..."

No one dared to look down on these disciples from the branch.

Although these people came from remote places, they were undoubtedly geniuses. As long as they practiced a little at the headquarters, they could soar into the sky.

Xu Changan and the other six followed the disciple who was leading them to a foreign affairs hall at the outer gate of the Immortal Sect.

There were already many people waiting here.

Disciples from six of the eight branches of the Taixuan Immortal Sect had already arrived.

Of course, this time was different from the ten-year competition. In the previous competitions, each sect sent dozens of people, and some even sent hundreds of people. Now each branch only has six places.

"Everyone, please take a seat!"

Xu Changan sat down in the hall.

He looked at the disciples of several other families, and soon a familiar outfit came into view.

The blue Ji family outfit.

The Ji family naturally sent six disciples. Coincidentally, among these six disciples, there was one Xu Changan who knew him. He was the grandson of Ji Shigu, the head of the Ji family, and the elder brother of Ji Feishuang, the genius of the Ji family: Ji Changgeng.

Of course, it was not considered acquaintance. It could only be said that Xu Changan recognized him. He knew that Ji Changgeng was Ji Feishuang's elder brother, but he did not know Ji Changgeng's name.

Ji Changgeng's eyes also swept over. It would not matter if he did not look at it, but when he saw it, he was immediately shocked.

"Xu Changan?"

Ji Changgeng stood up from the futon and yelled at Xu Changan: "Xu Changan, you are not dead? Aren't you dead?"

How could this be the case?

At the beginning, this guy won the first place in the competition and left with the [Dragon Blood Bodhi]. Grandpa Ji Shigu went to intercept and grab the treasure in time, but unfortunately the treasure was not taken away, but Grandpa's life card was broken.

Later, sister Ji Feishuang also went to find Xu Changan's bad luck, and sister's life card was broken again.

The last time, the ancestor went to Taixuanmen in person, and when he came back, he said that he killed Xu Changan with his own hands.

Since he killed this guy with his own hands, how could this guy still be alive?


Everyone's eyes turned to Ji Changgeng and Xu Changan.

Xu Changan smiled coldly and said, "Brother, what's the matter? Is your Ji family so overbearing that I, Xu Changan, can't live?"

Xu Changan is really not afraid of the Ji family now.

When the ancestor of the Ji family, Ji Zhengfeng, was here, the Ji family had the power to suppress the entire Taixuan Xianzong.

It's a pity that the Ji family is not motivated, and there is a lack of talent. Now there is not even a golden elixir.

A phoenix with feathers lost, how can I be afraid of you?

"You you you you..." Ji Changgeng was so angry that he trembled and pointed at Xu Changan and said, "You deserve to should have died a long time ago, you killed my also killed my sister..."

"Our Ji family's first genius, who was originally the most likely to form a elixir, was killed by deserve to die..."

Ji Changgeng screamed helplessly.

Xu Changan sneered: "You said I killed your grandfather and your sister, tell me, when did I kill them, where did I kill them? What moves did I use to kill them? What magic weapon did I use to kill them?"

Ji Changgeng was stunned.

He couldn't possibly know these details, because he didn't see it with his own eyes.

"Can't tell?" Xu Changan sneered: "If you can't tell, it means you didn't see it with your own eyes. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, why did you say that I killed your grandfather and your sister?"

"If you frame me again, be careful, I won't be polite to you!" After Xu Changan finished speaking, he closed his eyes and thought, and ignored Ji Changgeng.

"Puff..." Ji Changgeng was furious and excited, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Master... Master..." The disciples of the Ji family surrounded him one by one.

That's right!

Ji Changgeng is now the master of the Ji family.

He did break through to the foundation-building stage, but now he is only at the first level of the foundation-building stage.

Therefore, he couldn't see through Xu Changan's cultivation, and didn't know what level Xu Changan had reached.

Not long after, the guide took the last disciple of the branch over.

A total of 48 people.

The disciple who led the group looked at everyone, then carefully counted the number of people on the roster, and then said: "Okay, fellow brothers... please follow me into the inner gate, and Patriarch Yunmeng will personally receive you!"

Hiss hiss hiss...

Everyone took a breath.

Patriarch Yunmeng?

Even Xu Changan was shocked.

You know, Patriarch Yunmeng is a great man in the Nascent Soul stage, and like the Ji family elder Ji Zhengfeng who has passed away, he is also a supreme elder of the Taixuan Immortal Sect.

Such a person, will he personally receive us?

Everyone was excited and nervous.

Then they turned into escaping lights and followed the disciples who led the group into the mountain gate.

A powerful and strong spiritual power rushed towards them.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and suddenly his eyes flashed: If you practice in such a spiritually rich place, you will definitely make great progress with each passing day.

As expected, it is the Shangzong Xianzong, and its spiritual energy is many times richer than that of the Taixuan Sect.

Xu Changan remembered that when he came during the last competition, they only competed in the outer gate and outside the mountain. They had never entered the inner gate, but today they had entered the inner gate.

call out……

The stream of light passed over a huge mountain, and then landed on the top of the towering mountain.

The top of the mountain is like a flat land, with row upon row of buildings and white clouds floating in the middle, like a fairyland.

Everyone followed and led the disciples to land in front of a majestic hall.

A huge sign hangs under the eaves of the main hall. On the sign are three powerful and fairy-like characters written in ancient seal script and gold: Rumeng Palace.


The door of Rumeng Palace opened, and the dozens of layers of restrictions outside also fell one after another, revealing a golden passage.

"Please..." He led the disciples and invited everyone into the main hall.

Neither the floor nor the pillars in the main hall are stained with dust, and are extremely clean.

A female cultivator wearing a purple-red robe sat at the top, and the other Jindan elders of the sect sat down one by one in order.

Xu Changan glanced around and saw about twenty or thirty elders at the golden elixir stage.

The strength of Taixuan Immortal Sect is indeed extraordinary.

"Disciples have met Ancestor Yunmeng...I have met all the elders..." The disciples knelt on the ground and saluted and kowtowed to them.

Patriarch Yunmeng, who had lived for who knows how many years, had a smile on his fair face and said, "Disciples, please get up..."


Everyone stood up.

Then everyone sat on the futons.

From a distance, Patriarch Yunmeng on the high platform continued to say calmly: "His Majesty the Yan Kingdom wanted to recruit talented people from all over the world to strengthen our Yan Kingdom, so he built a [Golden Platform] in Jidu and ordered people to inform him. Immortal sects of all sizes in the country select talented disciples!”

"Originally..." Yunmeng continued: "According to past practice, small sects like our Taixuan Immortal Sect have no chance to participate in such grand gatherings. But now, His Majesty is very eager to select talents, and that is why our sect is here." a place!”

"In order to live up to His Majesty's kindness and donate talented people to the country, I ordered someone to hold this internal selection within the sect!"

"You are all disciples who have stood out from the branch, plus one hundred talented disciples from the headquarters of Taixuan Immortal Sect. We will conduct a selection within the sect first, and finally the top ten will be sent to the Golden Stage!"

"Once you enter the Golden Platform, you can bathe in the luck of the Yan Kingdom. After adding the incense, you will all become unparalleled warriors of the country!"

"Your opportunity has arrived..."


After hearing what Ancestor Yunmeng said, everyone felt like they were waking up from a dream.

Is that what it meant?

No wonder there has never been such a sect selection before, that's it.

Xu Changan frowned: What do you mean? Isn't it the origin of the reward money for the competition within the sect? Why is luck and incense involved? What is this?

He had a bad feeling.

On the high platform, Yunmeng's divine will slowly swept over the crowd, and the talents and spiritual roots of these disciples were clearly visible under her glance.

However, when she saw Xu Changan, she frowned slightly.

can not tell?

Xu Changan's hidden breath talisman can isolate the monks from the two realms from exploring.

He is currently at the third level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, which means that monks at the third level of the Nascent Soul Stage cannot see through his Hidden Breath Talisman. However, coincidentally, the cultivation level of Patriarch Yunmeng above is exactly at the Yuan Ying Stage. Three layers of infancy.

If she goes to a lower level, she can see through it.

Not seeing through Xu Changan's talent at a glance, Yunmeng didn't get too entangled.

After all, it is normal for disciples to have magic weapons or talismans that can isolate their own breath. Although she is an ancestor, it is not easy for her to ask Xu Changan to take off the concealment in person. After all, the ancestor also wants to face face.

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